Displaying 21 - 40 of 23821
Mr John Slingsby & Co inform the committee that they have imported in the brig Diana Capt Authven, master, from Glasgow since the first instant a cargo of goods for their store in this town, amounting to £1916 7s 2⅔d, sterling and another cargo for their store at Cross Creek amounting to £1018 13s 9¾d. sterling and delivered the same with the invoices thereof into the hands of the committee...
Date: 10 December 1774
Volume: Volume 1
Sir, His Majesty's Ship under my Command2 ran on the Rocks at this Place Yesterday Morning at 5 O'Clock. She is now at an Anchor in a very narrow Place environ'd with Rocks and about half her Length from some of them, her Rudder is lost and she has received very considerable damage, if timely Assistance arrives, I hope She will be saved, She now makes as much Water as all the Pumps...
Date: 11 December 1774
Volume: Volume 1
About Six this Evening Information coming of the Glasgows running upon Rocks, Lieut. [George] Dawson in the Hopes Tender was immediately ordered to her Assistance and to acquaint her Captain that every Help possible should follow; and accordingly a large Wood Sloop with a Lieutenant petty Officers and 40 men with necessary Geer sailed in the Night.
Date: 11 December 1774
Volume: Volume 1
I have now before me your several Favors of the 27th August. 23rd of September and 14th of October last. And Note their contents. The first acknowledging the Receipt of a Remittance from Captain John Walker at Barcelona for £400 Stg. one half on Account of my Brother Gerard and the other half on my own account. for which have made you Debtor, and have given you Credit for £52.6.11 Amount of a...
Date: 11 December 1774
Volume: Volume 1
We learn from undoubted authority, that Lord Dartmouth, Secretary of State, has wrote a Circular Letter to the Governors upon this Continent, informing them that his Majesty has thought fit by his Order in Council, dated the 19th of October, to prohibit the Exportation from Great Britain of Gun-Powder or any sort of Arms and Ammunition; and has signified to them his Majesty's Command that they do...
Date: 12 December 1774
Volume: Volume 1
Sir, I have your favor by Mr [Ebenezer] Dickinson, Lieutenant [Alexander] Gr[a]eme is arrived in the Sloop; Lieutenant [Joseph] Nunn in the Halifax; Mr [William] Lechmere by Land; You may be assured I shall lose no time or Opportunity in doing everything in my power for the Preservation of the Ship, an able Carpenter with two or three of that Profession would be of great Service in constructing...
Date: 12 December 1774
Volume: Volume 1
Last Friday and Saturday [December 9 and 10] all the cannon belonging to Fort George, except 4, were carried to Providence, with the shot, &c. from whence they may be easily conveyed into the country, to meet the Indians and Canadians with which the colonies are threatened.
The Tory faction in this town, the beginning of last week, grinn'd horrible a gastly smile, and prophesied there would...
Date: 12 December 1774
Volume: Volume 1
Sir, Yesterday I arrived in this port, with His Majesty's Ship under my Command, from New London, on a cruise, of which I had the honour to acquaint You, the 8th instant.
Since my absence from this Place, I find the Inhabitants (they say here of Providence) have seized upon the King's Cannon that was upon Fort Island, consisting of six twenty-four Pounders, eighteen eighteen Pounders, fourteen...
Date: 12 December 1774
Volume: Volume 1
On Tuesday last [December 6] his Majesty's Ship Swan,1 commanded by Capt. James Ayscough, weighed Anchor for Boston, by Way of the Sound.
We hear that at a Meeting of the General Committee of this City and County, two Sub-Committees were appointed to superintend the Sales of two Cargoes of Goods arrived here since the first Day of December. And that it was the opinion of the Committee...
Date: 12 December 1774
Volume: Volume 1
After I had embarked on board Le Despenser the 7th Ulto I wrote you as well as circumstances would permit a few Lines in answer to yours of the 3d which reached me on the point of departing from Falmouth, my Letter was sent on Shoar to be put into the Post office by persons who were Strangers to me, the Consideration of which had led me to this particular retrospect.
I had in the general an...
Date: 12 December 1774
Volume: Volume 1
We hear that a Regiment of Troops embarked last Sabbath [December 11] at Boston, said to be destined for this Place, for the Purpose of "arresting, detaining and securing Gun Powder."
Date: 13 December 1774
Volume: Volume 1
The schooner Polly, Reuben Hawes, master, having arrived in this province since the 1st instant, with twenty-three pipes of Madeira wine, the property of Messrs James Dice and Anthony Stewart, and another pipe the property of Dr. George Stewart, shipped the 5th day of October last; and Mr. Stewart requesting that the said wines should be sold under the direction of the committee, according to the...
Date: 13 December 1774
Volume: Volume 1
13th December
16,000 Men, including 4,284 Marines, were voted for the Year 1775.
Date: 13 December 1774
Volume: Volume 1
May it please your Excellency: I received your Excellency's favour of yesterday, and[d] in obedience thereto kept a strict watch all night, and added two men to my usual number, being all I could get. Nothing material occurred till this day one o'clock, when I was informed there was a number of people coming to take possession of the Fort, upon which, having only five effective men with me, I...
Date: 14 December 1774
Volume: Volume 1
Sir It is with the utmost Concern I find Myself called upon by my Duty to the King to communicate to You a most unhappy Affair perpetrated here this Day.
Yesterday in the Afternoon One Paul Rivere2 arrived in this Town Express from a Committee in Boston to another Committee in this Town, and delivered his Dispatch to Mr. Saml. Cutts a Merchant of this Town who immediately convened a...
Date: 14 December 1774
Volume: Volume 1
The people here have, I think openly declared themselves against government, and in such a manner, as surely must be pronounced rebellion: ー Is it possible that a people without arms, ammunition, money, or navy, should dare to brave a nation, dreaded and respected by all the powers on earth. ー What black ingratitude to the parent state, who has nourished, protected and supported them from their...
Date: 14 December 1774
Volume: Volume 1
The Letter from Lord Dartmouth and the Copy of the Kings Order in Council Copies of which are enclosed were brought by the Scarborough, received by Express on Wednesday Evening last [December 7] and next Morning laid before the General Assembly. They immediately ordered Copies of them to be sent to Mr. [Thomas] Cushing to be communicated to the [Massachusetts] provincial Congress.2...
Date: 14 December 1774
Volume: Volume 1
In consequence of the Cannon being mov'd from the Fort att New Port to Providence, we Yesterday Remov'd ours into the Cuntry, but I Lement the Unhappy Situation we are in for want of Powder, we are universally without any, for our Town Stock in this Town we have not a barrell and they know not ware to git any. I think if the Asembly is Cal'd they should Purchase 4 or 5 hundred barrells. If they...
Date: 14 December 1774
Volume: Volume 1
The Committee met at 6 o'clock P.M. Mr. Hereld Blackmore, informed that he had imported since the first instant in the Sloop Mary and the Brig ----, five negro slaves, and craved advice how to proceed, as he had given orders for the purchasing and shipping said slaves previous to the resolutions of the provincial Congress. The committee desired that Mr. Blackmore, would not sell, or send them out...
Date: 14 December 1774
Volume: Volume 1
My Lord, Sir Joseph Yorke's2 Letter to the Earl of Suffolk, a Copy of which was. inclosed with other Papers of Intelligence in Your Lordship's. to be marked secret and Confidential of the 19th of October, confirms the Reports spread here, of People sending to Europe for all kinds of Military Stores. I hope this Intelligerice is received in time to give a Chance of intercepting the...
Date: 15 December 1774
Volume: Volume 1