Capt. R. and myself are just returned from our Tour to the Coast of France. — In our Passage to Guernsey we fell in with a Rebel Privateer of 12 Guns and IOSwivels. We were in Mr. Tucker's Yacht of this place with four Men only. As soon as the Enemy came within Gun-shot, she poured in a Broadside on us; one of the Shot struck a Bowl of Punch out of Capt. R.'s Hand, went through the Flap of my Coat, and was nearly carrying away the Bowsprit, singeing the parts around. We gave her a Discharge of our Swivels, on which she sheered off. We hope soon to see a sufficient Number of armed Sloops appointed to scour the Channel of these infamous Fellows.
1. Public Advertiser, London, July 16, 1777.