I this minut have an opertunity to Informe you of the State of our affairs at the Eastward that we are all Stantch for Countery Except three men and one of them is Deserted the other two is in Iorns ー as for the vessels which attemtd to Carrey Stuff to our enemies are stopt and I am about to move about Two hundred of white pine masts and other stuff got for our Enemies use Sir having heard of the Cruel murders they have dun in our Province makes me more Resolute than ever and finding that the Sword is drawn first on their side that we shall be annimated with that noble spirit that wise men ought to be untill our Just Rights and Libertys are secured to us Sr my heart is with every tru Son of America tho my Person can be in but one place at once, tho verey Soone I hope to be with you on the spot if any of my Friends enquier after Me Informe them that I make it my whole business to pursue those measures Recommended by the Congress. We being uppon the Sea Coast am in danger of being invaded by Pirates as on the 27th of inst there was a boat or barge Came in to our harbour and River and sounding as they went up the River ー Sir as powder and gunes is much wanted in the Eastern Parts and allso Provisions Pray Sir have you thoughts Something on this matter against I arrive which will be as soone as busness will admit Sir I am with the greatest Regard to the Countrey at heart your Ready friend [&c.]
Samuel Thompson
Brunswick April the 29th 1775
1. Mass. Arch., vol. 193, 98.