Doctor [Joseph] Warren, Colonel [Joseph] Palmer, and Colonel [Henry] Gardner were appointed a Sub-Committee to confer with General [Artemus] Ward, relative to the proposal made by Colonel [Benedict] Arnold, of Connecticut, for an attempt upon Ticonderoga.
Voted, That General [John] Thomas be desired to give such orders respecting the Whale-Boats at Falmouth, and other parts southward, as he may judge proper.
Voted, That the Massachusetts [Provincial] Congress be desired to give an order upon the Treasurer for the immediate payment of one hundred Pounds, in cash; and also order two hundred Pounds of Gunpowder, two hundred weight of Lead Balls, and one thousand Flints, and also ten Horses, to be delivered unto Captain Benedict Arnold, for the use of this Colony, upon a certain service approved of by the Council of War: said Arnold to be accountable for the same, to this or some future Congress, or House of Representatives of this Colony.
Voted, That Colonel Arnold, appointed to a secret service, be desired to appoint two Field-Officers, Captains, &c. to be allowed the same pay during their continuance in service as is established for officers and privates of the same rank, who are ordered by the Congress of Massachusetts-Bay to be raised for the defence of the rights and liberties of America; the officers and privates to be dismissed by Colonel Arnold, or the Committee of Safety, whenever they shall think proper.
Voted, That the Committee of Supplies be desired to procure ten Horses for Colonel Arnold, to be employed on a special service.