Volume 6

No of Vessels Taken. When Taken year Vassels Names. Mastr Names where Belonging. Lading. By which of his Majestys Vessels taken Commanders Names. Agents Names. 14 16 April " Sloop Lovely Lass Jas Bodrick Casco Bay Lumber Maidston Alan    Gardner Mal: Laing 15 " " Sloop Sally        Martin Philadelphia Shingles Squirrel Stair Douglas Campbell &    Gelbraith... Continue Reading
Date: 8 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
At a Council holden at Halifax on the 9th October 1776 Present The Honorable the Lieutenant Governor The Honorable Charles Morris     Richard Bulkeley     Henry Newton Counsellors   Arthur Goold     John Butler   The Lieutenant Governor having Applied to Major General [Eyre] Massey for a party of the Troops, to defend the Coasts from the Insults and depredations of the... Continue Reading
Date: 9 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
October 1776 Wednesdy 9 Do [Seal Island] No 48W. 26 Leags at 8 AM Departed this Life Michael Royne Marine Committed the Deceased to the Deep, saw a Sail to the NW set Steering sails and gave Chace. First part Modt & Hazey latter Fresh Breezs & thick Fogg, Fir'd 6 Shot at the Chase 1/2 past Brot her too she proved to be the Lively Snow taken by an American privateer
Date: 9 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
State of New-Hampshire, Rockingham ss. A Libel is filed before me, against the schooner named the Glasgow, burthen about 35 tons, her cargo and appurtenances, commanded by John Cabot: ー Also against the schooner named the Neptune, of about 50 tons burthen, her cargo and appurtenances, commanded by Thomas Fuller, which vessels are said to have been the property of some inhabitant or inhabitants,... Continue Reading
Date: 9 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Letter from Committee of Correspondence &c Newbury Port setting forth that Capt George Evans in the Brig Necessity was sent into said Port by the privateer Hancock Capt Wingate Newman that the Owners of said privateer have Discharged Capt Evans and his Brig and desiring directions whether said Capt Evans shall unload & dispose of his Cargo and whether be permitted afterwards to Load with... Continue Reading
Date: 9 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Whereas the Armed Sloop Freedom Capt John Clouston belonging to this State, has had the misfortune to have her Mast split, and is thereby disabled from continuing on her cruize, and is now in the Harbor of Plymouth.ー And Whereas it will be much for the advantage of this State, that the said Sloop should be altered into a Brig: and the Masts Sails, & Rigging of the Brig Rising Empire,... Continue Reading
Date: 9 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Whereas the Prize lately taken by Capt Souther Commander of the Brigt Massachusetts was sent into Toumsend and has since been taken possession of by Mr Timothy P[a]rsons, Agent for the Eastern District & by him removed from thence to Wiscasset & there at present detained, which the Capt[o]rs apprehend May be Very detrimental to their Interest, It is therefore Ordered that Mr. Timothy... Continue Reading
Date: 9 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Adam Helme in behalf of Adam Babcock Esqr humbly Sheweth, that the said Babcock is now loading a Brigantine at Dartmouth in the State aforesaid by Order & on Account of Congress as by Contract may be seen; which Brigantine it is thought necessary to Arm in some Degree. Your Honors are therefore requested to dispose of to (the said Babcock) for the purpose aforesaid a pair of small Cannon... Continue Reading
Date: 9 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations To the Honorable John Foster Esquire Judge of the Court of Justice created for the Trial of Prize Causes in and throughout the State aforsaid Arthur Crawford of Providence in the County of Providence and State afor[e]said Mariner Commander of the Private Sloop of War called the Hawke fitted out from Providence afor[e]said and... Continue Reading
Date: 9 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
1776 The Prize Ship Sally [Dr.] 1776 The Prize Ship Sally Cr Octo 5 To 4 Oars 64 feet   Octo By 44 lb Iron Chains A Revenue2 @1/ £ 2. .4..—   To pf Love Beebe for boarding Jonah a Sweade & John Morrison of the Guinea Man 1 Week 1. .0. .0   500 lb Lead do do for Muskett Ball   9 To pd Jas Robeson for boarding John Tennant of do 1 Week 10/ pd o 10/ 1..—..—   By... Continue Reading
