Displaying 101 - 120 of 23821
By an express from Captain [James] Wallace, Information coming of the Hinds Arrival very leaky in her Decks and Upper Works at Rhode Island, with Camp and Tent Equipage, and a Detachment of Marines for the Battalion at Boston,2 the Admiral ordered the Equipage and Detachment to be taken on board the Rose and the Hind to make the best of her way to join Vice Admiral [William] Parry at...
Date: 3 January 1775
Volume: Volume 1
Having received two Letters from Vice Admiral Graves, Commander in Chief of His Majesty's Ships and Vessels in No America, the one dated the 8th of Novr giving an account of the Proceedings of Lieutenant [Henry] Mowat in destroying the Town of Falmouth, the other dated the 4th of Decr, relating the Particulars of an Expedition made under the direction of Captain Barkeley [Andrew Barkley] to bring...
Date: 3 January 1775
Volume: Volume 3
Having received 3 Letters froin V.A. Graves Commander in Chief of His Majesty's Ships & Vessels in No America, dated the 2d & 20th of Novr & 4th of Decr last, giving an account of his proceedings with the Squadron under his Command; We send Your Lordship Copies thereof, & of the several Papers inclosed therein for His Majesty's Information.
We also inclose Your Lordship a Copy of...
Date: 3 January 1775
Volume: Volume 3
Whereas you have informed Us by your Letter of the 29th of last Month that Mr Robert Grant, who is under Contract with you for supplying His Majestys Ships at Nova Scotia, New England & Virginia with Sea Provisions and also at Nova Scotia with fresh Beef has represented to you that the disturbances in America have stopt the communication between the Colonies, and reduced every place to depend...
Date: 3 January 1775
Volume: Volume 3
Letters from Philadelphia, of the 26th of November, say, "in about six Weeks or two Months we shall have upwards of twenty armed Vessels ready to sail from hence, two of which mount 24 Guns, besides a Number of Swivels.
Date: 3 January 1775
Volume: Volume 3
The Homer, Dennet, bound for Hull from North Carolina, arrived at Dover, brings advice, that a large ship from St. Eustatia was arrived at Bath-town in the said province, with 400 barrels of gunpowder; and also a sloop from Eustatia, arrived off the Bar of Peacock [sic Ocracoke] with a quantity of gunpowder and musket balls, having information of two tenders belonging to his Majesty, sent by the...
Date: 3 January 1775
Volume: Volume 3
The Bristol, Sir Peter Parker; the Acteon, Capt. [Christopher] Atkins; the Deal-Castle, and the Thunderer bomb, which had sailed from Spithead, are put into Cowes Road; the wind having shifted.
Date: 3 January 1775
Volume: Volume 3
My Lord, I am very happy to find by Your Lordship's Letter No 20., that the manner in which I transmitted the Intelligence I received with regard to the intended Armament at Brest, has met with His Majesty's most gracious approbation.
Without seeming to have taken the least Alarm, I make that Armament a principal Object of my Attention. All the Secret Intelligence I have been able to collect,...
Date: 3 January 1775
Volume: Volume 3
A day or two after this order was received2 one of the Custom House officers discovered ten chests of Arms, three Boxes of Lead and one Barrell of Gun-powder on Board a Vessel bound to Rhode Island. It has been found on enquiry that these arms were lately imported on board the ship Lady Gage Captn [Thomas] Mesnard and it is said, were shipped at London as Hardware; but there was no...
Date: 4 January 1775
Volume: Volume 1
I have just time to inform You that the Brig Hope is Arrived2 & Also that I shall do My Best to give her dispatch for Dublin tho Wheat Flour & Flaxseed is Scarce & high. Flour 18/ Wheat 7/ Flaxseed 14/ & none of this last Article to be got. I shall write Messrs Robinson & Sandwith soon. I think there is about 12 of the Schooners Servants dead with a Bad fever. there...
Date: 4 January 1775
Volume: Volume 1
On the 9th Inst the Inhabitants of Charles Town are to meet in order to chuse a Committee of thirty to whom on the 11th the Country Committee are to be united & the whole will then proceed to the choice of Delegates to represent this Colony in general Congress of the United Colonies at Philadelphia the 10th of May next ー mean time the Subsisting Committee exert themselves in the Duties of...
Date: 4 January 1775
Volume: Volume 1
You will expect me to Say a word on our public affairs in which perhaps all Europe may eventually be concerned
On the 11th Inst there will be a meeting on this ground of Members elected in each district of the Province 120 in the whole ー these are to Nominate Delegates to Represent So Carolina at a Second general Congress intended to be holden at Philadelphia the 10th May next ー You have Seen the...
Date: 4 January 1775
Volume: Volume 1
It is the King's Intentions that every Effort should be made to send Relief to Quebec as early as possible.
For this purpose three Ships of 180 Tons each, have been contracted for to carry Provisions; and I am commanded to signify to Your Lordships His Majesty's Pleasure that one fifty Gun Ship, two Frigates, and a Sloop of War be forthwith prepared to accompany those Victuallers, and to be ready...
Date: 4 January 1775
Volume: Volume 3
My Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty having received Intelligence of a Ship now on her passage from L'Orient to some Port in North America with 200,000 lb Salt Petre on board; I send you by their Lordships directions a Copy of the said Intelligence for your information, that you may give such Orders thereon to the Commanders of His Majesty's Ships and Vessels under your Command as you may...
Date: 4 January 1775
Volume: Volume 3
The Report gains Ground, that Admiral Shuldham was met by three of the Congress Frigates, and, after a sharp and sudden Engagement, was taken. We hope this may be premature.
Two American armed Vessels, with a Number of Provincials and one of the Delegates belonging to the Congress on board, are said to be taken by two Ships belonging to Admiral Greave's Squadron. 1
Date: 4 January 1775
Volume: Volume 3
Two ships laden with wine, from Fyal, have been seized in the River St. Lawrence, belonging to London Merchants, and their cargoes have been used by the Provincials. 1
Yesterday expresses were sent to Portsmouth and Plymouth to open houses of rendezvous for entering soldiers and sailors to go on the American service.
Date: 4 January 1775
Volume: Volume 3
The Rifleman who was taken prisoner at Quebec, and brought over here in the Liberty, Capt. Thompson, as mentioned lately, was on Saturday [December 30] discharged from his confinement, there not being sufficient evidence to detain him in gaol.
Date: 4 January 1775
Volume: Volume 3
I forwarded without delay to M. de Sartine the letter which I had the honor to receive from Your Excellency on the 2nd Instant, And I am certain that this minister immediately sent orders to Dunkerque with regard to the vessel called the Charming Peggy.
Date: 4 January 1775
Volume: Volume 3
Several letters by the last vessels from Great Britain and other parts of Europe, inform us, that immediately after the King's proclamation issued, prohibiting the exportation of arms and ammunition from Great-Britain, two men of war were ordered to the Texel in Holland, in order to prevent the transportation of those articles in English bottoms to America.
Date: 5 January 1775
Volume: Volume 1
As we thought it would be agreeable to our readers to know the particulars of what has passed in this city, since the seizure of arms, &c. lately made at this port, for want of Cockets; we have been at pains to collect the following facts which may be depended upon.
As soon as the seizure was made, the ten cases and three boxes were carried to the Custom-House,1 and the barrel of...
Date: 5 January 1775
Volume: Volume 1