Last week arrived at a safe port a Prize, which makes the eighth taken and the sixth sent in by Captain Fisk, in one of the State Vessels; she came from Topsham in England, was taken in seven days after sailing, her loading salt Provisions, and bound to Newfoundland: He also took another vessel from said Port, which he gave to the Prisoners about 60 in number.
Saturday last Captain Glover returned in a Flag from Halifax, after 8 Days Passage, with about 80 Persons, who had been taken Prisoner and carried in there.
The Flag from Portsmouth remained there when Captain Glover came away, and it was expected would soon Sail with about the above Number of Prisoners, which remained behind.
In the cartel arrived here on Saturday, from Halifax, came Capt. [Simeon] Sampson, of the State brig Independence — Lieut. [Robert] Saunders, of the Alfred ship of war — Lieut. M'Coy, of CoL Erving's Pennsylvania regiment - a number of other officers, sailors, &c. They all agree in one story; that is, that ever since they have been captives with the enemy, they have been treated in the most severe and inhuman manner; which is beyond the power of pen and tongue to describe. And that they win not exchange old countrymen; but compel them at the point of the bayonet, to go on board their pirate ships, as seamen. This is the treatment which our brethren receive from our implacable, blood-thirsty enemies, — and which the humane, polite Mr. Howe (in his letter to his Excellency General Washington) calls humanity.
By two American sailors, who made their escape from a British trans port, lying in Halifax harbour, and arrived in. town last Tuesday; from Machias we are informed, — that the British pirate frigates Milford and Scarborough, lay in Machias harbour; they came. there with an intention of compelling the inhabitants to take the oath of allegiance to the tyrannic king and padiament of Britain. The Milford sent up Machias river, a boat, with I Lieutenant, I Midshipman and 9 seamen, with an intent, it is thought, of making discoveries; but they said, as a flag. The Machias Patriots not thinking proper to take such noted liars words, thought proper to secure them; and they are now confined in that town. These two men were draughted from among a number of other American prisoners, on board the above-mentioned transport, to man her; from whence they made their escape.
Last Tuesday arrived at a safe Port, a Prize Brig, laden with Rum. She was from Jamaica, bound to Liverpool, and was captured by Capt. [Jonathan] Oaks, in the private armed Brig Hawk. She sailed from Jamaica the be ginning of April last, in Company with 50 Sail of Merchantmen, under Convoy of a Frigate.