Volume 5

...several french Vessells from the W. Indies have arrived at Newbury Port and Falmouth ー...
Date: 15 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
2 [A M.] Small winds cast of[f] our horser [hawser] for we Like to got on board the schooner 10 We fin[d] a strong Currant setting to the Southward 12 Sounded had 11 fathom on George's bank Lattd in 4ld.48m Longd in 67d.39m 1 [P. M.] Sounded had 11 fathom on George's bank Lattd in 4ld.48m Longd in 67d.39m 2 Saw Brakers bairing NE about 4 miles we take it to be the... Continue Reading
Date: 15 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
The petition of John Winthrop & Stephen Bruce humbly sheweth that they are owners of the Sloop Adam, George Creighton Commander now ready to sail for the Island of Hispanolia & being desirous of procuring a quantity of Cannon & military stores, they intend purchasing 'em at said Island, & for the better securing the same & defending the said Sloop, will have her well arm'd on... Continue Reading
Date: 15 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
...There is now in this Harbour two fine prize Ships, sent in by Capt [Henry] Johnson of this port, one from Jamaica for London, the other from Antigua for Halifax, the last of which, besides 400 & odd hhds of Rum, has on board 17 hhds that were not mentioned in her papers, & which were mark'd on the outside Jams, but contain English Goods, such as pins &c. ー we are fearfull Capt... Continue Reading
Date: 15 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Yours of the 3rd April 1st And 16. of May is Before us the 43 ps which Capt Comstock Told us was Rousia sheeting Turn'd out Ravins duck is now All made up for the Friggets Light Sails. 100 ps Rousia duck was sent to Mr Langdon the Remaining 93 Both Lays in our stores waiting Your Orders. 10 of the small Arms was Gone in two of the Vessells we Fitted on Continental Acct Vizt Cap ts Crawford and A... Continue Reading
Date: 15 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Agreable to the request of his Honor Govr Cooke I have sent Forward to the care of Nathl Shaw Jr the small Arms flints & cutlasses imported by Samel Chace 2 for the Continent wish them A safe arrivall at New York & your Excellencys health and the Arms of the United states success ag[ain]st our common Enemies Yrs With Respect ー
Date: 15 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Invoice of One hundred & Seventeen Small Arms, Eighty Nine Bayonets, Twenty Broad Swords & Three Fuzees, sent by William Browns Team from Daniel Tillinghast of Providence, to Nathl Shaw Esqr at New London who is Immediately to forward them to his Excellency General washington at New York ー Vizt: S A 3 Cases c[on]t[ainin]g Scotch Arms taken by the Andrew Doria at Sea2  Vizt... Continue Reading
Date: 15 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
The transport ship mentioned under the Williamsburg head 1 is one of the two taken by Capt. Biddle, in the Andrew Doria, some time past; twoof the hands, Messrs. Lawton and Gardner, of this town, who were put on board by Capt. Biddle arrived here last Friday from Virginia, but last from New York.
Date: 15 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Cap. Harding came in, having just arrived with his brig from Boston, gave an account of his cruize, taking the ships and brig &c., and his reasons for leaving the post without order &c., is excused and justified for so leaving &c., and wants directions about cleaning, graving and refitting, and about the men who are probably infected with the small pox, and is directed to do the... Continue Reading
Date: 15 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
I have sent you by Captain [Seth] Harding your appointment as Agent for the Colony, for the purpose therein mentioned. We are informed by him that he expects a number on board his brig may soon be taken by the small-pox, as they were much exposed before he left Boston. If any should be taken with that infectious disease, you will take timely and prudent care for their being provided for, either... Continue Reading
Date: 15 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Last night I received your Favor of the 14th ー I sent you yesterday Fifty four Batteaus, under The care of a Captain of Colonel [Anthony] Waynes Regiment. This Afternoon, Forty more Batteaus will go from hence to Crown Point. I do not think it necessary for any of the Regiments to March by Land to Tyonderoga, as I will take care to Supply Batteaus sufficient for the conveyance of the whole. ー... Continue Reading
Date: 15 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Monday Morning, [White Plains] July 15th, 1776. A letter from Genl. Washington, dated yesterday, by express, was received and read, and is in the following words, to wit: New-York Head-Quarters, July 14th, 1776. Gentlemen ー The passage of the enemy up the North river is an event big with many consequences to the public interest. One particularly occurs to me well deserving your attention, and to... Continue Reading
Date: 15 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Since my last, two of the Enemies Ships, one of Forty, the other Twenty Guns taking advantage of a strong wind and tide passed us, notwithstanding a warm fire from all our Batteries. They now lie in Taupon Sea [Tappan Zee] between twenty and thirty miles up Hudson's River ー Where no Batteries from the Shore can molest them. Their views no doubt are to cut off all communication between this and... Continue Reading
Date: 15 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Last Friday Morning it was reported in Town, that Lord Howe was arrived at Sandy-Hook, with a large Fleet from England: Between 1 and 2 o'Clock P.M. two Ships hove in Sight and joined the Fleet at the Watering-Place; about an Hour after a Ship supposed to be the Phoenix, of 44 Guns, a Frigate of 28, and three Tenders, got under Way at Staten-Island and stood up for this City. ー The Army soon took... Continue Reading
Date: 15 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
July 1776 Monday 15th Moored off Statten Island At 10 AM Dryed Sails The first part Mod Breezes & Cloudy Middle light airs & Do latter fresh Breezes & Cloudy At 3 P M a Flag of Truce came from New York with a Letter to Genl Howe sent the Boats to meet the Flag of Truce some Distance from the Ship hove in some of the B: Br Cable & Claped on a Spring & Veered the Cable out... Continue Reading
Date: 15 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Resolved, That it be recommended to P[atrick] Henry, Esq. governor of Virginia, to give orders for manning and sending to sea, under convoy, the brig Fanny, Captain [William] Tokely, which is loaded on account of the Continent.
Date: 15 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Capt Robt Sanders has been onboard the Alfred Adml Hopkins ever since he first fitted out, he went onboard at first as a Pilot when the Fleet was intended for Virga but after their destination was altered he continued onboard, and was in the Action with the Glasgow, he has Testimonials of his good Behavior and I believe will meet preferment in the Continental Service, but as you are intended to... Continue Reading
Date: 15 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Memorandum of an Agreement made this fifteenth Day of July Anno Domini 1776 Between the Council of Safety on Behalf of the province of Maryland of the one part and George Wells of Baltimore County of the other part. That the said George Wells hath agreed to build and compleat in a Workmanlike Manner two Row Gallies for the public Service agreeable ofto a Draft now proposed to the Council of... Continue Reading
Date: 15 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
We received yours of the 14th and by the same opportunity one also from Colonel Richard Barnes, informing us that Lord Dunmore and the Fleet were within the mouth of Potowmack, and as he heard, intended to take Possession of an Island called Saint Georges Island, but as their designs are uncertain we think you had better give notice to your Battalion to keep themselves in readiness to march to... Continue Reading
Date: 15 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5


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