Volume 5

In Committee of Safety. Philad'a, 16th July, 1776. By order of the Board, an order was drawn on John Nixon, Esq'r, and others, the Committee of Accounts in favour of John Morton for £310, being the balance of the Brig't Dolphin's Freight, a Bill having been drawn for said sum by Stephen Ceronia, on this Committee in favour of said Morton, which Bill has not yet appeared, & this is in full... Continue Reading
Date: 16 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
This day week sailed from our Capes 13 sail of vessels. The next day the Orpheus and Kingfisher took Capt. [Philip] Lacy, in Joshua Wallace's brig, Capt. [George] Kelly in a brig, and Capt. [Thomas] Patton in a sloop; the rest got clear. Sometime before the above ship took Captain [Thomas] Wiley in a pilot boat, and Capt. Wells [William Willis] in a schooner, which are all the vessels they have... Continue Reading
Date: 16 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
July 1776 Monday 15 Cape Henlopen N55W 28 Leagues At 4 AM Fresh Gales, saw two sail to the Westward made sail & gave Chase from 5 to 6 fired 4, 6 Pounders shotted to bring too the Chase a Sloop from Philladelphia for St Eustatia wth Flour sent an Officer & 4 men on board her2 gave Chase to the SEt Fresh Breezes & Clear, Fired 3 six Pounders to bring too the Chase at 8... Continue Reading
Date: 16 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
It is truly affecting to behold the Distresses of the People here under an Apprehension that they are shortly to be visited by Lord Dunmore. From Reports formerly they have had much Uneasiness, but that Uneasiness is much increased by hearing that Colo Chew had sent Express to your Board informing that a Number of Ships and other Vessels were at the Mouth of Patuxent. If Dunmore has any Design on... Continue Reading
Date: 16 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
When Capt Kelly was down my Sloop lay at Such a Distance that we could not go to her as they ware in Such a hurrey but I Promised to Send up her Dementions he heard her Carector of being the fastest Saylor in this place ー her standing Riging in Good order Sales & Runing Riging Very Indiferent ー 46 feet Long on Deck. 14½ feet Beem 6 foot Hole ー I Consider her Sales & Riging as not her... Continue Reading
Date: 16 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
July 1776 Monday 15 St Geo. Isld NW 4 Miles [Potomac River] Moderate and fair P M Manne'd the galley, & sent her to the Fowey Sent the Cutter to assist in bringing the Logan Transport which was at Anchor below us into the fleet, Teusday 16th A M. Weigh'd & turn'd up to the Island & anchor'd in 5 fath. George's Island NW½W 1 Mile. Mr Brice was dangerously Wounded in... Continue Reading
Date: 16 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
We intend lodging a quantity of Iron with Mr John Taylor at Smithfield who will let you have what you are in want of upon your sending to him. ー We have engag'd with Messrs Baker and Hardy for furnishing you with provisions in the following manner, to wit, one day of salt provisions and two of fresh and Rations the same as are allow'd the Troops. ー We have sent you £ 200 which you'll receive by... Continue Reading
Date: 16 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
July 1776 Monday 15 Anchor'd in St Mary's River fired 1 half Pr to bring to a Canoe, boarded her & brot her along side the Schooner, Found her to be from Cumberland Island wt Messrs Martin & McCredie People Empd workingup Junk and under Arms as before. [First part] squally Wr with Rain Midl & Latter Modt & Cloudy at 2 P M Came on board from Wright's Landing the Surgeon with... Continue Reading
Date: 16 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
On the 13th instant a schooner from North Carolina arrived here and the Captain related that General Clinton had abandoned this province as General Lee approached and sailed for South Carolina where General Lee was marching with the troops from Virginia and North Carolina. A merchant from St. Christophe, presently in Halifax, wrote to his associate, who came here yesterday, that on 10 June Lord... Continue Reading
Date: 16 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Guy Carleton Captain General and Governor in Chief of the province of Quebec, and Territories depending thereon &c.&c.&c. General and Commander in Chief of His Majestys Forces in said province and Frontiers thereof, &c.&c.&c. To Mr Adam Littlejohn ー Whereas the farther progress of His Majestys Army under my Command, requires the Establishment of a considerable naval force... Continue Reading
Date: 17 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
