Volume 6

On this Day, the Perseus, Capt. Elphinstone, with eleven Sail of Transports, having on board Troops & Provisions, arrived in Port, after a Passage of 11 Weeks from Portsmouth. She came out with 20 Sail, but lost the rest of her Convoy in a Fog upon the Bank of Newfoundland. She also took two of the Rebel Privateers, and brought one in & sunk the other.
Date: 14 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
The committee appointed to hear and determine upon the appeal brought against the sentence passed on the libel, Joshua Wentworth vs. the ship Elizabeth, reported as follows: Joshua Wentworth Esq. for and in behalf as well of the United States of America, as of John Manly, Daniel Waters and John Ayres, commanders of the officers, marines and mariners, of the three armed vessels Hancock, Lee and... Continue Reading
Date: 14 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
In Council of Safety, [Philadelphia] October 14th, 1776. Mr. Nesbitt was directed to pay Doct'r Dunlap £ 15 9 3, for medicines Purchased for the Use of the Fleet. An order was drawn on Mr. Nesbitt in fav'r of Capt. Wm Brown for £ 100, on acco't of Inlisting men for the floating Battery, to be charged to his acco't. Mr. Nesbitt was directed to pay Edmund Beach £ 11 0 6½, for Pine Boards for the... Continue Reading
Date: 14 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
The Council of Safety appointed Captain [John] Keltie to rigg and get the Schooner Ninety two fit for Sea, she being bought of Cravath and Dugan for eight hundred Pounds Currency.ー Ordered That Western shore Treasurer pay to John Keltie fifty Pounds, to be accounted for.
Date: 14 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
A Permit granted to the Sloop Eagle Captain Lennis to proceed on her Voyage to Saint Croix. Also to the Sloop John's Releif Ephraim Gilbert Master to proceed on her Voyage to Bermuda. Manifests of both Cartgoes filed and Bonds executed, acknowledged and ordered also to be filed. A Permit granted to the Schooner Fanny Captain Darrell to proceed on her return to Bermuda. Manifest of her Cargo filed... Continue Reading
Date: 14 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Ordered that a Warrant Issue to Josiah Foster for Fifteen pounds, on Account, to Purchase Necessaries for Building a Boat for the Transportation of Troops.ー Ordered that a Warrant Issue to Josiah Foster for the use of Joel Foster for Fifteen pounds, upon Account, to Purchase Necessaries for Building a Boat for the Transportation of Troops.ー Ordered that the keeper of the Public Store deliver unto... Continue Reading
Date: 14 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Mr [John] Neufville reported from the Committee to examine the Public Treasury accounts and to report to the House an exact and circumstantial Account of the state of the Treasury what sums have been issued and for what particular Service arranging under distinct Heads the particular Services for which the monies have been expended, And he read the Report in his Place and afterwards delivered it... Continue Reading
Date: 14 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Instructions for the Commissary appointed to settle the Exchange of Prisoners at Newbury Port 1st ー You are to Hoist a White Flag at the Mast Head of the Sloop Pacific & to continue it abroad Night and Day 'till you return again to this Port 2d ー You are to be particularly careful that no Cannon, Musket, Pistol, or Fire Arm of any kind be receiv'd into the Vessel whilst she is consider'd as a... Continue Reading
Date: 15 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Whereas this Court on the ninth instant appointed Ephraim Spooner Esqr in conjunction with Capt Clouston to see that the Masts Sails, and Rigging belonging to the Brig Rising Empire be takkn out of her, and forthwith applied to Equip the Sloop Freedom as a Brig: ー And Whereas it appears to this Court necessary that some person acquainted with building, & rigging Vessels should be upon the sd... Continue Reading
Date: 15 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
In Council. The Committee of both Houses appointedsto take into Consideration a resolve of the Continental Congress of the 6th of March last, recommending the appointment of proper Officers to take bonds for the Observing the regulations of Congress concerning trade, And to report what steps are proper for this Court to take thereon ー have attended that Service, and are of Opinion, that it will... Continue Reading
Date: 15 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
