Admty Office 25 June 1777
Having communicated to my Lords Commrs of the Admiralty Your Letter of the 21st Instant, informing them of your having received One from the Keeper and Agent of the Prison at Forton, acquainting you that Eleven of the Prisoners2 had on the 20th in the Morning made their escape by breaking through the Wall, notwithstanding a Centinel had been placed in the Prison day & night; I am commanded by their Lordships to signify their direction that One of you do immediately go down and examine the Premises, and give the necessary directions for adding to the security of the place, and to report whether a reinforcement of the Guards, or anything else is wanting. I am Gent [&c.]
PhP Stephens
1. Letters to Commissioners for taking care of Sick & Hurt Seamen, Adm/M/404, NMM.
2. All from Massachusetts privateer brig Rising States.