July 1778
Wedy 30
[anchored in Newport Harbor, R.I.]
at 4 AM saw anoyr [another] of the Enemys Ships1 pass thro the Naragansett2 & anchd of[f] the No of Connanicutt3 apparently a 2 Decker, at 8 sent 3 of the 12 Pounders to strengthen the No Battery on Rhode Isle w some Ammunition & 20 Seamen, Empd hoisting out our Provisions & landg them in Store—Row'd Guard—
Lit Winds & fair Wear. at 2 PM saw another of the Enemys Ships4 pass thro the Naragansett & anchd on the So.ward of Prudence5
D, UkLPR, Adm. 51/360, fols. 163–64.
1. French Navy ship of the line Sagittaire, Capitaine de vaisseau François-Hector, comte d'Albert de Rions.
2. Narragansett Passage.
3. That is, Conanicut Island.
4. French Navy ship of the line Fantasque, Capitaine de vaisseau Pierre-André bailli de Suffren de Saint-Tropez.
5. That is, Prudence Island.