In Marine Committee Philadelphia 10 July, 1777
William Vernon, James Warren, and John Deshon, Esqr Whereas by a Resolve of Congress the Nineteenth day of April 1777 You were appointed a Board of Assistants to the Marine Committtee, to Reside at or in the Neighbourhood of Boston, in the State of Massachusetts Bay, with Power to adjourn to any Part of New England, and to have the Superintendance of all Naval and Marine Affairs of the United States of America within the four Eastern States under the direction of the Marine Committee, You are immediately to repair to Boston and having there met appoint a Clerk properly Qualified and of undoubted attachment to the Interest and Independence of the United States of America. You are to superintend and direct whatever relates to the Building, Manning, and fitting for Sea all Armed Vessels of the United States built, or ordered by the Congress to build in the Eastern Department, and to provide all materials and Stores necessary for that purpose, subject to such Orders as you may from Time to Time receive from Congress or the Marine Committee. You are to collect in due season all fit and necessary materials of every kind for the above purposes and such materials as you may not be able to provide and shall Judge necessary to be imported you are timely to report to the Marine Committee the Kinds and Quality of each, and how and upon what terms they may be imported by you or any Persons you may be authorized to appoint within your District. You are to receive and settle all accounts relative to the above business and also all such Accounts as shall be referred to you by the Marine Committee.
You are to keep an exact Register of all the Officers, Sailors, and Marines in the Continental Navy fitted and Manned within your District and the same transmit to the Marine Committee.
You are to require all Captains or Commanders of Continental Arm'd Vessels, coming into any port within your District, to make return to you of the Officers, Sailors and Marines on Board their Vessels, and of the State and Condition of their Vessels and Stores, and you are to transmit Duplicates thereof to the Marine Committee. You are to apply to the Marine Committee from Time to Time for such sums of Money as may be necessary in your Department.
You will cause your Clerk duely to Register every Continental Vessel that hath been, or shall be Built within your district, which Register shall contain the Name, Dimentions, Burthen, Number of Guns, Tackle Apparel and Furniture of the said Vessels and transmit a Copy thereof to the Marine Committee.
You will direct the Oeconomy of all Continental Vessels and ascertain the Modes in which their Accounts shall be kept on board and how returns shall be made, — not contrary to any that may be, or have been directed by Congress or the Marine Committee. you are hereby required to keep fair Books of all expenditures of Publick Moneys for the Navy within your department which Books shall at all Times be subject to the Inspection and examination of Congress and the Marine Committee, or of such Person or Persons as they may Authorize and appoint for that Purpose, and you are to render Accounts of your disbursments Annually or Oftener if required.
You are hereby empower'd to order Courts Martial in all Cases where the Commanding officers shall refuse, or neglect the same, and it shall apear to you requisite; and (in the absence of the Commander in chief) in all cases where the Commander in chief only is Authorized thereto by the Resolutions of Congress. When any Continental Ship of War comes into any port within your District, you are immediately to give Notice to the Marine Committee of her Arrival and the time it will require to fit and equip her for Sea again in Order that Instructions may be sent by said Committee for such Ships future destination. By order of the Marine Board