Volume 6

Saturday October 12 Thermom morning 47. came into the Hook the Merlin with 2 prize Ships 1 from Honduras bay2 1 from the W Indies with Rum and Sugar also the Susanna Brigt with troops from Portsmouth.
Date: 12 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Last Thursday se'nnight, Captains Coffin and Grennell, with a boy, made their escape from Staten-Island in a canoe, and got safe to Bergen Point, and from thence came to this place last Saturday: The former was taken going from New-York to Nantucket some months since, and the latter, on the 28th of August, in lat. 33, 30, long. 66, 20, in a brig from the Western Islands for Nantucket, by a new... Continue Reading
Date: 12 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Sept. 18. Brige. Genl. Putnam,2 my part, paid John Sparhawk 2d Payment towards Share in her 100..—..— Oct. 12 Brigte Gen. Putnam, my part, paid Dr. sparhawk 3d. payment   86. .5..—
Date: 12 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
...by Letter yesterdays Eastern Post, Paul Fooks reced from Nantz, in old France from Monsr Pennel,2 that he had Loaded 2 Vessels for Virginia with Blankets, Course cloaths, Lining, Arms Amunition &c also 2 of Same Commodities for Rhode Island, and that he had another (besides this that brought this Letter both Loaded with same commodities &c) that would Sail in a few days;... Continue Reading
Date: 12 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Recd of Roger Horace Pratt of the Schooner Resolution the following Articlesー2 A Quantity of Sheet Copper & Funnel A 2 Sheets of Lead the remains of the Iron ballast the Cranes Stanchens ring Eye bolts belonging to the Vessel 30 Hammocks 1 Cot & bottom 35 lb Soape 1 Box Candles 2 Arm Chests 13 Cutlasses an English Jack & Ensign A French Jack Ensign & Pendant A... Continue Reading
Date: 12 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Ordered that a Warrant Issue to Lieut Peter Stubblefield for the use of Capt Gabriel Jones for Two hundred and fifty two pounds six shillings and eight pence for pay of his Company of Marines from the twenty ninth day of August last to the Eleventh Instant as p Pay-Roll this day settled.ー Ordered that the keeper of the Public Store deliver unto Capt George Elliott one two hour Glass, fifteen... Continue Reading
Date: 12 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Inclos'd you have a memorandum of Cordage which please to send to James Town or the College landing as soon as possible, 1 Cable 7 Inches 70 foot-Fathom long 1 Coil of Ratlin 1 do Spun Yarn ー 1 do 5½ Inch Cordage. 1 do 2 Inch do 1 do 2½ Inch do for the Hornett Capt Richd Taylor 1 Coil Spun Yarn 1 do Inch Cordage 1 do 2 Inch do for the Adventure Capt Saunders (Sign'd)
Date: 12 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
The Board met according to adjournment. Present. Edward Blake first Commissrー Thomas Savage, Josiah Smith Jun Geo Abbot Hall, Thomas Corbett, Roger Smith, George Smithー Read several applications to the Board for the Clerk's office & then proceeded to choose a Clerkー Mr. John Calvert was declared unanimously Elected to be Clerk of this Board & he took the following Oath of qualification... Continue Reading
Date: 12 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
The Clerk of the Legislative Council brought from that House an Ordinance for allowing and keeping in Repair a Pilot Boat to attend the Bar and Harbour of Beaufort and for regulating the Pilotage of the said Harbour Read a Third Time in that House
Date: 12 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
...the Rebel Fleet was attacked and destroyed in the two different engagements, in the Lake Champlain, on the 11th and 13 of October 1776 ー By this Victory the command of the Navigation of the Lake was regained; the Province of Quebec was secured from future invasions; and the Army whose operations had been impeded untill this object was attained, had now scope to act ー The Season of the year... Continue Reading
Date: 13 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
      Wt of Metal How Rigg'd No of Men No of Guns 24 Ps 12 Ps 9 Ps 6 Ps Swivels Ship 120 17 Inflexible       10 Schooner   14 Maria     14 6 Schooner 45 12 Carleton     12 6 Ketch 35   Thunderer   8 Inch Howitz Hoy 35 7 Royal Convert   7           Gun Boats           247            
Date: 13 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
How No of Guns   Weight of Metal   Rigg'd 18 P. 12 P. 9 P. 4 P. 2 P.       Washington   Galley 12 1 1 2 6 2       Lee   Sloop 6   1 1 4         Jersey   Hoy 3   1 2     Remarks The Jersey taken 12th Octr 1776 The Washington 13 " " The Lee 15 " "
Date: 13 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
13th Octoberー On the appearance of our Squadron before Crown point, the Rebels destroy'd the works, and quit it with precipitation. General Carlton was on board the Maria during the whole action, and the whole behav'd with the greatest perseverance and magnanimity.
Date: 13 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
[Ticonderoga] Sunday 13th [October] ...This day a boat arrived express from the fleet: which informed, that our fleet was attacked by British Butchers on fryday 11th which continued the greatest part of the day, that on Saturday 12th our fleet retreated near split rock; where they lay in sight of the enemy; their army being a little in the rear in flat bottom Boats. This morning the fleets... Continue Reading
Date: 13 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Yesterday morning about 4000 of the enemy landed at Fogg's or Frog's [Throg] Point, in the sound, about 6 miles above us: a detachment was immediately sent to oppose them: The enemy got possession of the point, but as I was informed last night had made no farther progress. Our people, I am told, had taken up a bridge which was there, and felled trees across the road, to obstruct them till a... Continue Reading
Date: 13 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Sir We have the pleasure to inclose you herein an Invoice of Some Cloths and Blankets lately imported into Rhode Island on Continental account2 and the Congress have directed the whole to be applyed to the use of the Army, wherefore we also inclose herein an order to Messrs Nicholas & John Brown in whose care they are, to deliver them to your Orderー It is recommended to you by... Continue Reading
Date: 13 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
We are in great want of Coals to make anchors and other Smiths work for the frigates here, and as you are going on public business into the States of Connecticut, Rhode Island Massuchusets & New Hampshire you may probably meet with some Coals fit for smiths use, that have been or may be taken on board some of the Prizes sent into those places. Should that happen we request you will purchase... Continue Reading
Date: 13 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
This will be delivered to you by Nathanil Falconer esqr a Gentleman in our service and who has in charge to execute some business for us in.yours or the neighbouring States. Should he stand in need of your assistance we hope it will be readily afforded him, and if he wants money you may depend that his drafts will be paid. We recommend this Gentleman to your freindly attention and are Sir [&c...
Date: 13 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
We fear our orders of the 9th Instant for sending aSet of Cannon from your State to New Hampshire may not be so proper as we thought them at the time of Signing, because we are since informed through several Channels [that your frigates] are quite or very near fit for the Sea, which is avery different account from that which caused us to send that order, therefore to prevent inconvenience or... Continue Reading
Date: 13 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Since sending you our Order of the 9th instant we are well informed that the Frigates at Rhode Island are ready for sea and if that is really the rase it would be improper to strip them of the Cannon to send them to you. We have now wrote the Committee to keep their Cannon if their Ships are actually fit for service, for we did not mean by the former order to give a preference, it was our design... Continue Reading
Date: 13 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6


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