Volume 6

Friday, Oct. 11th ー Peter Linnard, a fisherman late in the schooner Dragon, arrives from Canso in a shallop, and informs that about 14 days ago the schr. Dragon was taken by a privateer, William Carlton, com-mander, as she was lying in Fisherman's Harbour, and sent to New England.2 The skipper Knowlton went with her. He also informs that the rest of the crew were kept on board the... Continue Reading
Date: 11 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
You'll be kind enough to call on Capt [John] Bradford who will inform you if he has any large Cables, I am in want of Two for the continent from 15 to 17 Inches pray inform me P return of Post if any such can be had from the Agent or from any private Person ー Your [&c.]
Date: 11 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Memorial of James Noble Shannon, & Jonas Farnsworth ー2 setting forth ー That the armed Schr Diligent, (taken in July 1775, and now in the service of this State) with all her Appurtunances &c have been condemned in the Maritime Court for the Eastern district of this State and the Memorialists, are by a decree of the Honble Timo Langdon Esqr Judge of said Court, appointed joint... Continue Reading
Date: 11 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Sir, I am directed by the Hon'ble Council of this State to apply to you for a Number of Commissions for Commanders of Armed Vessels authorizing them to cruise upon the Enemies of America, sign'd by the President of Congress, as this Office is exhausted of those important Papers ー Please to send me by the Bearer as many as you can spare and as many Bonds and they shall be refunded as soon as... Continue Reading
Date: 11 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
That your Petitioner is fitting out an Armed Vessell to cruise against the Enemies of these united States and is now ready equipt for Sea but they haveing three Six Pounders and one four Pounder which he apprehends, are too heavy for his Sd Vessell ー2 therefore humbly requests your Honors to exchange them for Cannon of less Metal Vizt Six three Pounders which he understands by Colo [... Continue Reading
Date: 11 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
I am just arrived at this place, and by good information find every kind of goods immoderately dear, sugars three pounds.. Rum 6/9. to 7/. Cotton 3/4 ー Coffee 8½ all in Lawfull money, so that you will easily concieve that it will not answer for me to lay out any money on my own acct dry goods they tell me are in the same proportion.. but I am in hopes that they will fall somthing as a large Ship... Continue Reading
Date: 11 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Last Tuesday two of the enemy's ships took 4 vessels off Montague Point; 3 of which were prizes to Capt. [James] Munro, and some other privateers; the other a merchantman belonging to Connecticut. All the people belonging to these vessels, we hear, took to their boats, and got safe ashore near Stonington.1 Last Monday the Continental sloop Providence, Capt. [John Paul] Jones, arrived... Continue Reading
Date: 11 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Last Tuesday a prize ship loaded with sugar, rum &c. arrived safe at Stonington, taken by Capt. Nickerson in a small sloop from Plymouth2 The Independence privateer, Capt. Truxton, is arrived at an Eastern port: He has taken 2 ships and 2 brigs; one of the brigs he gave some prisoners, after taking out a quantity of cotton, cocoa, &c. the other brig is arrived safe, loaded with... Continue Reading
Date: 11 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Having received a permission from Lord Howe for an Exchange of Prisoners, I therefore take the Liberty to Inform you, I have on board His Majesty's Ships under my Command a Number of Prisoners: Vizt Masters of Merchant Ships, Mates and Private Seamen, who I am ready to exchange for British Subjects of the same Rank, Vizt Masters for Masters, Mates for Mates, and Seamen for Seamen; Knowing no... Continue Reading
Date: 11 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
That where as, Your Honours thought fit in your Last Session in May to Grant for the Defence and Protection of this place: a Captain and Ninety Men; Since which one half has been Ordered to New London. Your Honours may Remember that this Town is the only one in this State, that has Received any Damage from those Sons of Tyranny and Despotism: Sent by that more than Savage Tyrant, George the Third... Continue Reading
Date: 11 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
