Volume 6

Robert Brown, Josiah Foster, Joel Foster, George Brookes & Henry Knight appeared before the Board and severally undertook for' the sum of One hundred and seventy Pounds to Build each of them a flat Bottom'd Boat for the use of this Common Wealth for the purpose of Transporting Troops of the following Dimensions, to wit, Forty feet Keel, fourteen feet Beam, three Feet four Inches Deep to the... Continue Reading
Date: 7 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
At a meeting of the Council, [Savannah] Oct. 7th, 1776. The President2 laid the following before this Board, viz.: In Convention. This house having received some information which gives them great reason to apprehend an attack is intended against this Province; and having also been informed of an armed boat being upon the coast, and having committed some acts of depredation upon the... Continue Reading
Date: 7 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
October [1776] Sunday 6 Moor'd of[f] Saint Georges Town Bermuda Empd in Cleaning the Ship PM Saw a sail in the Offing Monday 7 AM found her to be a Ship of War PM Anchd here a Retaken Brig by H M: Ship Galatea2 also Anchd in Castle Harbor the Galatea
Date: 7 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
The success which his Maj: Arms have Obtained over the Rebels on the 27th of August, the particulars of which will come to your Lordships hands from better authority, than mine. I shall therefore only say that it has enabled Lord Howe to send some ships of Warr for the protection of this coast from the Rebel pirates, who have entred our defenceless harbours indiscriminately from Cape Sable, to... Continue Reading
Date: 8 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
I have an order from the Honle Continental Marine Committee to purchase Gunns Musqetts, Ball, &c for the Frigate at this Place that she may be fitted out to act in Conjunction with Cap McNeal [Hector McNeill] am likewise directed to call on the Agent for your state to furnish any matters that may be in his Power, I have therefore desired Messrs Breck & Hammett to wait on you, to know... Continue Reading
Date: 8 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Your favour of 21 Ult. is now before me nothing would give me Greater pleasure than to have it in my Power, to Coopperate with the Agent of the Massachusetts in fitting out the Frigate Raleigh to cruise in Conjunction with the Boston Cap. McNeale, as recommended by the Honle Assembly's of Massachusetts & New Hampe and now ordered by the Honle Committee, At present it's impossible, as both... Continue Reading
Date: 8 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
On Motion Ordered That Brigadier Farley be and he hereby is directed to deliver Thomas Carthy James Howard James Rogers Thomas Griffiths William Gorman John Harrington George Taylor Rees Pugh Thomas Barker Prisoners in Ipswich Goal to Hector McNeill Commander of the Continental Frigate called the Boston provided they are willing to enter on board said Frigate.
Date: 8 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Boston Octor 8th 1776 Recd of Paul Revere Esq ー Two hundred & Eighteen pounds 1/7 in Part for his Sixteenth part of Schooner Speedwell2 & Warlike Impliments now on a Cruisー
Date: 8 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Schooner Spy to Robert Niles for sundry Persons wages by him paid 'Vizt. Robt Niles    Capt fm Jun 8th to Octr 8th at [3]92½ P mo £ 38. .8..— Timothy Parker leut ditto ditto at 120/ 24..—..— Zebadiah Smith  do ditto ditto 120 24..—..— Benjm Mortimore Boatswn ditto ditto 90/ 18..—..— Robt Moore  Clerk ditto ditto 90/ 18..—..— John Lessieur  Cook ditto ditto 72/ 14. .8..— Eben... Continue Reading
Date: 8 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Schooner Spy to Robert Niles Dr.   1776 To sundry disbursements by him paid Vizt       June 13th To 1 bushl Corn at 3/ £ 3. .0     To ½ bushl Prusticot potatoes at 3/ 1. .6   23d To 17½ lb Lead at 5d 7. .3 ½ July 6 To horse hire to Lebanon   5. .0     To 2 days expence for Self and Horse   6..—   13th To 9 lb LobSters at 1½d lb 1. .1 ½ Augt To Hore hire and keeping at Norwich... Continue Reading
Date: 8 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
October 1776 Tuesday 8 Montock point No.37W 10 Leags at 6 AM saw a Sl bearing S½E 3 or 4 Miles 6 AM gave Chace to the Et wd. Syren in Co Modt Breezes and Clear saw three Sl to the NW gave Chace at 4 PM fired 20 9 pounders & brot. too the Vessell[s] a Snow from Barbadoes S. a Brigg from the Bay of Honduras, taken by an American Privateer2 and a Brigg from Surrinam bound to New... Continue Reading