Date: 9 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Your Favour of the 6th Instt I recd Yesterday by the returng Post who was flying and I cou'd not acknowledge it by him Is it Possible that Capt Mortimer has forgot his engagements. You remember how often I urged [John] Cotton to clinch that Rigging. However I am surprised at Nothing the daily disappointments I meet with, prepare me to believe any thing. The Rigers I believe will do as they please... Continue Reading
Date: 9 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Sir I have got thus far with the armed Vessels, except the Inflexible which I expect up tomorrow or next day at farthest, after which we shall take the first favorable wind to proceed upon our expedition. I have given a Commission to Captain La Force to build a vessell for lake Ontario, in the execution of which I beg you will give all the assistance he may require ー We have no news of Burn who... Continue Reading
Date: 9 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
October 1776. ー Wednesday 9th At Single Anchor in North or Hudsons River. at ½ pt 7 A:M Weigh'd and came to Sail in Co His Majesty's Ships Roebuck, Tarter, Tryal Schooner, & two Tenders at 50' past 7 the Rebels began a heavy Cannonading from several Batteries on each Side of the River at ½ past 9 got through the Passage by the Chevieux de Frieze, Sunken Vessels &ca Hoisted two Flags... Continue Reading
Date: 9 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
October 1776 Wednesday 9th Glass House Point SSW AM. at 4 berrocaded the ship at 7 weigh'd and made sail with the Phenex, Tartar, Tryal Schooner & Phenex & Roebuck's Tenders ½ past 7 the Enemy begun to fire upon us from their Batterys on Forts Lee & Washington and at 9 being past them they ceas'd firing at 11 the Pembroke brought of[f] a sloop which the Enemy had left at anchor,... Continue Reading
Date: 9 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
October 1776 Wednesday 9 Sailing up the North River Mode and Cloudy Tvr at 7 AM weighed and came to Sail in Co with his Majesty's Ships Phoenix Roebuck Tryal Schooner and two Tenders at 8 do Five Batterys on the York and two on the Jersey Shore began to fire on us likewise hove a number of Shells with a Continual Fireing till ½ past 9 after Hulling on [us] several times, wounded our Masts and... Continue Reading
Date: 9 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
  Killed     Wounded                     Marines         Lieutenant Boatswain Servants     Midshipmen   Carpenter   Negro-Man       Seamen     Midshipman     Lieutenant         Servants       Seamen       Corporal Ships Names                         Drum Private Phoenix — 1 2 1 1 1 — 8 8 1 1   1 Roebuck 1 1 2 — — — 1 2 — —   1   Tartar — 1 — — — — – — — — 1... Continue Reading
Date: 9 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
3d Octr The Daphne arrived from England with Burgoyn[e]'s Regimt of Light Horse: They had 10 weeks passage, and gave account that the Hessians had sailed about the same time, so that they were now hourly expected. [5th] As the Rebel Army was chiefly supplyed by the North River, and placed great dependance upon it, they had taken a great deal of pains to throw a Boom a cross, by sinking... Continue Reading
Date: 9 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Sir this is a Coppey of the precedings On Bord the galley Independance On the 8th Coll [Benjamin] Tupper sent Orders On Bord for Capt [John] Baker to prosceed On shore and that there Was no farther Buisness for him On Bord On the 9th at about 7 A M We Observed the Ships Below to Be moving We Imeadetly Cauld all Hands, after seeing the Other Galley Under way We hove Up and stood Up the river after... Continue Reading
Date: 9 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
[Headquarters, near Harlem] 9th [October].ー Early in the morning, three ships, two of 40 guns, and one frigate, with two or three tenders, stood up the North River. They were briskly cannonaded from Fort Washington and Fort Constitution. They however passed our works and the chevaux-de-frise; the American galleys, small craft, and two large ships standing on before them. The two ships were run on... Continue Reading
Date: 9 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
About 8 o'clock this morning, Two Ships of 44 Guns each, supposed to be the Roebuck & Phoenix and a Frigate of 20 guns, with Three or Four Tenders, got under way from about Blooming dale, where they had been lying some time and stood with an easy southerly breeze towards our Chevaux de Frise, which we hoped would have intercepted their passage while our Batteries played upon them, But to our... Continue Reading
Date: 9 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6


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