A Ship burthen 225 Tons, taken by Capt. Tho. Nickeson [Thomas Nicholson], in the Privateer sloop America, belonging to Plymouth, was last Week brought into a Port in this State. The Privateer had been only 7 Days, out when she took this Prize, and was left in Chase of another. The Cargo of this ship is as follows, viz. 200 Hhds. sugar, 100 Puncheons Rum, 20 casks Madeira Wine, & Quantity of... Continue Reading
Date: 11 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
In consequence of your favor proposing a descent on Long-Island, although I was so unhappy as not to be able to meet Generals [James] Clinton and [Benjamin] Lincoln at this place as requested, I applied to the State of Rhode Island and obtained their consent and orders, that Colo [William] Richmond and such part of his Battalion as shall not enlist on board the Continental Vessels should assist... Continue Reading
Date: 11 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Your favour of the 5th Instant came safe to hand in which you Inform me, that the Alfred & Hampden are ready & the two New Frigates you expect will be ready in about a week, I hope no attention or diligence will be wanting to have them prepared by that time, and shall Indeavour that there be no delay as to ours, tho am Necessitated to Apply to you or your State to furnish a quantity of... Continue Reading
Date: 11 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
[Headquarters, near Harlem] 11th [October].ー There was a considerable movement among the British boats below. This afternoon, Gen. Washington's pleasure-boat, coming down the river with a fresh breeze, and a topsail hoisted, was supposed, by the artillerists at Mount Washington to be one of the British tenders running down. A 12 pounder was discharged at her, which was so exactly pointed as... Continue Reading
Date: 11 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
11th [October].ーThis afternoon the admiral, with most of the captains, and Commodore Hotham, with all the flat boats and batteaux, went up the East River to Kipp's and Turtle Bay, near the west end of Blackwell's Island, where we remained all the night, during which time the army were striking their tents and preparing to embark. About three o'clock Saturday morning, the 12th, the troops were... Continue Reading
Date: 11 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Resolved, That General Washington be desired, if it be practicable, by every art, and whatever expence, to obstruct effectually the navigation of the North river, between Fort Washington and Mount Constitution, as well to prevent the regress of the enemies' frigates lately gone up, as to hinder them from receiving succours. The Secret Committee informed Congress that a vessel was arrived at Rhode... Continue Reading
Date: 11 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Among the inconveniencies of this busy scene, I esteem it not the least, to be so often prevented from acknowledging the favors of my friends sooner than I do. It has been owing to much business that your letter of the 27th has not received an answer before now. I have the pleasure to acquaint you that in ranking the Captains of our Continental Ships, the Congress have placed Captain [James]... Continue Reading
Date: 11 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
A naval Expedition is on Foot, which if carried into Execution will be very advantageous to the United States, and to the Officers and Seamen in the Navy. If the Cabot should not be in Port the Marine Commee have ordered that One of the Frigates should be employed in it. Commodore Hopkins in a Letter to that Commee hath informed them, that One of the Frigates could soon be got ready, and... Continue Reading
Date: 11 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
In Council of Safety, [Philadelphia] October 11th, 1776. Mr. Nesbitt was directed to pay Doctors Duffield & Rush for their attendance on the Fleet & Artillery Company of this State, from 27 Septemb'r, 1775, to July 5th, 1776, with Rations, £ 182 8 1. A Commission was Granted, agreeable to resolve of Congress, to James Smith, Commander of the Letter of Marque Brig Rutledge, Mounting 12... Continue Reading
Date: 11 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Taken on the River St. Lawrence, November 19th [1775]. Mr. Ryal, Master of the Gaspee. Taken at Point Levy, November 4th [1775]. Mr. M'Kenzie, Midshipman of the Hunter. Taken on the River St. Lawrence, November, 19th [1775]. Joseph Whitefield, Cook of the Gaspee. James Carr, Foremastman. Reading, October 11th, 1776. I do hereby certify, that the foregoing is an exact List of the Prisoners of War... Continue Reading
Date: 11 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6


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