American Theatre from August 1, 1777, to September 30, 1777
I am to desire You will please to inform their Lordships, that the Lieutenant Governor & Council of Nova Scotia, having in their Representations to me of the 28th of last Month express'd strong Apprehensions, that the Kings rebellious Subjects in the Eastern Parts of New England were about to invade, & ravage that Province, from Machias, & requesting I would take such Measures to... Continue Reading
Date: 16 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
A Prize Schooner arrived at an eastern Port last Tuesday, taken by the Sloop Providence, Capt. Rathbun, in the Service of the United States; she was bound from New York to Jamaica.1 Two other Vessels were in Company with the above Schooner, one mounting 12, the other 4 Guns, both which Capt. Rathbun engaged, and was preparing to board, the largest, when the Schooner bore away, and... Continue Reading
Date: 16 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
The Officers of British Ships of War have set on Shoar several Persons belonging to American Merchantmen taken by them; these Persons they have considered as Prisoners on Parole; — The American Marine Comm. discharged British Merchantmen taken by their Vessels, not considering them as Prisoners of War — this being the Case it is necessary to come to an Explanation. A negotiation is now on Foot... Continue Reading
Date: 16 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
with a great deal of Deligance and Trowble with out Any Acting Officer but my Self have got the lndependance Ready for hur Guns and as Capt Walkers Clark went out to the Fournice A Wensday About them and Find they have down Nothing to them Sence Capt Walker was there him self; I think it nassary to Acquant your Excellencey of it, and to Ask of you Sir to let me have one of the Freindships... Continue Reading
Date: 16 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
Sloop Molly Owned by the State of Maryland To Jenifer & Hooe
Va Curry
June 11
To Cash paid for 1 Barrl Tarr
1. .4.—
To ditto paid Major Sweeney for 300 feet plank a 10/
To ditto paid Jno Frishby P Accot
3. .6. .3
To ditto paid Jno Frishby P ditto
10. .3. .3
July 7
To ditto paid for 14 y'ds Canvas @ 8/2
5.14. .4
To ditto paid Thomas Saulson P Bill... Continue Reading
Date: 16 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
August 1777
Cape Henry WSW 5 miles
Saturday 16th
at 6 A.M. Came to Sail as P Sigl from the Adml at 8 Turning up for Cape Henry had 7 to 14 fm Cape Henry WNW 4 miles Open'd a Cask of Beef No 2251 Cont 192 at 10 Calm Anchord with the Stream Anchor in 9 fathom at Noon fine Clear Wr
Fresh Breezes at 1 P.M. Came to Sail as did the Adml and all the Convoy Set Studdg Sails at 3 running thro'... Continue Reading
Date: 16 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
16th [August, Chesapeake Bay] This day we spared a Horse Sloop in Quarter Master Gen'ls Department, one But of Water or they must have thrown their horses overboard.
