AM as the day broke saw a Sail under the lee Bow, which we soon afterwards discoverd to be the Chace, bore up and set the Studdingsails with every other Canvas we could spread, at ½ past 8 fir'd several Shot at the Chace, upon which she hauld into Mounts Bay and Anchord close to Helston Beach and the People made their escape on Shore, stood in after her, and brot up with the best Bower Anchor in 10 fm water at 1 Mile Dist from her, hoisted out the Boats and sent 2 Detachments of Marines to take Possession of the Prize and to pursue the Crew, at 11 a Boat came on board from the Prize with 9 Prisoners, She proves to be the Fancy Privateer of 12 Guns and 80 Men, John Lee Master belonging to Newbury Port, had been out 7 Weeks, and taken 4 Prizes, which he Dispatch'd to America, during the Chace the Prize threw overboard 9 of her Guns, 6 Swivels, part of her Iron Ballast, Shot & every thing they could get at. at Single Anchor off Hellston Beach Helston Church NE the Sothrn land in Sight S½E, and St Michaels Mount NWbNo off Shore 1 Mile —
Fresh Breezes & Hazy Wear, PM the boats bringing the Prisoners from the Shore which were taken by the Marines, lost by Accident in boarding the Prize, One Cutlass, at 2 in attempting to get under weigh, several Bars were broke at the Capston, and some of the People Hurt, carried away two of the Stoppers and broke the Messenger, Sent a Lieut with 12 Men on board the Prize, at 5 Weigh'd & made Sail with the Prize in Company, found the Prize so tender she could not carry Sail, bore up for Plymouth