Crown Point, 19th May 1775ー
My last was of the 14th Instant by Mr [Bernard] Romans, via New Haven. I then acquainted you of the Occasion of Delay in not carrying your Orders into execution. ー The Afternoon of the same Day, being joined by Captains Brown & Oswald, with 50 Men inlisted on the Road, they having taken Possession of a small Schooner, at Skenesborough, we immediately proceeded on our Way for St Johns, and at 8 o'Clock, P.M; the 17th Instant arrived within 30 Miles of St Johns. The Weather proving calm, we mannd out two small Batteaux, with 35 Men, & the next Morning at 6 o'Clock, arrived at St Johns, surprized & took a Sargeant & his Party of 12 Men, the King's Sloop of about 70 Tons, with 2 brass 6-pounders & 7 Men, without any Loss on either Side. ー The Captain was gone to Montreal, & hourly expected with a large Detachment for Ticonderoga, a Number of Guns & Carriages for the Sloop, which was just fixed for sailing; add to this there was a Captain & 40 Men at Chamblee, 12 Miles distant from St Johns, who was expected there every Minute with his Party; so that it seemed to be a mere Interposition of Providence that we arrived in so fortunate an Hour. We took such Stores on board as were valuable, & the Wind proving favourable, in two Hours after our arrival, weighed Anchor for this place, with the Sloop & 4 of the kings Batteaux, having destroy'd 5 others; so that there is not left a single Batteau for the kings Troops, Canadians or Indians, to cross the Lake in if they have any such Intention. ー I must, in Justice to Col. [Ethan] Allen, observe, that he left Crown Point soon after me for St Johns with 150 Men & on my Return I met him 5 Leagues this Side, & supplied him with Provisions, his Men being in a starving Condition. ー He informed me of his Intention of proceeding on to St John's with 80 or 100 Men, & keeping Possession there. ー It appeared to me a wild, impracticable Scheme, & provided it could be carried into execution, of no Consequence, so long as we are Masters of the Lake, & of that I make no Doubt, as I am determined to arm the Sloop & Schooner immediately. ー I wrote you, Gentlemen, in my former Letter, that I should be extremely glad to be superceded in my Command here, as I find it next to impossible to repair the old Fort at Ticonderoga, & am not qualified to direct in building a new one.ー
I am really of Opinion, it will be necessary to employ 1000 or 1500 Men here this Summer, in which I have the Pleasure of being joined in Sentiment by Mr Romans, who is esteem'd an able Engineer. ー I am making all possible Provisions for wheel Carriages &c to carry such Cannon &c to Albany, as can be spared here & will be servicable to our Army at Cambridgeー
I must refer you for Particulars to the Bearer, Capt Jonathan Brown, who has been very active & servicable, & is a prudent & good Officer, and beg leave to observe, I have had Intimations given me, that some Persons had determined to apply to you & the Provincial Congress, to injure me in your esteem by misrepresenting Matters of Fact. ー I know of no other Motive they can have, only my refusing them Commissions, from the very simple Reason, that I did not think them qualified: ー however, Gentlemen, I have the Satisfaction of imagining I am employ'd by Gentlemen of so much Candour that my Conduct will not be condemned untill I have the Opportunity of being heardー
I am [&c.]
P.S. Inclosed is a Memorandum of such Cannon &c as I intend sending to Cambridge Also of such as are here.ー
By a Return from Montreal to Genl [Thomas] Gage, I find there are 71 7 Men in Canada, of the 7th & 26th Regiments, including 70, which we have taken Prisoners.