The Lieutenant Governor propos'd the Consideration of such measure as may most effectually prevent the Ill Consequences to be Apprehended from the Sale of large Quantities of Gunpowder and Fire Arms, brought into this Harbour, on board Vessels Trading to and from the Colonies in Rebellion by his Majestys Ships and Armd Vessels, and here disposed of at Public Sale, with other Cargoes in general... Continue Reading
Date: 17 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
This may serve to acquaint your Honours that in the latitude 40°26'north, longitude 65°50' west, I fell in with the armed schooner Dispatch from Halifax, bound to New-York; and after an engagement of one-and-a-half hour, she struck to the American arms. I boarded her, and found on board eight carriage guns and twelve swivel guns, twenty small-arms, sixteen pistols, twenty cutlasses, some... Continue Reading
Date: 17 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Ordered that The honble Tho. Cushing Benja Austin & Wm Phillips Esqrs be a Committee to enquire into the Conduct of the Masters and Mariners of the Three Transports lately brought into Boston, and who are now resident there and make report as soon as may be ー That the said Com[m]ittee give notice to the said Masters & Mariners of the time & place of said enquiry that they may be... Continue Reading
Date: 17 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
State of the Massachusetts Bay To the Honorable the Council of said State sitting at Watertown July [17] 1776 The Petition of William Ross and Nathaniel Morgan, both of the Island of Jamaica Gentlemen Humbly Shews That on the Twenty second day of June last, being on board the Ship Zachary Bayly, as Passengers, Bound on a voyage from Jamaica to London, they were taken by an American... Continue Reading
Date: 17 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
I can give you little or no news. Two of our vessels have been brought too by a Man of War at sea, and the masters taken as they were told before Lord Howe, who told them he was bound directly to Philadelphia to settle with the Congress the unhappy dispute. He dismissed both the vessels and gave them paper to protect them against any or all cruizers, haveing first reprimanded one of them for the... Continue Reading
Date: 17 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
1776 The Colony Brig Defence Seth Harding Master  Dr Apr 13 To 4 Cask Lampblack   2/     0.. 8..0   To 24½ lb 10d Nails     /11     1.. 2..5½   To 13 lb sheething ditto     /10     0.10.10   To 182 feet pine plank     /2     1.10..4   To 500 Brick   3/     0.15.. - May 25 To 24 lb 10d Nails     /11     1.. 2..0   To 56 lb Junk 20/     5.. -..-   To 148 Ys Old Canvas   1/     7... Continue Reading
Date: 17 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
I have ordered two of our Row Galleys to proceed to New York, and trust they will be with you at the receipt of this ー They have no Guns larger than nine pounders ー I wish it may be in your power to make them more useful by replacing heavier metal upon them whilst they continue in your service.... Since the arrival of the Fleet and Army at the Hook, several Frigates and Ships have been stationed... Continue Reading
Date: 17 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Robert Niles, of lawful age, and Captain of the schooner Spy, testifiesand says: That in the beginning of the present month, a ship, to appearance of about one hundred and sixty or seventy tons burden, loaded with flour, lay at anchor in Fisher's Island Sound, for the term of about one week; that during said term this deponent spoke with said ship, and advised and ordered her to make New-London... Continue Reading
Date: 17 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
As I am intirely unacquainted with the Lake below Crown Point, I send the Commodore 2 with the Largest, & Best Schooner, to receive his Instructions from You in regard to this Cruize he ought to make; I think until the rest of the Vessells are Fitted, it will not be adviseable to send this Schooner into the Narrow part of the Lake Below. I wish you were here, to give directions for... Continue Reading
Date: 17 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Resolved, That the commissioners who superintend the building of the ships at Poughkeepsie would be justified in suspending that work and suffering the carpenters and others employed thereon to labor under the direction of the secret committee of this Convention, on such vessels or works as they may think proper to build and erect for the defence of Hudson's river. Resolved, That the... Continue Reading
Date: 17 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5


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