Volume 5

July 1776 19 Ditto [Sambro Light House] No33Et 96Leags At 3 A M in 2d Rf's at 4 Fresh Gales & Cloudy ½ past made the Signal & chaced a Schooner to the N. W. lost a log & three lines at 6 Fired 5. Six Prs to bring her too at 7 took possession of do a Schooner from St Eustatia for Falmouth with Arms & Ammunition put a Mate & 4 Men on board took her people out & took her... Continue Reading
Date: 19 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Remks on Friday 19th of July 1776 at day light Cape Ann harbour boar North 2 miles Calm At noon came to Ankor in salem harbour with Our prize in company sent the wounded men On shore prizoners on board rainy in the night
Date: 19 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
We the Subscribers all of Providence in the Colony of Rhode Island Merchants request your Honor to grant a Commission or Letters of Marque and Reprisal to John Warner Commander of the Sloop Yankee Ranger, of which we are Owners; She is burthened about Twenty five Tons carries Four Carriage Guns Two Pounders and Six Swivel Guns, manned with Twenty five Men, and fitted with a suitable Quantity of... Continue Reading
Date: 19 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Copies made of a number about six depositions taken at New London of the conduct of some New York provision vessels throwing themselves into the enemies hands &c., in order to send Gen. Washington: originals for the [Continental] Congress. On repeated application from Genl Washington &c.: Ordered, that Capt. [Theophilus] Stanton of the row-galley Shark shall, in addition to the ordered... Continue Reading
Date: 19 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Last Sunday the Privateer Brig Defence, Capt. Seth Harding, in the Service of this Colony, returned here from Boston. By a vessel from Cape Francois, we learn that the French at Hispaniola are determined not to suffer any American vessels to be seized within their Limits, by any English Ships.
Date: 19 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
I have the Honour now to inform you that I am preparing for the Destruction of the Brittish Fleet in this Harbour, and hope in a few days to be able to give a good acc[oun]t of the Greatest part of them, ー I shou'd be Extreamly thankfull if the Congress will Honour me with the Appointmt. of Deputy Adjutant Genl to the Flying Camp ー it is a department in which I am Sure I can be of Infinite... Continue Reading
Date: 19 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
The several Articles wrote for in my Letter of Yesterday, you will please to forward to Norwich, with Orders for them to be sent on by Water, provided the Enemy's Ships should not stop the Communication, in which Case Land-Carriage must be procured...
Date: 19 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
July 1776 Friday 19th Moored off Staten Island Mode & fair Wr At 3 P M Sent a Lieut with the Pinnace to New York with a Flag of Truce At 5 the Flag of Truce returnedAt 6 made the Parole Signal3
Date: 19 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Friday July 19th The Liverpool and Halifax saild. Thermometer 70. Two declarations2 were given by Captn Ayscough to Lieut [William] Quarme to be given to Robert Morris to Disperse in N Jersey also four to Stephen Edwards & Ezekiel Chandler.
Date: 19 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Resolved, That the Secret Committee be empowered to contract with Mr. Mirtle for the importation of goods to the amount of £30,000 sterling, at his risque, and £15,000 sterling, at the risque of the United States of America, for the public service. That the Marine Committee be empowered to purchase a swift sailing vessel, to be employed by the Secret Committee in importing said goods. Resolved,... Continue Reading
Date: 19 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
In Committee of Safety. Philad'a, 19th July, 1776. The Committee taking into Consideration the extraordinary trouble of Mr. Samuel Morris, jun'r, in attending and directing the Building of Chevaux de Frize, procuring Loggs, and other publick services out of Doors, are of Opinion he is entitled to Receive one hundred & fifty pounds, By order of the Board, an order was drawn on John Nixon, Esq'... Continue Reading
Date: 19 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Your favour communicating the intelligence that the Enemies Fleet had been driven from their Station, and their Forces obliged to abandon Gwynn's Island, came safe to hand and demands our acknowledgments. They have since arrived in Potowmack, and Landed some Men on St Georges Island, at the mouth of Saint Marys River, where they have thrown up Entrenchments. ー We are making preparations to... Continue Reading
Date: 19 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Adjourned till 3 O'Clock & met accordingly. Ordered That the Defence's small Tender convoy Capt. Thomas's Company to the Mouth of patuxent in St Mary's County.
Date: 19 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Gentn On my arival at this Place, of the 16th Instant I found there had been an Engagement with the Enemy with no other loss to us but the Misfortune of Captn Page Beall being badly wounded, tho' its hoped not mortal ー By four Deserters wh[ich] came over to us yesterd[ay] we are inform'd the Mate or Mid-Ship man of the Roe Buck was killed in the Action. By the best Information the Enemy have not... Continue Reading
Date: 19 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Two French Gentlemen styling themselves Le Chevalier de Saint Aubin & Le Chevalier de Harrincourt, who were taken by Lord Dunmores Fleet when they were coming in with a Cargoe of Arms & Ammunition from Martinique being introduced this day before the Board, and it appearing from their Account that they had been officers in the Armies of France, one as a Captain of Light Horse and the other... Continue Reading
Date: 19 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
The Board of Commissioners desire you will as soon as possible send toJames Town the Articles hereafter mention'd, as one of the Gallies is nowwaiting for them and can't proceed untill She gets them 1 Eight Inch Cable 75 Fathom 1   do.  6½ Inch     80 Fathom 2 Coil  of 2½ Inch 3 Coil  of 2     Inch 1 Coil  of 1½ Inch Rope 6 lb Marlin 6 lb Housin
Date: 19 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
The Board of Naval Commissioners desire you will on the receipt ofthis inform them of what number of Seamen and Marines you have onboard, the condition of your Vessel, how she Sails, and whither She is likelyto answer the purpose for which She was intended, and if any material matter shou'd happen during your cruise, that you do immediately transmit anaccount of the same to this Board. ー
Date: 19 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
From Hampton we learn, that advice was brought there from the Eastern Shore of a tender, mounting two carriage and twelve swivel guns, being drove ashore in a squall of wind, five or six days ago, with 18 pirates on board, among them mr. James Parker, late of Norfolk, merchant; who immediately surrendered themselves to a party of our troops, and begged for quarters. A boat from another tender,... Continue Reading
Date: 19 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
I understand you have by you or can procure a Quantity of Sail Duck and as the Public have determined on Building Six Row Galleys each of which are to Carry two large Lateen Sails which will require a very considerable Quantity of Canvas to Answer that purpose. I would Therefore be glad if you cou'd furnish or procure us the Quantity necessary f[o]r I suppose each Boat will want between 3 &... Continue Reading
Date: 19 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Last Tuesday arrived here in 21 days from Halifax, Capt. John Salter, of this town, Capt. Nathaniel Dowle, Capt Crawford, Mr. Skinner and Mr. Jones. ー On the 6th Sept. 1775 Capt. Salter in the ship Crisis, sailed from Newbury Port for the Island of Antigua [upo]n the 12th was taken by Capt. [Thomas] Bishop, of t[he] Lively, and carried into Boston,1 where his chest was broken open and... Continue Reading
Date: 20 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5


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