Volume 6

Our Fleet which suffered severely in an engagement on the 12th instant with the Enemy has been still more severely handled in a subsequent [one] ー insomuch that the Enemy are left masters of the Lake and are now coming on to attack our Army at Ticonderogaー In this situation of affairs it is of the utmost importance that the Militia of your State should immediately march to sustain the Army ー Such... Continue Reading
Date: 16 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
A letter from John Sloss Hobart, Esqr. dated at Fairfield, Octor. 8th, 1776, setting forth the state and circumstances of the sloop Montgomery, and of the sum of money necessary for paying off the wages of the crew, and other expenses. Thereupon, Ordered, That the sum of £800 be transmitted by Mr. Gelston to Mr. Hobart at Fairfield, or such other person as Mr. Gelston may think safe and prudent,... Continue Reading
Date: 16 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
General Green [Nathanael Greene] has informed your Excellency that a party pass'd over last night to Staten Island with a view to attack the Enemy, at the east end near the Watering Place ー as we advanced towards Richmond Town information was given, that some Companies of British & Hessian Troops were stationed there ー surprising them was therefore the first object, which was effected this... Continue Reading
Date: 16 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Resolved, That it be recommended to the general court of Massachusetts bay, to give the continental agent the full weight of their influence to make the frigate Hancock ready for sea immediately; that whatever expence shall accrue to the state of Massachusetts bay, either for procuring guns or other stores for fitting the said frigate, shall be reimbursed on demand; and that, in directing the... Continue Reading
Date: 16 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
I John Harper of the City of Philadelphia Master of the Ship Reprisal, Lambert Weeks [Wickes] Commander being bound on a Cruize considering the Uncertainty of this transitory Life, do make and declare these Presents to contain my last Will and Testament: that is to say, I give and bequeath unto my Loving Brothers James Harper and Ruben Harper all my Prize Money due me from said Ship and Wages... Continue Reading
Date: 16 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Saturday last arrived here the ship mentioned in our last, taken by the brig General Montgomery, she proves to be the ship Thetis, Capt. [Hezekiah] May, with 310 hogsheads of sugar, 90 puncheons of rum, &c. from Montego Bay for London, and belonged to a fleet of near 200 sail, who left Jamaica in August last, under convoy of two men of war.1 The above ship, in coming up, touched on... Continue Reading
Date: 16 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
I Rec'd your letter per Express, last night at half-past Eleven o'clock, wherein you order me to send two Pilot boats to Cruise to the Eastward, I must acquaint you that there is no boats here that can be got, that is any ways fit for the Service, they being all bought up by your Merchants to send to sea. You likewise desire me to keep a strict look out, which you may depend upon that I shall, as... Continue Reading
Date: 16 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
As I expect to Launce one of the Row Galleys in about 18 Days I Should be oblidgd to You to let Me Know per Bearer Mr John Barry how the Row Gallies Should be Masted & Rigged, or Whether Y[ou']ll leave that Matter to Capt [James] Nicholson & Self. Please Alsoe, to let me know, Who is to be the Sail Maker & Who is to find the Cordage Who am Gentlemen [&c.]