Date: 16 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
The Fleet which has been seen for some Days past coasting along our Eastern Shore, last Night entered our Bay; it consists of upwards of 100 Sail — We think it not only of immediate Concern to this State to give you this Information but also of the greatest consequence to the United States in general, as we hope to receive considerable assistance from you having on a former Occasion experienced... Continue Reading
Date: 16 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
You are desired to give the County Lieutenants every Assistance in your power in collecting the Boats or other Vessels which may facilitate the Escape of our internal Enemies or Slaves to the Enemy or may in any manner serve to supply the Enemy with Provisions. —
Navy Board
16 Aug 1777 }
Date: 16 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
State of North Carolina
Richard Caswell Esquire Governor &
Commander in Chief of the said State
To either of the Public Treasurers —
You are hereby required to pay unto Richard Ellis Esquire Commissioner of the Pennsylvania Farmer Vessel of War belonging to this State the Sum of two thousand five hundred pounds Currency for the Purpose of fitting out the said Vessel for a Cruise against the... Continue Reading
Date: 16 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
August 1777
Working into Machias Bay
Wednesday 13
AM at 4 sent the Barge mann'd &arm'd to cut out a Schooner in Shore
Moderate & clear Wr in Compy as before PM at ½ past I shorten'd Sail & steerg in for Machias Harbor — at ½ past 3 came too with the Bt Bower in 6½ fm Water as did the Mermaid — the Blonde & Hope proceeded up the River havg the flat bottom Boat & all... Continue Reading
Date: 17 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
Since my last, acquainting your Honors with the Intelligence I had receiv'd, concerning the Enemy's Design of invading this Place, we have found the reality of it. Last Wednesday the 13th Inst appear'd in Sight three Ships, a brig and a small schooner coming from the Westward, and standing in for the Harbour; & soon after came to an Anchor at the Mouth of the River; One of them was a large... Continue Reading
Date: 17 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
. . . you will have a Particular account Rote by the Commanding officer I suppose so Shall only Mention that dossen [George Dawson] & 3 Ships arived here Wednesday Landed 150 men at Mr Scotts Farm 3 miles below the town, drove a few of our People from a Battery where in was a peace of Cannon & one Swivel, Burnt 3 Houses & a Barn, then Thursday imbarkd their men in a Sloop taken of... Continue Reading
Date: 17 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
Inclosed you have sundry letters &c which you are at liberty to use at discretion — for I can unbosom myself to you with the utmost Confidence, — you have laid me under the most singular Obligations, & you are indeed the Angel of my Happiness; since to your Friendship I owe my present enjoyments, as well as my future prospects. — I will not attempt to thank you by letter, but endeavour to... Continue Reading
Date: 17 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
August 1777
Saturday 16
At Anchr in Rhode Island Harbour
½ past 4 AM weigh'd and came to Sl at 8 Saw a Schooner to the westwd, run down shore ½ past haul'd our wind and gave chace to 2 Sail in the Offing
Light breezes and hazey sent the Pinnace in Chace at 4 PM boarded the Sloop & run the Schooner on Shore at 8 Anchd wh Bt Br in. 18 fm pt Judith ENE 5 Mls
Sunday 17
at 6 AM sent the... Continue Reading
Date: 17 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
. . . The destruction of General Burgoynes army is one of the first objects upon the continent, but how to effect it is the question. You see he moves with caution notwithstanding our army flies before him. It is near a month since he landed at Skenesborough his advance parties have advanced only about twenty or thirty miles and nothing or next to nothing to oppose him. Sure I am he never would... Continue Reading
Date: 17 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
We are not able yet to give you any account of the wandering Howe and his fleet, save that they were seen on the 7th instant off Sinapuxen stearing Southward. Our accounts from France say that George depends much on the desperate efforts that Howe & Cornwallis must make to redeem their Bankrupt honor. His present Manoeuvre seems the effort of a despairing Bankrupt — For what good can result... Continue Reading
Date: 17 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
The Intelligence received this Morning from [Thomas] Timson, makes it necessary that we instantly prepare in the best manner we can, for Defence or to enable us to assist our Friends. If the Enemy should design to send any considerable Force up the Bay, there will, as it appears to me, be no Place of Security for your Ship, but at Baltimore where too, she may eventually assist in the Defence of... Continue Reading
Date: 17 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
1777 Information Recd from Capt Thos Timson, the Nancey this 17 Augt
That Last Thursday the 14th Inst As he was Lying Abrest of Isaac's Shoals Near Cape Charles, in Company with a Arm'd Brig, Capt Blith, and a Galley Capt Sanders Both belonging to the State of Virginia,2 with Sundr[y] orther Vesals, when they descoverd the Enemeys fleat, Standg in from Sea, th[e]y Counted destincly... Continue Reading
Date: 17 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
Augt 18th
[Portsmouth] this morning the Wind NNE We hove up and Came to Sail with a fine Breas at 8 pm the [wind] dyed away so Came to anchor at marvelhead
Date: 18 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9