To Benedict Arnold, Esquire, commander of a body of Troops on an expedition to subdue and take possession of the Fort of Ticonderoga:
Sir:  Confiding in your judgment, fidelity and valour, we do, by these presents, constitute and appoint you Colonel and Commander-in-Chief over a body of men, not exceeding four hundred, to proceed with all expedition to the Western part of this and the neighbouring Colonies, where you are directed to enlist those men, and with them forthwith to march to the Fort at Ticonderoga, and use your best endeavours to reduce the same, taking possession of the cannon, mortars, stores, &c., upon the Lake; you are to bring back with you such of the cannon, mortars, stores, &c. as you shall judge may be serviceable to the Army here, leaving behind what may be necessary to secure that post, with a sufficient garrison; you are to prcure suitable provisions and stores for the Army, and draw upon the Committee of Safety for the amount thereof, and to act in every exigence, according to your best skill and discretion, for the publick interest, for which this shall be your sufficient warrant.
Benj Church, Jun. for Com. of Safety
William Cooper, Secretary
My Order
Cambridge, May 3, 1775.