Volume 5

As for the Articles wanted for the Gondolas, I should suppose many of them may be purchased of the Proprietors of Crafts about Albany, & Persons who have vessels there, by allowing them a good Price. The Communication by Water being now stop'd they cannot employ them, & I presume may be prevailed on to part with most of their Tackle, for a good Consideration... The Carpenters from... Continue Reading
Date: 17 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
A letter from the Committee of Newark, requesting that this Congress would procure, or order to be built, four gondolas or row-gallies, mounted with cannon, to ply between the mouths of Passaick and Hackinsack rivers and Perth Amboy...
Date: 17 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
The Board of War, to whom the letter of General Washington, of the 14, was referred, brought in a report, which was taken into consideration; Whereupon, Resolved, That General Washington, in refusing to receive a letter said to be sent from Lord Howe, addressed to "George Washington, Esqr" acted with a dignity becoming his station; and, therefore, this Congress do highly approve the same; and do... Continue Reading
Date: 17 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
our Privateers, have the most Skill or the most Bravery, or the best Fortune, of any in America. ー I hope Capt [Henry] Johnson was in a private Ship. ー 2 I dont like to hear that the continental Cruisers have taken so many and the Provincial Cruisers and privateers so few Prizes ー our People, may as well fight for themselves as the Continent. ー
Date: 17 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
The Remainder of the Cargoe of the Prize Ship Juno, consisting of Jamaica Spirits, Sugar and Fustick, will be sold this afternoon at Bright and Pechin's Wharff.
Date: 17 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
the Barrer Capt Ewing has a ship to Dispose of She is a Nue vesell and as well Built one as Ever I Se She is Raley a Complet Pice of Work, and Stout Enuf to Carey 8 or 10 Six Pounder With 50 Men She Draws Less Water then any vesell of hir Size ー She is Nue ankers Cabels and Rigen hir Main Sal[s] nue but not Large Enuf for the Provence Service I would agred With him for hir but am In Sum Doubts at... Continue Reading
Date: 17 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
I arrived down here on the 15th Instant with about One hundred of the Militia, where I found Capt Beall with part of his Company and one Company of Colo Barnes's Battalion ー about day Break yesterday we were Visited by a Row Galley or Row Gondola Carrying 5 Swivels on each Side and a Six pounder in her head and another in her Stern, they Rowed Close along side our Centinels and not a Man to be... Continue Reading
Date: 17 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
A Warrant from the Navy Board in favour of James Webb for two hundred pounds for the use of Captain Christopher Calvert for paying the Workmen for building the Row Galley at South Quay was presented, countersigned by the President & ordered to be registered.
Date: 17 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
The board of Commissioners for the Navy desire to know whither you have receiv'd any Iron from Mr James Hunter for building Gallies, 2 if you have, be pleas'd to forward three Tons to the care of Mr John Taylor in Smithfield, and if you have not receiv'd so much, send whatever he has lodg'd with you. A Vessel must be hired if there is not one going down that can take it in, as the... Continue Reading
Date: 17 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
I sailed from Dartmouth, in the sloop Nancy, on the 9th of September, 1775, bound to the coast of Africa; on the 4th of November arrived at Goree, at which place I began to make my trade; from thence proceeded down to Mountsirarder ー On the 10th of January, 1776, laying at anchor at the above-mentioned place, I was taken by the sloop of war called the Atalanter, Thomas Underwood, commander;2... Continue Reading
Date: 17 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Nova Scotia Court of Vice Admiralty Cause George Talbut Esquire Commander of his Majestys ship of War the Niger VS, The Sloop called the Fanny. 29th June/76 Libel filed and entered, order made thereon as on file. John Jurd Mate of his majestys Ship Nigerbeing dulySworne deposeth that the Sloop called the Fanny was detained and Brought into this Port by the Brig that Brought the... Continue Reading
Date: 18 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Remks on Thursday 18th of July 1776 9 [AM.] Out Boat sent the Dockter on board the schooner to dress the wounded Small breazes of wind from NW fair weather
Date: 18 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Petition of Jeremiah Obrian for Himself & the Machias Liberty Crew ー Humbly Sheweth, that your Petitioner with the above Crew hath been Employ'd in the Colony Service since the first day of February last, & have not receiv'd any Pay therefore the Chief of the Men being Almost Naked, & have no other dependance but the Money Allow'd by the Honble Court ー which Court through false... Continue Reading
Date: 18 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Messrs Jackson Tracy & Tracy Merchts of Newburyp[ort] are very solicitous to procure a Release of the Officers & Men of their late Privateer (Yankee Hero) which was taken after a brave & manly Resistance, by the Milford Frigate they are now in the hands of our Enemies We take leave to recommend their Case to yr Excell[en]cys consideration, not doubting but you will attend to any... Continue Reading
Date: 18 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
I wrote you the 15th Instant that the Ship Hancock was launched but stoped by the way, She has since got off without the least hurt & safe alongside the Long Wharf at Newbury Port. She is a very fine Ship, there is not one Superior to her on the Continent ー We want the Guns, and orders for Enlisting the men ー Genl Washington has ordered all the Continental Regiments Stationed in this State to... Continue Reading
Date: 18 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Notice is hereby given, That the Maritime Court for the Southern District of the Colony aforesaid, will be held at Plimouth, on Wednesdaythe 7th day of August, 1776, at the hour of ten in the forenoon, to try the justice of the capture of the ship, named the R[e]ynolds, burthen about 300 tons (lately commanded by Keylock Rusden) and of her cargo and appurtenances: Against which a libel is filed... Continue Reading
Date: 18 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Inclos'd you have Capt Jehiel Tinkers Receit for three Chests of Arms and One Barrell & One Kegg of Flints, a p Invoice Inclos'd, 2 the Arms were Sent to me by Daniel Tillinghast Esqr the Flints by Messrs Clark & Nightingale Merchts In Providence desiring I would forward them to you by the first Oppertunity, hope they will come Safe to hand & am Sir [&c.]
Date: 18 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Whatever Carpenters may arrive from any of the Colonies are to be immediately forwarded to Skenesborough by the Way of Wood Creek, & You will therefore write to Mr [Christopher J.] Yates who is at Cheshires to Order Batteaus to that Place, that they may not be detained there. ー
Date: 18 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
July 1776 Wednesday 17th Moor'd in Haverstraw Bay. At 8 AM Sail'd the Shuldham up the River, to Sound. ー Light Winds and Cloudy at 6 P M Anchor'd here the Shuldham. Thursday 18th AM Sail'd up the River his Majesty's Ship Rose and Tryal in order to destroy some Vessels the Rebels had at Peeks Kill;2 Captain Wallace found a large Body of Rebels intrenched upon heights directly... Continue Reading
Date: 18 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
July 1776 Wedsday 17th Anchor'd in Hav[er] Straw Bay ー North River AM fir'd 3 Shot at some Arm'd Rebels Fresh breezes and Clear Wr at Noon weigh'd and came to Sail, Steering up the river as did the Phoenix Tryal and Tenders. Thursday 18th Light Breezes and Cloudy with Thunder, Lightning and rain P M sent our Tenders into Harvest Straw Creek to cut out a Sloop She run on shore on the... Continue Reading
Date: 18 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5


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