Date: 8 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
October 1776 Tuesday 8th Block Island NbW½W 9 or 10 Lgs at 3 Tkd Exercised Great Guns & sml Arms at 11 mde Sail Cerberus in Co P:M: at 2 saw 3 Sail under the Land gave chace fired 3 Shot at a Brigg left her for the Cerberus, & haul'd up for the other two to prevent them from running a Shore. they hoisted out their Boats & people went on shore, then the Two Vessels bore down for us... Continue Reading
Date: 8 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
The Secret Committee having informed Congress that a vessel was arrived with sundry articles by them imported on account of the Continent, Ordered, That the said committee deliver to the Board of War such articles as are suitable for the army, and to the Marine Committee such articles as are for the navy, and to Mr. J, Mease such as are suitable for cloathing, to be made up into cloaths for the... Continue Reading
Date: 8 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
In Council of Safety, [Philadelphia] October 8th, 1776. Mr. Nesbitt was directed to pay Capt. Wm. Hallock £ 21 1 7, for Salvage of Sundries saved out of Brig't Nancy blown up at Cape May. This board taking into their consideration the Advanced prices of almost every necessary of Life, and upon a proper Representation from the Chevaux de Frize Pilots, respecting their situation, do hereby Resolve... Continue Reading
Date: 8 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
the Bearer Capt William Worth has C[o]me from Newengland to take Charge of the Schooner Dolley N: 10 that Was Sunk at the alarm at Baltimore, there Seems to Bee a Anker & Cabble Missing I have taken all the pains I am Capable of to find them, But Cannot and Capt Nicoldson has Put a Vallerv On Such as hee Soposd the[y] Ware, for your Consideration these things Ware Soposd to Bee takken Care of... Continue Reading
Date: 8 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Ordered that a Warrant Issue to Capt George Muter for Three hundred and forty eight pounds two shillings and one penny half penny for the Pay of his Company on Board the Hero Galley for the hgonths of August & September last as p Pay-roll this day settled.ー Ordered that a Warrant Issue to Lieut Benjamin Pollard for One hundred and eighty one pounds sixteen shillings & three pence for... Continue Reading
Date: 8 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Dear Sir/ Laudamus te deum; We here at present Joyfully chant forth, ー The Vessels of War lately here, I am Just now informed, took their departure a few days since, first burning two of their Tenders ー We have now an Open Port, tho' I fear it will not long be one, unless the honble Board will hurry down some Ball...
Date: 8 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
It being suggested to the House that there was no Pilot or Pilot Boat for the Bar and Harbour of Beaufort nor any Fund from which they could be supplied and maintained Ordered That Mr [Daniel] DeSaussure Captain [John] Joiner Colonel [Benjamin] Garden Captain [Thomas] Savageand Major [Keating] Simons be a Committee to consider and report proper ways and means of procuring maintaining and... Continue Reading
Date: 8 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Know Ye that this eighth day of October in the Year of Our Lord one Thousand and Seventy Six, before me personally appeared John Davis Master of a Certain Brigantine called the Favourite who Solemnly made Oath on the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God, that on the Sixth Ulto being then on his Voyage from Antigua bound for Liverpool in England in the Latitude 37°.30 No: and Longitude 49°.30 Wt when... Continue Reading
Date: 8 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Herewith you'll receive Duplicates of what I sent you by the last Packet I beg leave to acquaint their Lordships that the 17th of last Month, a French Frigate arriv'd Command'd by The Chevr de Monteil, the occaision of His coming was to claim a Rebel Schooner which had been Seiz'd by His Majestys Ship Squirrel and sent into Port Royal; The Chevalier in his claim sets forth, that she was taken... Continue Reading
Date: 8 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6


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