Volume 5

Be pleased to send down immediately by the Tender Resolution two Eighteen pounders with Carriages with Rammers, Spunges, Ladles and Worms and a sufficient number of Wads of all sizes, with 500 five pound Shot.2
Date: 15 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Gentlemen This serves to inform you that there is now lying off the Mouth of St Mary's River, between Seventy and eighty Sail of Vessels ー I am now at Leonard Town in my way down, with part of the 6th Battalion under my Command, when I received an Express from Colo Barnes (who is now at St Inagoes Neck with the Lower Battalion) informing me that this Morning Ten Boats full of men Landed on St... Continue Reading
Date: 15 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Give me Leave to trouble you with some of the Particulars relative to our Engagement with the Fleet, the Troops, and Banditti on the Island ー On the eighteth of this Instant in the Evening I got to the Camp before Gwins Island and found that by Employing a Number of Men to work in the Night, our Battery might be opened in the Morning ー On the Nineth at eight OClock, the Fleet lay in a Range that... Continue Reading
Date: 15 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
We receiv'd your Letter, in consequence of which, we have sent you a draught which you are to be guided by, and shou'd be glad you wou'd hire Workmen and proceed to building of the Gallies with all possible dispatch ー Youll take care to fix on some secure place for building them ー To Col. Southy Simpson in Accomack County By order of the Naval Board ー Thomas, Whiting 1st Commissioner [Endorsed] (... Continue Reading
Date: 15 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
July 1776 Monday 15 Snows point West [Cape Fear] at 5 Came of[f] 5 Negros and 2 White Men from the shore Mode and Cloudy Wear recd Information of the rebels Coming down in Boats, Keept the peopel at their Quarters all Night
Date: 15 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Nova Scotia Court of Vice Admiralty Cause Francis Banks Esqr Commander of his Majestys Ship of War the Renown & the Schooner Lydia and Cargo 27th June 1776 ー Libel filed and entred Order made thereon as on file 1st July James Alms Midshipman on board his Majestys Ship of War the Renown being duly Sworne deposeth that the Schooner Lady [sic Lydia] was seiz'd by Capt Banks... Continue Reading
Date: 16 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
ordered that the Commissary General be & he hereby is Directed to Deliver out of the Colony Magazines & stores for the use of the Colony Brigantine Capt Simeon Sampson, or his order the following Articles ー Vizt half a Tun Gun Powder 100 Double head Shott 200 Six pound Shott 350 four pound Do 3c.0.0 Grape Do 4.0.0 Musket Ball, 14. a 22. to a pound 50  lb Buck... Continue Reading
Date: 16 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Inclosed you heave a Clame against the Ship George leat Commanded by me I was teaken By a number of amercean preveteers fitted owt by order of the Honorb Congrass on the 16th of June last and Was Browght into Boston harbour 2 where I Still Remain at a very great Expence and have but very little to Suport it and as I am informed that the Honorabl Congrass has ordred all Masters and Sea... Continue Reading
Date: 16 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
We have already Two Privateers out from this Place and one from Greenwich. Three more are now fitting from this Town and will soon sail. Capt [Samuel] Chace brought with him Four 4 Pounders, Six 3 Pounders, and Eight Swivels which are greatly wanted here for privateers. I have written to the General to permit us to take them for that Use at the full Value in Case they can be spared, 2... Continue Reading
Date: 16 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
I the Subscriber late of the City and Colony of New-York, but now residing in Providence in the Colony of Rhode Island &c. request your Honor to grant a Commission or Letters of Marque and Reprisal to me as Commander of the Schooner Defiance of which I am Owner, She is burthened about Fifty Tons carries Four Carriage Guns Three Pounders and Eight Swivel Guns, manned with Fifty Men, and fitted... Continue Reading
Date: 16 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
I have appointed Capt. Barnard Eddy, a very suitable Person, the Chief Carpenter. He hath already inlisted 20 Men, who are to be well provided with Tools and Arms at the same Rate at which the Marine Committee have inlisted those in Philadelphia. He informs me that he shall be able to procure the whole Number required of us, and march with them on Monday or Tuesday next at the farthest. He... Continue Reading
Date: 16 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
This will be delivered to you by the Captain of one of our Row Gallies, two of which, the Whiting and the Crane are ordered to proceed to New York forthwith and put themselves under your Command. The third is stationed at Stonington which may be exposed to suffer from the attack of a single Ship, several of which are now cruising near it, if the Galley is removed from thence ー The great desire I... Continue Reading
Date: 16 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
At a Committee held on board the Providence at Sea the 16th of July 1776 by Order of Jno P Jones Esqr to Consider the Conduct of Nicholas Johnson Master of the Schooner First Attempt under our Convoy Since our Departure from Boston & particularly Yesterday while the Providence was in Chace & Since that Time. ー Whereas Nicholas Johnson Master of the First Attempt hath paid no proper... Continue Reading
Date: 16 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Capt. Mygatt of a provision vessel stopped by Capt. [Robert] Niles agreeable order, moving for leave to proceed &c., but it seems not safe, the enemy so many about, and could not consent to it &c. On application of Wm. Lax, for cash toward his bill for building carriages for the arm'd vessels and gallies &c: Voted, that an order be drawn on the Pay-Table in favor of Wm. Lax for the... Continue Reading
Date: 16 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
... A Council of General Officers was immediately held, wherein it was determined Unanimously to retire 2 & take post on the strong Grounds Opposite to the East point of Ticonderoga, to Endeavour by every means in Our Power, to maintain the Naval Superiority of Lake Champlain, without which, it is not possible, in our present Circumstances to hold any Ground upon this side the... Continue Reading
Date: 16 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
July 1776 Monday 15th Moor'd in Tapan-Bay, North or Hudson's River First part Modt and fair Wr. Middle Fresh gales & Squally with Rain. [Latter] Fresh Breezes and fair Wr P M empd working up Junk into Wads Tuesday 16th at 9 AM Weigh'd the Stream Anchor & hove Short on the Small Bower at ½ past Weigh'd and Came to Sail in Company as before at 11 Anchor'd in Haverstraw Bay in 5... Continue Reading
Date: 16 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
The Convention took into consideration the danger towhich the Continental ships building at Poughkeepsie, together with the stores belonging to them, will be exposed, should the enemy's ships pass the fortifications in the Highlands. Resolved, That a letter be immediately despatched to the commissioners for superintending the building of those ships. Thereupon a draft of a letter was read and... Continue Reading
Date: 16 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Sloop Independence 70 Tons Burthen 10 Carriage Guns 4 Pounders. &Owners Philip Bell of Philadelphia, Isaac Sears, Samuel Broome & Co John Broome of New York, and Adam Babcock of New Haven, Thomas Truxton [Truxtun] Commander, Smith Richards, Capt of Marines, number of the crew 60. Qty of provisions, 15 Bbls Pork 30 Bbls Beef 500 wt Powder with a Proportion of Ball ー 30 Muskets 20 Pistols,... Continue Reading
Date: 16 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
July 1776 Tuesday 16th Moored off Statten Island At Noon Punishd Jno Cummins Seaman with 2 Dozen lashes for Striking his Officer Light Breezes and fair At 1 P M Sent a Midshipmn in the Pinnace with a Flag of Truce to New York errected a Tent and sent the Sick on shore At 3 Bent the Short Cable At 6 made the Parole Sigl & the Sigl for a Petty officer from theChatham at ½ past 7 the Flag of... Continue Reading
Date: 16 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Two of the ships were launched here last week, viz; the Randolph and Delaware; but when they will get to sea is uncertain, as they have no anchors yet....
Date: 16 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5


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