Displaying 1 - 19 of 19
My Lord, Last Tuesday I had the Honor to transmit to Your Lordship a Copy of the Memorial, which from the Motive I alledged in my Dispatch No. 7, I thought proper to present to a Deputation of the Senate on the 17th Instant; And I have now the Pleasure of inclosing to You, My Lord, the Extract of Their Register, with which, in Answer thereunto, Syndick Sillem and Senator Dörner were again...
Date: 24 February 1775
Volume: Volume 1
I had the Honor of Your Lordships Letter of the 7th February, and I lost no time in acquainting Count Scheffer with the Instructions given to the Commanders of His Majestys Ships and Vessels on the North-American Station. He said that the precautions were just and wise, and that, I might depend upon it, no Swedish Vessels would be found in those Seas; but I observed, that though the Swedes should...
Date: 3 March 1775
Volume: Volume 1
The Proclamation publish'd by the States General for restraining provisionally under certain Penalties, the Exportation of Arms and Ammunition for the space of Six Months, appeared this morning in Print, & will be distributed & fixed up in all the trading Towns of the Seven Provinces. I have the Honour to inclose one of the Copies of the Proclamation, with a Translation of it.2...
Date: 24 March 1775
Volume: Volume 1
Sr As soon [as] I was honored with your Letter of the 14th Instant desiring to be informed if an English Ship from Virginia loaded with Tobacco had lately put into this Port, I made the strictest enquiries to discover the truth of this Intelligence, and accordingly find that an English Ship about 200 Tons burthen whose name is the Catherine Captain Paton Master put into this Port directly from...
Date: 18 April 1775
Volume: Volume 1
Vice Admiral Sir James Douglas Commander in Chief of His Majesty's Ships at Portsmouth, having in his Letter of the 17 Instant acquainted Us of the arrival at that Port of His Majesty's Ship the Pallas having onboard the Lieutenant and Twelve Prisoners belonging to an American Armed Vessel called the Independance, which had taken the Ann Merchant Ship from Dominico, which Merc:hant Ship was...
Date: 19 November 1776
Volume: Volume 7
Willing & Morris of Philada having writ to Mr Deane a Scheme for an Extensive & very proffita:ble Commerce, to be carried on between the Subjects of France, & those of G B. now in Rebellion — Mr Deane did actually engage Mr Tho. Walpole — Mess Bourdieu & Co Mr G Apth[ro]p — & others in London — Mess Delap of Bourdeaux — Mess —— (the Comp to which the Brig. Dickinson was Consd...
Date: 23 November 1776
Volume: Volume 7
I beg leave to refer to what I had the honour of writing your Lordship the 28th Ulto ー The Memorial I gave in to our Governor concerning the American at Marstrand, Occasion'd his Writing to the Commandant there, In Answer he sent in the Vessells Hamburg Pass, of which I Inclose a Copy, the Owner therein Named is a Brittainer. ー the Commandant & Burgomr of Marstrand granted the American evry...
Date: 7 January 1777
Volume: Volume 8
My last respects were of 21st Inst ー since which a list of the Dutch Ships intended this Season for the Whale Fishery, has been published, by which it appears they are to send 72 to Greenland, & 45 to Straits Davis; being 5 fewer to the former, & one more to the Latter place: than last year. I am informed that Two Frigates of War are to escort those which fish in Straits Davis, to protect...
Date: 31 January 1777
Volume: Volume 8
I have this moment fallen upon the' exact state of the Busyness which is the immediate object of A Lee's journey to Madrid. The delegates at Paris, assisted by the Count d'Aranda, & the Weverial Minister I before described, had Adopted a scheme suggested by a M. de Rulle Cour to give the Congress an Establishment convenient for an admiralty Jurisdiction in Europe or rather Africa. The...
Date: 3 March 1777
Volume: Volume 8
Your Lordship having, in your Letter of the 3d Instant, acquainted Us that the Kings Assent had been that Day given to "An Act of Parliament to empower his Majesty to secure and detain Persons charged with or suspected of the Crime of High Treason committed in any of His Majestys Colonies or Plantations in America or on the High Seas or the crime of Piracy" and that there is a Clause which makes...
Date: 6 March 1777
Volume: Volume 8
Your Lordship having in your Letter of the 12th Inst acquainted Us that the Attorney and Solicitor General have pursuant to His Majestys Commands transmitted to you Draughts of two Warrants the one for confining certain Prisoners at Plymouth, the other at Portsmouth Copies of which were received in your said Letter; And your Lordship having therein remarked to Us that the description of the...
Date: 20 March 1777
Volume: Volume 8
The Agent of the States General delivered to me yesterday on the part of Their High Mightinesses, Their Resolution of the 18th Instant, by which they agree in the most friendly manner to what I had demanded by my last Memorial, as Your Lordship will see at large in the Translation of that Paper, which I have the Honour to inclose. The Prohibition2 is extended provisionally for a...
Date: 22 August 1775
Volume: Volume 2
My Lord, It is with some satisfaction, I have, at last, the honor of sending Your Lordship, the Edict by which the King of Denmark has prohibited the Exportation of Warlike Stores, and other Articles of Commerce, serving for Military Armaments, to the Danish Colonies.2 It was sent me on Tuesday Night, after the departure of the Post, which sets out at Eight o'Clock. I have translated...
Date: 14 October 1775
Volume: Volume 2
I have the honor to receive the public despatches of October 16th last No 20 with his Majesty's Instructions for forming a Regiment for the defence of Nova Scotia, signed by your Lordship. I shall exert myself to the utmost of my ability to carry the same into execution.
The great care and attention his Majesty has expressed, for the preservation of this Province, must fill the minds of every...
Date: 23 December 1775
Volume: Volume 3
The two Ships which Mess Horneca, Fiseaux & Co, are building for Congress Account, but ostensibly for Messrs Le ray de Chaumont, Grand & Co at Paris — are of a peculiar construction, under the direction of a Chevr de St Louis, M. Bouck [Jacques Boux], formerly in the French Navy. They are to carry 30 Guns each; of 24 & 18 pounds Calibre on one Deck, & yet to be able to Load 1000...
Date: 10 June 1777
Volume: Volume 9
. . . the N England Provinces have sent on a secret Expedition, five frigates — 2, of 32 Guns, 2, of 28 &1 — of 22. with 12 other Hired Privaticrs for 28 days — Mounting from 12 to 18 Guns.2 Some think Nfound Land, others Halifax or the Transports from England to be the Object. . . .
Date: 17 July 1777
Volume: Volume 9
. . . I am assured, that fifty four sail have been taken, going from & to the Colonies, to & from St Eustatia in about Six Weeks; which has given the most sensible Shock to the Traders here — & stopped at once all the Adventures preparing for that quarter. . . .
Date: 5 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
. . .The Ship with Artillery at Marseilles has been pretendedly unloaded, but it is all a Trick — She will sail in a fortnight Orders are given, by Count Vergennes, that our Privateers shall be supplyed with Amunition &c, at Sea: & it is now resolved to vex England by every species of Contrariety. . . .
Date: 19 September 1777
Volume: Volume 9
The 20th. ulto. I had the honour of writing your Lordship, advising of Capt. Woodhouse Sailing,1 since I have a Report of him being in an out harbour near to Arendahl on Coast of Norway, where he received the Powder from the Swedish Sloop.
I am honour'd with your Lordships favour No. 5—The two American schooners remain still in Marstrand, I...
Date: 14 January 1778
Volume: Volume 11