Displaying 61 - 80 of 23821
Decr 1774
Monday 19th
At 2 A M weigh'd [from Nantasket Road] & made Sail, Lost the Logg & 3 Lines, Pidgeon Hill W b S 2 Leags at 11 Came too at Newcastle in Piscataqua River with the Best Bower in 3 fm Water & veered to ⅓ of a Cable, found here His Majesty's Armed Ship Canceaux. steadied with the Kedge Anchor & Hawser the Light house Bore S E b S & Kittery Meeting house N...
Date: 19 December 1774
Volume: Volume 1
The Gaspee Brig came in from a Cruize and Sailed again the next day with Orders to be stationed from Cape Elizabeth to Manahigan [Monhegan] Islands, untill the beginning of April, and then to go to Halifax, clean and follow such Directions as she should receive from the Commanding Officer at that port.
Date: 19 December 1774
Volume: Volume 1
I had the Honor of your Excellency's letter of yesterday Morning the Supernumerary Marines serving in His Majesty's Squadron under my Command may be landed as soon as their Quarters are ready,2 that they may be disciplined in a manner to enable them to act on shore with the rest of His Majestys Troops.
When Major [John] Pitcaime reports to me that Quarters are in all respects ready for...
Date: 19 December 1774
Volume: Volume 1
I have this moment heard that a Vessel Sails Tomorrow Morning from Salem to England, and I embrace the Opportunity to acquaint you that his Majesty's Ship Somerset arrived here yesterday morning and this day is come up to Boston, without any Accident having happened. I am &c.
Date: 19 December 1774
Volume: Volume 1
Frost broke up, rained most of the day. The Somerset came into the Harbour, all well, as likewise the Swan, Sloop of War, Cn. Ayscough from New York; the Yankys exceedingly disappointed at seeing the Somerset, as they were in hopes she was lost. The Harbour now cuts a formidable figure, having four Sail of the Line, besides Frigates and Sloops and a great number of Transports. Upon the News...
Date: 19 December 1774
Volume: Volume 1
Some Ships fitting out at the Port of Liverpool about 7 Weeks since, could not have Permission to take on board either Gunpowder, or any Kind of Guns, Swords, &c.
By a Gentleman who left Quebec about 20 Days ago, we learn, That the Reports we have had here of the Canadians and Indians being to be raised and sent to act against the People of Boston, &c. is entirely groundless; and that...
Date: 19 December 1774
Volume: Volume 1
John Nixon of maketh Oath that the Ship called the Black Prince of Philadelphia whereof John Barry is at present Master being a square sterned Vessel of the Burthen of two hundred Tons or thereabouts was built in Philadelphia this present Year One thousand seven hundred & seventy four and that Thomas Willing Robt Morris Thos Morris & John Wharton of Philadelphia Merchants together with...
Date: 19 December 1774
Volume: Volume 1
At a Meeting of the Baltimore Committee held at Mr Grants December 19th, 1774ー
On motion, Resolved, that it be recommended to the retailers of British Salt, not to sell the same for more than Three Shillings p Bushel Cash.
On motion, Resolved, that where British Salt has or shall be imported into Baltimore Port since the 1st Day of December, it shall be left in the option of the owner or owners...
Date: 19 December 1774
Volume: Volume 1
Sir I received the Honour of your Letter of the 17th instant by Captain [Andrew] Barkley, who arrived in this Harbour yesterday with the Scarborough, as did Lieut [Henry] Mowat with the Canceaux on saturday Night last [December 17].
Permit me to return my most hearty thanks to You, Sir, for your great Readiness in ordering such timely Assistance to support his Majesty's Service here, which I...
Date: 20 December 1774
Volume: Volume 1
I got without the Lighthouse with his Majs Ship under my Command a Sunday [December 18] about Noon, the Wind at West North West, in the Afternoon the Wind veering to the Eastward and looking dirty, I put back and Anchor'd in Nantasket Road, at 3 the next Morning the Wind got round to So by East, I got under sail and at Eleven the same Morning Anchord here, where I found the Canceaux got in here...
Date: 20 December 1774
Volume: Volume 1
We hear that the Number of Barrels of Gun-Powder taken Care of by the good People of New-Hampshire, in their late Expedition to Fort William & Mary, situated about 3 Miles below Portsmouth, amounted to 106; together with a considerable Number of Cannon, all the Shot, Small Arms, &c.
Date: 20 December 1774
Volume: Volume 1
As the Supernumerary Marines will be disembarked in a few Days, I take the Liberty to mention the Proprietary of putting them whilst on shore on the same Footing with the rest of the Soldiers both as to their Pay and Provisions. As they are all employed in the same Service, if some are treated differently from others, it may Occasion Grumbling and discontent, which must be very prejudicial to the...
Date: 21 December 1774
Volume: Volume 1
I have the honor to signify my consent to your Excellency's requisition that the Supernumerary Marines to be landed from His Majestys Squadron under my Command, may, while they are on shore, be put on the same footing with the rest of the Soldiers as to their Pay an_d Provisions being satisfied for the reasons mentioned in your Excellency's letter of yesterday and from Major [John] Pitcairns...
Date: 22 December 1774
Volume: Volume 1
Friday evening [December 16] sailed for Portsmouth, New-Hampshire, his Majesty's ship Canceaux, Lieut. [Henry] Mowatt, commander . . .
And, on Saturday evening sailed for the same place his Majesty's ship Scarborough, Captain [Andrew] Barclay.
Sunday arrived here his Majesty's ship Somerset, of 64 guns, Captain [Edward] Le Cras, commander, from England.
Date: 22 December 1774
Volume: Volume 1
Snow all day. The Detachment not yet sailed; we hear it is to go to Rhode Island to bring away a quantity of Powder from a Vessel which has been drove in there, and which they are afraid to trust without a Guard.
Date: 22 December 1774
Volume: Volume 1
And[rew] Knox sent me an Order but it came too late no Ships now take in Goods for Virginia, you must therefore give me your Orders if you would have me send them, to [North] Carolina, for they continue to ship goods still to your Province.
Date: 22 December 1774
Volume: Volume 1
As the Affair of Removing the POWDER and some GUNS from the FORT, hath been a Matter of some speculation, I was determined to enquire and judge for myself; and find upon critical Examination, that the People of the Province of New-Hampshire are well known to have supported the Character of loyal Subjects of his MAJESTY, and have been distinguished for their Obedience to all Subordinate officers,...
Date: 23 December 1774
Volume: Volume 1
Saturday last the Boyne man of war of 64 guns, and Asia, of 60, lately mentioned to have arrived from England, came up into this harbour, and are at anchor within musket shot of the town.
Date: 23 December 1774
Volume: Volume 1
Commodore [Molyneux] Shuldham having acquainted my Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, that from the advices he had received of the Disturbances at Boston, he judged it expedient to order the Rose, one of the Ships of his Squadron, to carry some Land Forces thither, and had directed her Commander to follow your Orders for his further proceedings; I have it in command from their Lordships to...
Date: 23 December 1774
Volume: Volume 1
Tuesday Se'nnight all the Cannon belonging to the Battery at New London were removed into the Country.
Date: 24 December 1774
Volume: Volume 1