Date: 16 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
as Captain Paterson [William Patterson] boat is So Near Redey to Sail I thought it Would be as Well for him to Com up In hir Redey to Receve your orders Which will be tomor[ro] w as the Larg Schooner Culd be got Redey In a fue Days With Six Careg guns If you Would Consent to swap two feild Pises Which you have In anaplois for two heve Pises that I tuck out of the Reselution the Large Schooner is... Continue Reading
Date: 16 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Ordered that a Warrant Issue to Mr Patrick Lochart for five hundred and forty three Pounds five shillings and eleven pence for Hemp furnished Capt Charles Thomas for the use of the Rope-Walk.ー Ordered that a Warrant Issue to John Bolling for the use of Daniel McCallum for seven pounds seventeen shillings for Rugs furnished Lieut Henry Stratton for the use of the Marines.ー The Board having had... Continue Reading
Date: 16 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Resolved That it is the Opinion of this House That the Commissioners of the navy do forthwith furnish and supply Colonel [Christopher] Gadsden with all the assistance of vessels and Hands in their power to Procure to carry on the Public Work he is now about And that a copy of this Resolution be served on the said Commissioners Message from the Legislative Council by their Clerk Mr Speaker and... Continue Reading
Date: 16 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
The Petition of David Smith humbly sheweth That your Petitioner has been lately taken in the Schooner called the three Brothers, whereof Your Petitioner was Master & part owner, by Capt Fisk, in the Tyrannicide, an Armed Sloop in the service of this State, & carried into Dartemouth ー half of said Schooner & Cargo have been decreed by the Maritime Court forfeited to this State as Nova... Continue Reading
Date: 17 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Application from the Committees of South Hadley representing. That Whereas Lieut John Knight a Prisoner on Parole is destin'd to reside at South Hadley, and the Committee found in his possession a Box containing sundry Surveys of the Coast of Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, New England, including the Harbour of Boston, & Isles &c ー wch Box of Surveys they took from him, least they might in... Continue Reading
Date: 17 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Monday last was sent into Salem, by Captain [Simon] Forrester, a Prize Brig, with a large Quantity of Sea-Coal, and 1600 Pieces of Woolen Cloth.1 Same Day, a Prize Schooner was sent into the same Place, laden with Fish, &c. ー She was taken by Capt. Carlton [William Carleton], in a Privateer fitted out from Salem.2 On Wednesday, last week, was sent into Falmouth, Casco-... Continue Reading
Date: 17 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Your Favour requesting us to procure You an Iron Hearth or Cabose for the Ship of War under Your Care2 also requesting us to inform You whether You could be supplied with.12 lb Shot and what Price we gave the Riggers for Rigging the Warren & Providence we received and it has not been in our Power to reply thereto until now by Reason of Mr Mumford (who is the only Person who... Continue Reading
Date: 17 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
[1776] October 8th Paid Captn Hacker to pay Men belongg to the Hamden One hundd & forty Dolls th 10 paid Sundry Men belonging to the Columbus on accot Wages ー Vizt John Lowder One dollar   Thomas Cox One dollar   William Hamilton twenty one dolls   John Clark two dollars   Nine Men ー 7 dolls ea ー Sixty three dolls 11 paid Ezra Winslow A months pay to go... Continue Reading
Date: 17 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
I wrote to you at Sea 4th Ulto by the Brigtine Sea Nymph my Second Prize. I have taken Sixteen Sail ー Manned and Sent in Eight Prizes and sunk, burnt, or destroyed the rest.ー The list of Prizes is as follows. 1 The Brigantine Britannia, A Whaler — Manned & sent in 2 " Brigtine Sea Nymph, West India-Man 3 " Brigtine Favourite, — Do 4 " Ship Alexander, Jersey Newfoundland-man 5 "... Continue Reading
Date: 17 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
The Barer is a Lady on Bord the Cabits Prize Lowther2 Should be glad you will take Care to Provide hur Such Logings as are Sutable to hur and See that Shee is treated Every other ways as a womon of Caractor and you will oblige yous at Command
Date: 17 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Recd from Bedford out of the Ship Alexander Taken by Capt [John Paul] Jones & ship'd from thence by Ephraim Spooner & Wm Watson Agents dld to fleet 4 quoils Cordage 4c weight a 120/ 24..—..— 1 Sale to Brig 2 Sales Value £ 6 and £ 13 19..—..— Expences pd bringing round        8..—   £ 43. .8..— 4 bolts to Warren Recd out of the Ship Alfred 3 to providence 8 boults of Duck... Continue Reading
Date: 17 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Whereas the frequent passing of Vessels, Boats, and other Water Craft, between this and the Neighbouring States and Towns, may serve the Purpose of conveying Persons Inimical, and Intelligence and Effects Detrimental, to the United States of America, unless Care is taken to prevent it. For which Purpose, the several Committees of Correspondence and Inspection, for the Towns of New-London, and... Continue Reading
Date: 17 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6


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