Dartmouth July 12th 1777
Dear Sir
I have the pleasure at last of being able to inform you that We have got a Mast into the Sloop Providence — & am in hopes that we shall get her to Sea the Next Week without troubling you further than in procuring for her the Drugs &c agreable to the Memorandum that I have delivered Mr Vesey2 which was made out at my request by the Physicians of this place who examin'd the Sloops Medicin Chest.
I wrote you by the Post — but as I have not been favor'd by him with an Answer apprehend my Letter miscarried — I then requested a Sett of Instruments — if they shoud be procur'd please to erase them from Mr Veseys Memorandum — I also beg'd the favour of you to inform me if I was to pay an Account that has been exhibited to me against a Man who was captur'd in the Active & who met with the Misfortune of having both his Legs broke — I recollect nothing further for your detention at present — when any thing turns up worthy your Notice shall do myself the pleasure of writing- in the interim beg leave to subscribe myself — [&c.]
Leo: Jarvis
Mr Vesey has handed me this instant a Bill of his Board from April 1st to June 26th he says the Officers are always allow'd Board from the time they leave one Ship 'till they enter into another — & the Vessel on board of which they enter pay it — I beg to be inform'd if this is right — I am in Advance, I believe, for Congress — how am I to obtain my Money 3
1. Dr. John K. Lattimer Private Collection, New York, N.Y.
2. Lieutenant Joseph Vesey of the Continental Navy brig Cabot.
3. See Bradford's reply to this letter on July 14.