My Dear Brother The temper of the times is painted in such legible colours in the King's Speech, that no one can remain in doubt that arms are to be used to divest us of our Liberties. You will see by the Paper our Brother incloses that the Lords have promisd their support. Yesterday the Commom did the same on a division of 254 to 60. The new Parlaiment is therefore engaged to maintain this... Continue Reading
13th December
16,000 Men, including 4,284 Marines, were voted for the Year 1775.
Dear Sir I am favord with yours of July 10th & am much obliged by the consignmt of 4 hhds of Tobo P Roman for which I hope shortly to transmit you satisfactory sales
You will in all probability be a gainer by the Tobo you have left in the Country of the old crop, since there is almost an absolute certainty of the price rising greatly here upon yr exportation stoping in Septr, which I presume... Continue Reading
And[rew] Knox sent me an Order but it came too late no Ships now take in Goods for Virginia, you must therefore give me your Orders if you would have me send them, to [North] Carolina, for they continue to ship goods still to your Province.
Commodore [Molyneux] Shuldham having acquainted my Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, that from the advices he had received of the Disturbances at Boston, he judged it expedient to order the Rose, one of the Ships of his Squadron, to carry some Land Forces thither, and had directed her Commander to follow your Orders for his further proceedings; I have it in command from their Lordships to... Continue Reading
1st January -
The Force in North America under the command of Vice Admiral [Samuel] Graves consisting of
Armd Vessl
And there was at the same time fitting out to join him one Sloop
100... Continue Reading
We have a report from Glasgow that Ld Dunmore2 is dead; should he not, I hope the Assembly when it meets will roast him well for his many vile and infamous governmental Acts. The Merchants and Traders in London have agreed on a Petition to Parliament for redress of American Commerce. I was one of the Come for drawing it up and one for presenting it and managing it ー therefore have have... Continue Reading
I have your favors 3 Oct & 25 Novr since I had the pleasure of writing you the 28 Decr
Wheat is now fixed at 7/ pr Bushel & if any alteration it will be for the better. Flour 17/ d 19/ ー Indian Corn 3/9. Messrs Hewes & Co wrote me that they expected a Cargo very soon from you, & I gave them our prices. I suppose I shall have her here, as the best American wheat sells there from 50... Continue Reading
18th [January]
The King's pleasure was signified by [William Henry Zuylestein] the Earl of Rochford for a reinforcement of Ships & Marines to be sent to Vice Admiral [Samuel] Graves; And,
On the same day three Sloops (which as well as the other Ships &c. order'd in consequence (see in the annex'd List)2 were order'd to be fitted, and Transport Vessels to be provided... Continue Reading
My lord, I had the honor to inform you in my letter No. 236 at the beginning of last Nov. that the plan agreed upon by the Ministry with reference to the province of Massachusett was to forbid all trade with this province and abandon it to its own anarchy, if the governor was unable to form a Civil Chamber in order to enforce the law by civil means. I could not doubt the reality of this... Continue Reading
. . . of this spirit of independence, animating the nation of America, I have the most authentic information. It is not new among them; it is, and has ever been, their established principle, their confirmed. persuasion: it is their nature and their doctrine. . . .
Trade is an extended and complicated consideration: it reaches as far as ships can sail or winds can blow: it is a great and various... Continue Reading
Gentlemen This Vessel is in the Road waiting. I have therefore only time to say, that I have this moment reced a Letter from London, mentioning, that in a debate last friday [January 20] in the House of Lords on Lord Chatham's Motion to withdraw the Troops from Boston as a conciliatory Step ー The Ministry declared, through Lord Suffolk, that they are determined to embrace no conciliatory... Continue Reading
23d [January]
The King's pleasure was signified by Lord Rochford to provide Transports for carrying to Boston the 35th 49th & 63d Regiments of Foot, the 17th Regiment of Light Dragoons and 500. Drafts & Recruits with 40 Officers and 26. Noncommission'd Officers, ー And, on the next day, Orders were given accordingly.
28th [Do]
Vice Admiral [Samuel] Graves was directed to... Continue Reading
That the petitioners are all essentially interested in the trade to North-America, either as exporters and importers, or as venders of British and foreign goods for exportation to that country; and that the petitioners have exported, or sold for exportation, to the British colonies in North-America, very large quantities of the manufacture of Great Britain and Ireland, and in particular the... Continue Reading
We have certain Intelligence that a very illicit Trade is carrying on to His Majesty's Colonies in America, as well by British as foreign Ships, and as it becomes so necessary in the present Juncture to prevent as much as possible the continuance of it, Orders have been sent to the Commanders of His Majesty's Ships in the American Seas to be particularly attentive to intercept and seize any... Continue Reading
My lord, The dice are cast: the Government seems to be determined to break down the Americans. In addition to the marines which it has been decided to send, as I had the honor to inform you, the order was sent last wednesday to the Vice-Roy of Ireland to prepare everything for the transport of three infantry regiments and one light cavalry regiment. Each infantry regiment consists of one... Continue Reading
By &c.
Whereas it has been represented to the King that there is a necessity that a Sloop of War should be immediately stationed at or near the Mouth of Savannah River in Georgia; You are hereby required and directed, in pursuance of his Majesty's Pleasure signified to Us by the Earl of Darmouth one of His Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, to lose no time in sending thither one of the... Continue Reading
By &c.
You are hereby required and directed forthwith to purchase Three Schooners upon the best and cheapest terms you can for His Majesty and to draw upon the Navy Board for the Expence thereof,
You are to cause them to be armed fitted, Manned, Victualled and Stored and put in every respect upon the same Establishment as His Majesty's Schooners already under your Command, transmitting to Us... Continue Reading
My Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty having received a Letter from Lieutenant [Henry] Colins, Commander of the Magdalen Schooner at Philadelphia, desiring that when their Lordships shall think it convenient for His Majesty's Servie to order a Schooher from those Parts, the above may be ordered home, as his private affairs require his presence in England; I am commanded by their Lordships to... Continue Reading
I have received and communicated to my Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty your Letters of the 23d September, 30h of October, 3d 4th and 20th of November, and 15th of December last, giving an account of your proceedings with the Squadron under your Command; And in return I have the satisfaction to acquaint you that their Lordships very well approve thereof.
You will have observed by my Letter of... Continue Reading