Volume 6

I am much surprised so little Attention is paid to us by the good People below, I should have imagined, Two hundred Seamen could have ben sent us, in three, or four Months, after they were so pressingly wrote for. ー I make not the least doubt there has ben the greatest Industry Used at Ty, in fitting out the fleet, I am glad to hear the other Gally is so forward, I expect to see her the first... Continue Reading
Date: 10 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
10th Oct'r our little squadron sail'd from Point au Fer toward the upper or great Lake; about 12 o'clock on the 11th one of our arm'd boats espied their Fleet at anchor in the Bay of Belcour [Valcour]. Our arm'd Boats immediately rush'd in amongst them and engag'd them without waiting for orders; the Carlton went to their assistance, and kept a continual firing until dark, during which time we... Continue Reading
Date: 10 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
You have heard that 3 ships have passed fort Washington & gone up the river with out meeting with the least difficulty from all those obstructions which we have attempted to create ー I am not surprized at it having long ago from the manner in which that work was conducted predicted what has hapned & proposed to the Genl what wd have secured us agt the whole navy of England at Less expence... Continue Reading
Date: 10 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
The General [Washington] desires you would immediately order a sufficient Party of Men under Capn Cook to get off & bring down the Vessel which is grounded above. And that in the mean Time the ballastry the rest be proceeded in with all possible Expedition. It is of so much Consequence that his Excelly begs the utmost Attention may be paid to it. I am sir [&c.]
Date: 10 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
My dear Sir, Since I wrote you last nothing very Material has happened with our Army and that of our Enemies, now and then, a few shot are exchanged by the scouting parties, except that, we have been very friendly Neighbours since the 16th Ulto in this Quarter, nor do we understand any thing of Consequance has taken place in Canada, Burgoing [Burgoyne] is on one side the lake perpairing to cross... Continue Reading
Date: 10 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
On the 8th of October 340 rebels, in five flat-bottomed boats, with two pieces of cannon, came down Harlem river a little past four in the morning, and attacked an out-post of ours on Montresor Island, where there were about 80 men. The Brune frigate being at anchor near the Island, fired at the boats in the dark, and by the first shot sunk one of them full of men; and after a short skirmish they... Continue Reading
Date: 10 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
The Marine Committee having recommended Captain Abraham Whipple, of the ship Columbus, to the command of the Providence frigate, at Rhode Island, Resolved, That he be promoted accordingly. The Committee farther reported on the rank of the captains of the navy of the United States, which was agreed to as follows:       Guns. 1. Jas. Nicholson, of the Virginia, 28 2. John Manly, Hancock, 32... Continue Reading
Date: 10 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
We learned some time ago with much concern that the expedition we had planed for you to execute, woud prove abortive; as the ships had gone out a Cruizing under the sanction of Governor Trumbulls recommendation, with which we cannot be well satisfied, altho in this instance, we are disposed to pass it by in silence being well convinced both he and the several Captains meant to perform service at... Continue Reading
Date: 10 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
We have occasion for a quantity of Salt to cure beef & Pork the ensuing season for the use of our fleet and dont care to buy up what arrives here transiently as the people are much in want of that article, and would murmer were it to be bought off their hands. We therefore request that you will immediately on receipt of this letter Charter five or Six good fast sailing large Sloops, Schooners... Continue Reading
Date: 10 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Notice is hereby given, that a Court of Admiralty will be held at the Court-house, in the city of Philadelphia, on Monday the 28th day of October inst. at ten o'clock in the forenoon of the same day, then and there to try the truth of the facts alledged in the bill of Captain [John Paul] Jones of the armed sloop called the Providence (who as well, &c.) against the brigantine or vessel called... Continue Reading
Date: 10 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
[Advertisement] Ran away the fourth inst. (October) from the armed vessel Ranger, John Mitchell commander, four men, viz. Patrick M'Carty, an Irishman, about twenty two years of age. George Milton, an Englishman, about 25 or 26 years of age, a servant of Mr. Swift of this city. Edward Serjeant, near forty years of age, who has lately been sick. Joseph Stevenson, a native of this city. Whosoever... Continue Reading
Date: 10 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
...Prize ship in the river from Jamaica with 310. Hoghead Sugar, 90. Casks or Puncheons of Spirits she is Called the Thetis Captain May, taken by Genl Mo[n]tg[o]mery Privater Capt Hambleton.2 also a privater Brigg from St Martins arrived yesterday.
Date: 10 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
The Memorial of James Clarke, Robert Christie Junr, Melchior Keener, Robert Christie & Oliver White, and Robert Johnstonー Sheweth That early in the month of March your Memorialists Vessels were sunk at Whetstone Point, for the purpose of preventing any of the British Ships of War from coming up to Baltimore Town. That agreeable to a Resolve of Convention they have already been allowed sums of... Continue Reading
Date: 10 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Ordered that a Warrant issue to Captain Richard Barron for five hundred and eighty eight Pounds four Shillings being the balance due him his Officers & crew of the Boat Patriot for the two tenths of the Brig. Fanny and her Cargo taken by the said Boat which Share they are entitled to under a resolution of Convention passed the tenth of January last. Cap- tain Barron having given Bond and... Continue Reading
Date: 10 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Ordered that a Warrant Issue to William Goodson for Three pounds ten shillings for a pr of Pistols furnished Capt Lilly for the use of the Brig Liberty- Ordered that the Captain of each Vessel in the Navy do immediately make a return to this Board the number of Officers and Men in actual service on Board their respective Vessels. The number and size of their Gunns; The number and Condition of... Continue Reading
Date: 10 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Mr Stanly [John Wright Stanley] having Occasion to wait on you with a memorial relative to the Conduct of the Commissioners of the Provincial armed Vessel the Pennsylvania Farmer permit me bynthe same Opportunity to lay before your Honours something on the same Subject To this Duty I am impelled by the strongest of Ties, a sacred and venerable Regard for constitutional Liberty and the Honour and... Continue Reading
Date: 10 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
By his Excellency John Rutledge Esquire President and Commander in Chief of South Carolinaー To Edward Allen Esquire, Greetingー Know ye that I with the advice and consent of the Privy Council of the State do hereby appoint the said Edward Allen to be Captain and Commander of the Brigantine of war called the Comet of thd burthen of about [blank] Tons belonging to this State, hereby giving... Continue Reading
Date: 10 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Sirs, This will be handed you by Captain George Ord, whom I have supplied with Sundries, and to whom I beg Leave to refer you for Particulars. As I conceive myself to be too much interested in every Thing that can serve America (notwithstanding my present Situation is remote from the Scene of Action) I eagerly embrace the Opportunity of exerting my utmost Endeavours for the glorious Cause, and... Continue Reading
Date: 10 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
We beg leave to refer you to ours of the 8th herewith sent ー since then we have received here in Exchange for the same Quantity we had at Statia 120 half barels Gun powder, which we have put on board the Brige Friendship on your Acct and enclosed you will find a Bill of Lading & Invoice for it. We are most respectfully: [&c.]
Date: 10 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
October 1776 Friday 11 In Halifax Harbour AM Discharged the Prisoners, into H. Majestys Ship Boulogneー First part modr and Cloudy, middle and latter fresh Gales and Cloudy, at 3 PM hove short, 1/2 past weigh'd; at 4 came too and sent the Warrans Guns2 onboard the Rainbow, at 5 weighed and came to sail,
Date: 11 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6


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