By &c
Lord Viscount Weymouth, one of His Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State having transmitted to us a Copy of a Letter from the Lord Lieut of Ireland, inclosing one from the Lord Mayor of the City of Dublin, requesting on the part of the Merchants of that City, that the Linnen Ships of that Kingdom may be convoyed as far as the Isle of White [Wight]; You are therefore, hereby requested and directed (notwithstanding former Orders) to see the said Linnen Ships and any other Trade bound from thence to England as far up the English Channel as the Isle of White accordingly, and to continue to do so until you receive farther Orders. Given &c. the 13th June 1777.
Palmerston Lisburne H. Palliser.
Captn Bligh — Wasp Sloop — Dublin By &c P. S.
1. PRO, Admiralty 2/103, 28.