American Theatre from February 19, 1776, to April 17, 1776

I have been much surprised to receive an answer to my requisition directed to the Magistrates & Inhabitants of Wilmington from a Member of the lawfull Magistracy in the Name & under the Traiterous Guize of a Combination unknown to the laws & Constitution of this Country ー as if the Magistrates and Inhabitants of Wilmington chose rather to appear in the Garb of Rebellion than in the... Continue Reading
Date: 28 February 1776
Volume: Volume 4
As I am informed it is inconvenient to supply his Majesties Sloop Cruizer with salt provisions must beg you will send a few quarters of good beef.
Date: 28 February 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Mr [Christopher] Gadsden lately arrived from the general Congress where his Seat is vacated by his acceptance of a Commission, he narrowly escaped being taken by a Man of War Supposed to be the Syren on the Coast of North Carolina, the Pilot Boat in which he was a passenger was driven on Shore & afterwards carried off by the Man of Wars Tender, in the mean time him Self his Son Tom the Master... Continue Reading
Date: 28 February 1776
Volume: Volume 4
General No 12. In Addition to my Order to you dated the 21st November 1775, marked General No. 10, You are here by required and directed to take as prize, all Ships and Vessels of or belonging to the Inhabitants of the thirteen Associated Colonies in America; Vizt New Hampshire, Massachusetts Bay, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, the three lower Counties on Delaware... Continue Reading
Date: 28 February 1776
Volume: Volume 4
I recd yours by your boy respecting the swivils Borrowd for the Use of the American Navey. Doubtless you remember when I recd your Guns, it was agreed that if they should be Lost, I was to see you paid four pounds for the pair, agreeable to that I maid my return to General Washington I therefore Cannot of my self pay a great Prise. I think if I mistake not I gave you a Receipt for that amount... Continue Reading
Date: 29 February 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Schooner Lee   Capt John Manl[e]y £ 158.13. .2     Schooner Franklin   Capt [John] Selman 116. .5. .2     Schooner Warren   Capt [Winborn] Adams 126. .9.—     Schooner Hancock,   Capt [Nicholson] Broughton 113. .9. .3   £ 514.16. .7 Schooner Lee,   Capt [Daniel] Waters £  119. .6.—     Schooner Franklin  Capt [Samuel] Tucker 103. .5. .1 ½   Schooner Warren   Capt [William] Burk[e]... Continue Reading
Date: 29 February 1776
Volume: Volume 4
By Hyde Parker, Junr. Esqr. Captain of His Majesty's ship Phoenix. You are hereby required and directed to proceed to Boston with the ship Sally, under your command, calling at Rhode-Island, where you are to apply to the commanding officer of His Majesty's ships for convoy and a pilot. Should you be so unfortunate as to meet with any of the rebel cruizers and find no possibility of escaping, it... Continue Reading
Date: 29 February 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Sir: ー Though personally unknown to you, yet I hope you will excuse the trouble of this address, which is to beg the favour you would recommend the Bearer, Mr. Ambrose Gordon, to some proper person in New Windsor, to take in Charge, Six Tons of Iron I have sent there, by order of Mr. Francis Lewis, Merch't N.York, to be forwarded from thence, by the first opportunity, to Messrs. Samuel Tudor... Continue Reading
Date: 29 February 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Niles Christain left England the 2nd or 3rd Nov. 11 weeks ago; was chief mate of the ship Harriet, sailed this day for Boston; that no other vessel sailed with them; no troops left England when he sailed; that some transports were gone to Ireland, and 60 or 70 transports were at Deptford to go to Ireland; that they had 80 hogson board, and 30 are now alive; that the troops from Ireland are to go... Continue Reading
Date: 29 February 1776
Volume: Volume 4
The Congress having resumed the consideration of the necessity of instituting aCourt of Admiralty in this Colony, Resolved, That the erection of such Court be deferred until some future day; but as it is highly expedient immediately to determine upon the seizure of the ship Blue Mountain Valley, that this Congress will proceed to the discussion thereof tomorrow, at two o'clock in the afternoon.... Continue Reading
Date: 29 February 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Agreeable to the order of the day, the Congress resolved itself into a committee of the whole, to take into consideration the letter from General Washington, [of the 9th instant,] and the trade of the colonies after the 1st of March, and, after some time spent thereon, the president resumed the chair, and Mr.[Samuel] Ward reported that the committee had taken into consideration the matters... Continue Reading
Date: 29 February 1776
Volume: Volume 4
the Minutes read as was a Letter from Gen. Washington inclosing a Letter from Lord John Drummond to Gen.[James] Robertson wherein his Lordship of his own Accord, takes steps for a Treaty & desires Passports for Commissioners on the Part of the Congress ー 4 Hours were spent in Grand Comee on Trade without any Conclusions, by a former Resolve Trade opens Tomorrow under the Restrictions of the... Continue Reading
Date: 29 February 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Inclosed you have a State of the Adventure p Schooner Seaflower Waters Mastr from hence to the West Indies & back, which please to Examine, and the Managers will Waite on you to morrow to know your determination therein. ー I am Gentn [&c.]
Date: 29 February 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Mr James Hutchings agreed with the council to load the Schooner Fanney, James Carmichael Master with Country Produce for the Importation of Salt agreeable to a Resolution of [the Continental] Congress.
Date: 29 February 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Ord., that Colo. Fielding Lewis be desired to purchase Capt. Lurty's vessel mentioned in his L're of the 24th for public use, to be employed as one of the cruisers for Rappahannock river.
Date: 29 February 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Gentlemen Since I had the honor to write to you last Saturday, the Cruizer Sloop of War with three other armed Vessels arrived in view of this Town on monday Evening. The next morning Governor Martin made a demand of One thousand pounds of Flour. And Captain [Francis] Parry informed the Inhabitants that he shoud come up in the Evening to know the reason why the Kings Ships had not been supply'd... Continue Reading
Date: 29 February 1776
Volume: Volume 4
In my letter of the 31st of Decr I desired you would be pleased to Accquaint My Lords Commissrs of the Admty, that I was going to the Leward Islands with the Hartfield, and Diana Transports, to get Rum & Provisions for the Garrison of Boston. I beg that you will be pleased to Accquaint their Lordships, that I arrived at Barbados the 29th of January, and took in Some Rum and. Provisions, and... Continue Reading
Date: 29 February 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Articles of Agreement made this First day of March 1776. Between The Honble Thomas Cushing Esqr of Dedham, on the one part, and Jonathn Greenleaf, Stephen Cross, and Ralph Cross of Newbury port shipwrights on the Other part. Wittneseth, That the Said Jonathan Stephen & Ralph hath agreed with the Said Thomas to build with the utmost dispatch in Newbury port Afforesaid two Ships for the Account... Continue Reading
Date: 1 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
1776 [Marblehead]     Mh 1 To Warfage 17 Cords wood New mills a/5 0. .7. .1   To    Ditto    45 Cords pr Schoo a/5 0.18. .9   To    Ditto      2 Sloop Loads   1. .0.10   To Wharfage Schoo Franklin 5 weeks  a 5/4 1. .6. .8   To Watering     Ditto   2. .0
Date: 1 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Meeting in being according to adjournment.ー Voted. That Mr Barnard Eddy go into the Country and Cut & send in all the Knees he possibly can on the best Termes he possibly can that he also engage Carters to bring in the Timber from Tyler's Lott on the best termes he can he observing to make written agreements with all the people he may Imploy.ー Voted. That Capt Pardon Sheldon take a List of... Continue Reading
Date: 1 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4


Subscribe to American Theatre from February 19, 1776, to April 17, 1776