Volume 6

We have Established in france a house destinated only for the Correspondance with the united States. the honorable Continental Congress have been Supplied there already & they will take for the future all the Articles they Shall want for the army & other purposes. we believe Necessary to inform you that it is upon the Encouragement & the assurances we have Receiv'd from the Congress... Continue Reading
Date: 15 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Gentl'n: The Commodore was with me this morning, and says the Fleet has not any Colours to hoist if they should be called on Duty, it is not in my power to get them done, untill there is a design fix'd on to make the Colours by. Directed The Hon'ble Council of Safety, Pres't.
Date: 15 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
I would beg leave to offer my oppinion on a few particulars which Occur, to be necessary for our present safety. First, That the floating Chevaux du freese's be brought and moored at their proper place, fit for sinking. Secondly, The boom which at present is in a useless state, to be fix'd to the Piers as intended for service. Thirdly, As the distance between the Eastmost piere and the west part... Continue Reading
Date: 15 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Ordered that the Commissioners of the Navy Board be requested to order down to Portsmouth all such Row gallies and other Vessells that in their opinion can be best spared for the purpose of assisting the Transportation of the Carolina Troops to the Head of Elk on their way to New Jersey. A Permit grinted to the Sloop Olive Branch Captain Baine to proceed on her Voyage to Saint Eustatia. Manifest... Continue Reading
Date: 15 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Pursuant to request of the honble the Council ー Ordered that the following Captains, to wit, Celey Saunders of the Lewis Galley, James Markham of the Page Galley, George Elliott of the Safeguard Galley, Robert Conway of the Protector Galley, George Muter of the Hero Galley and Lieut Harris of the Manley Galley do Proceed immediately with their said Vessels from their present stations to... Continue Reading
Date: 15 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
On the 11th Instant we sent you for your Concurrence therein a Resolution "That the Commissioners of the Treasury as a further Encouragement to the Commander and marines belonging to the Vessel called the Revenge do pay and advance to the said Commander and men out of the amount of the sales of the Cargo taken from on board the transport Brigan- tine called the Glasgow Packet One Sixth of the... Continue Reading
Date: 15 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Ordered, That the following Advertisement be inserted in the Gazette & that three Hundred Handbills be struck off & dispersed in the Country The Commissioners of the Navy are in want of a quantity of Salted beef and Pork in barrels. Any persons inclined to furnish them therewith are desired to send proposals in writing to the subscriber, mentioning the quantity of salt required for each... Continue Reading
Date: 15 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
October 1776 Tuesday 15 At Single Anchor in St Augustine Bay at 8 AM swayed up the Lower Yards Do saw a sail in the NE Qr at 11 the Raven fired two Shot at the above Vessel brot her too and Detained her She proved to be the Brig Friendship ー Townsend Master from Savannah Laden with rice
Date: 15 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
We are all very quiet at present, and have been so for some time past. Martial law has been suspended about a month; but parochial guards were kept throughout the island, till within this fortnight. The militia is now restored to its former state, and I hope there will be no further occasion for martial law being established here. A few weeks ago the French frigate L'Hermione, commanded by Mons.... Continue Reading
Date: 15 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
October 1776 Tuesday 15th The West end of Tortuda ESE 6 Leags AM light Airs and fair, at 6 saw A Sail to the Westwd gave Chace, at 10 hoisted the Boats out sent them Arm'd at 11 they Boarded the Chace found her to be a Brigg from Philadelphia, took possession of her2
Date: 15 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Several depredations having been Committed on the Coast of this Province, by Vessels Armed and Mann'd by the Rebels of New England.ー The Lieutenant Governor Asked the Advice of the Council as to the expediency of fitting Out two Arm'd Vessels of proper Burthen to pursue such Pirate Vessels into Shoal Water and Creeks, and thereby defend the Coast from any further Insults and depredations.ー On... Continue Reading
Date: 16 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
I am to inform you from the Lieut Governor that His Majesty's Ship Albany is sent to Cruise on the Coast between this Harbour and Cape Sable, and to look into every Port, and that she will be followed by other Ships and Armed Vessells in order to secure you from such Insults and depredations as have been lately committed, and to protect and defend His Majesty's Loyal Subjects. ー I am Gent Your... Continue Reading
Date: 16 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
October 1776 Wednesday 16th Moored in Halifax Harbour Modt & fair Wear the People Empd doing the Needfull; Set the rigging up Fore & aft, Came on Board Lieut Michl Hyndman Pr Acting Order from Sir George Collier to take the Command of the Ship;2 read his order to the Ships Company Do Came on Board a Pilot
Date: 16 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
October 1776 Sunday 13 [Halifax Harbor] Arrived here the Juno & Milford wt 4 Prizes & the Pembroke wt Stores Monday 14 washd & clean'd between Decksー Tuesday 15 Recd onbd p order of Sir Geo: Collier 103 Rebel Prisoners from the Milford Wedy 16 Mod & fair Came alongside a Schooner to take away the rebels. Imprest 18 of them & sent away the rest
Date: 16 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Sir Youll Please to repair on board the Armd Schooner Eagle, belonging to me ー as Commander in chief ー and there behave yourself according to your Instructions given by Congress ー you are hereby Order'd to sea in said schooner under your command ー There remain four mont[hs] (if nothing happens which will cause your return) Cruizing for any Vessel, or property of Great Britain Youll sail from the... Continue Reading
Date: 16 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Esek Hopkins Esqr Commander in chief of the Fleete fitted out by the most Honbl the Continental Congress for the protection of the united States of America comes into this Honorable Court and gives your Honour to understand and be informed that John P. Jones Commander of the Sloope of War called the Providence being one of the Squadron under his command and duely commission'd to cruise against... Continue Reading
Date: 16 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Interogatories answered by John Gordon late Mate of the Kingston Packet. Interog. When and where did you enter on Board the said Brigantine, and who are the Owners of the said Brig and her Cargo. Answr I entered on Board as Mate of the said Brig at Gaspee in the Province of Canada in the Month of July AD 1776 ー the said Brig and Cargo are Owned by Richard Derby and Haskel [Elias Hasket... Continue Reading
Date: 16 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Interogatories answer'd by Able Coffin Prize Master' of the Brigantine called the Kingston Packet. Interog. When where and by whome was the said Brigantine taken what is her Tonage, who was the Master of the said Brig taken, from whence and to what Port was She Bound, what are the Contents of her Cargo; and are the papers you now present all the papers you received belonging to said Vessell... Continue Reading
Date: 16 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Upon receipt of this you are to go up Swansey River, and Take the Privateer Sloop Captn [Joseph] Dennis,2 who I have Intelligence has got some of our Men belonging to the Fleet ー and bring the Sloop and all the Men you find onboard of her in to Newport harbour ー and for so doing this Shall be your sufficient authority
Date: 16 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Since the Letter from General Arnold of the 12th Instt which General Washington has doubtless transmitted to you, I have not heard a Word from the Fleet or Tyonderoga. I am preparing to build Barracks for three Thousand Men at this Place and Stillwater. If we do not quite lose the Lake this Campaign, it will be necessary to employ Four Hundred Carpenters all Winter in constructing a strong Naval... Continue Reading
Date: 16 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6


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