I am in want of Two Cables for the Continental Ships & hear there are some to be sold at Providence should be glad you would Inform me whether You Can obtain same 2 of abt 15½ Inches. pray let me know by the first opportunity ー be pleased also to Inform me whether either of your Cables for either of the Continental Ships at Providence are a Double Shot or abt 20 [illegible] fathom long ー Yr... Continue Reading
Date: 15 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
I receiv'd yours of the 11th Instant, and can assure you that there is no sort of Shot to be had in this State, as they Sent to Boston and could get but a bare Sufficiency for the New Ships ー have Order'd the Hamden out to gain Intelligence ー the Columbus is now a Graving ー the new Ships and Alfred are ready, all but Men, which we must have three hundred at least for them ー and one hundred for... Continue Reading
Date: 15 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
in Answer to yours of the 21st Ultmo with Respect to the Cannon Foundery att Salisbury in this state; ー have to Inform you that this furnace has been in Use for the Casting of pig Iron &c for many Years past, when first set up it was surrounded with large quantitys of wood, Yet by the Land round about being of good soil and much Cleard up for Use and the great Consumption by the furnace it is... Continue Reading
Date: 15 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
We found the Rebel fleet Yesterday morning behind the Island of Valcour apparently, and as we hear since from Prisoners, unaprized either of our force or motions. One of their Vessells perceived us only a little before we came abreast of the Island, and our van got to the Southward of it time enough to stop them just as they were making off. They then worked back into the narrow part of the... Continue Reading
Date: 15 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Copy of a Letter from Captain Thomas Pringle, on Board the Maria, off Crown Point, the 15th of October, 1776. It is with the greatest Pleasure that I embrace this opportunity of congratulating their Lordships upon the Victory compleated the 13th of this Month, by His Majesty's Fleet under my Command, upon Lake Champlain. Upon the 11th I came up with the Rebel Fleet commanded by Benedict Arnold:... Continue Reading
Date: 15 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
I made no Doubt before this ybu have recd a Copy of my Letter to Genl Gates of the 12th Inst dated at Schuylers Island advising of an Action between our Fleet and the Enemy the preceding day in which we lost a Schooner and a Gondola. We remained no longer at Schuylers Island than to stop our Leaks and mend the Sails of the Washington. At 2 OClock P. M. the 12th weighed Anchor with a fresh Breeze... Continue Reading
Date: 15 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
You will herewith receive Genl Arnolds Account of the Defeat and almost total Ruin of our Fleet Yesterday Morning. It has pleased providence to preserve Genl Arnold. Few Men ever met with so many hair Breadth Scapes in so short a space of time. Except the Capture of Genl Waterbury and those with him I do not think we shall lose a great many Men. Upwards of 200 with their Officers escaped with... Continue Reading
Date: 15 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
[Ticonderoga] Tuesday 15th: [October] The flag, mentioned yesterday, came only to transport the prisoners, which they took, in the late engagement, to this place; who were permitted to return to their several places of abode on parole, that they would not take arms against them during the present contest; and would return to them whenever called for; the number taken was 104. one of which was... Continue Reading
Date: 15 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Octbr 1776 Monday 14 at Anchor in the East River at 4 A M weigh'd and turnd into the Sound at 6 past by his Majs Ship niger 1/2 past came on Bd a Cutter man'd and Arm'd from her Stood across the sound at 11 Came too in 5 frn Water to the NoW of Marroneck Harbour Kept all Hands at Quarters all night Tuesday 15 at 5 AM weighd and came to Sail and stood into the Entrance of the Harbour a... Continue Reading
Date: 15 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
The Secret Committee having, agreeable to the order of Congress, taken into consideration how to make the best distribution of the cargo lately arrived at Providence, Rhode Island, in the brig Happy Return; brought in their report; Whereupon,ー Resolved, That a copy of the invoice of the cloths and blankets be sent to General [Thomas] Mifflin, quarter master general, with an order to Messrs.... Continue Reading
Date: 15 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6


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