American Theater, June 1 to August 15, 1778

As the Wind has prov'd Contrary, for Lieut. Howe's sailing it has brought in the Vulture Sloop of War1—with one Captain Lieut. and three Subalterns and 44 privates, an Event which has made me happy, and the more so, as I had been ten days before that, hard at Work to fortify the heights round the Town, but in perticular to guard the Entrance of the Harbour, upon... Continue Reading
Date: 3 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13
In the House of Representatives. On the Petition of the Board of War of this State purporting, that by a Resolve of Congress of the Eleventh of May last1 said Board are requested to make sale of the Snow called Our Lady Mount Carmel and St. Antonio2 and her Cargo taken on her passage from the Brazils to Fyal,3 which Vessel is said to be the property of some of the... Continue Reading
Date: 3 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13
Board of War, Present, Boston June 3d. 1778— John Browne Esqr Isaac Phillips Esqr Thomas Walker Esqr James Prescott Esqr John Browne Esqr President, — P. T. Voted, That Capt Phillips1 be a Committee to treat with Capt Howard2 and know on what Terms he... Continue Reading
Date: 3 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13
I Return'd from My Journey to the Northward the Latter End of Last Week—Since Which have Seen Majr Mott—1 who Informs me he has agreed with a Lieutenant—a Prize Master and Captain of Marines for the Ship General Hancock2 all Good Men qualified to fill those Berths—who will be at Boston With from Forty to Fifty Good Hands the beginning of the Week after Next—Except... Continue Reading
Date: 3 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13
Norwich [Conn.] June 3th 1778 Mr. Nathaniel Shaw to Jedh. Hyde Dr Mr. Shaw Cr £ £ To 2 Months Wages at 30 Dollers pr. Month 18 By Cash 100D. 30: 0 To Expences thirtey Days My Self By do of Capt Allon1 9.. 0 ..0 and horse at 3 Dollers p... Continue Reading
Date: 3 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13
That your Petitioners have for Some Time past laboured under many Grievances which they were of Necessity obliged to bear as they were not near the Place where your Honours were but where they are now come and are in hopes to get Redress—That your Petitrs. have come a long fatiguing Journey and upon their Departure from Trenton2 were faithfully promised that they should be... Continue Reading
Date: 3 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13
The Memorial of Harmon Courter, shewith, that your Memorialists is a Native of America, & from his early Youth hath been bred to the Knowledge of Sea-Affairs, that Your Memorialist having been taken on board the private Armed Ship Oliver Cromwell by the beaver Sloop of War1 was after a variety of Sufferings carried to England and Confined in A prison Near portsmouth from whence he... Continue Reading
Date: 3 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13
By a Trading Sloop met with off the Entrance of the Delaware, I received the Duplicate of your Letter of the 15th. of last Month, respecting the Intelligence you had obtained of an intended Invasion of the Province under your Government from South Carolina and Georgia and the Measures you had adopted in providing a more adequate Defence for the inland Navigation, since the Accident to... Continue Reading
Date: 3 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13
By the Viscount Howe, Vice Admiral of the the White and Commander in Chief of His Majesty's Ships and Vessels employed and to be employed &ca. in North America. A Supply of Provisions being immediately wanted for the Use of the King's Troops in the Province of East Florida, and the present State of the Magazines of the Army not admitting of the Reduction necessary for that purpose... Continue Reading
Date: 3 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13
Ordered that the Keeper of the public store deliver to Captain George Elliot sixty yards of Bunting sixteen fish hooks and eight Lines for the use of the Safe Guard Galley.— Ordered that Lieutenant Joshua Singleton have leave of Absence from his duty on Board the Henry Galley for ten days; and Lieutenant Lewis Jones of the Lewis Galley eight days.— Ordered that Jno. Coleman a sailor in... Continue Reading
Date: 3 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13
The above is copy of my last1 & I have now the pleasure to acquaint you of the Arrival of Capt. Parker in the oliver Cromwell & Capt. Smedley in the Defence—2 By the former We received the favour of your Letter of the 10th March,3 and you may rely on our care in the execution of your orders— The Indigo shall be ready as... Continue Reading
Date: 3 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13
I did my self the Honour to write your Excellency the 31st. past1 to inform you of an American Privateer going into the Harbour of St Laurence2 plundering the stores of a Jersey employ & Carrying away there Vessel to St Peters3 the same privateer went to Harbour Britain4 on the 30th plunder'd the Stores of... Continue Reading
Date: 4 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13
Liverpool [Nova Scotia], Thursday, June 4th,—Cloudy, and some rain, and foggy. A small Privateer comes into the Harbour, early in the morning, and halls along side the wreck of the French Ship.1 We hear a report that a Malagash schooner was retaken by some Dutchmen yesterday, at Port matoon, and also hear the Blonde has three privateers stroped in at the Ragged Islands,2 and... Continue Reading
Date: 4 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13
We have this moment recd. your favr. of the 26th may1 Inclosing the account rendered by Captn. Roatch.2 we are of Opinion that Captn. Roatch has Suffered greatly by the representations made to Congress, & we wish it was in our powr to make him Some Compensation. We have again Mentioned his Case to Congress which is... Continue Reading
Date: 4 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13
We received your favour of the 1st. instant1 by two French Gentlemen officers of the Ship Duke D, Chouseil, they seem to be Intitled to Some Assistance— We wrote you this morning,2 & then flattered ourselves that you had Succeeded in Obtaining the payment of the Warrant on your loan Office, & the greater part in Current money. We are Sensible of the many... Continue Reading
Date: 4 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13
Inclosed is Copy of a Letter received last Evening from Mr Potter by which it seems he has Agreed to the Terms proposed1 You will please to receive the Pigg and wrought Iron & give direction's for taking the weight of each & order them to Mr. Huntington2 at Norwich it will be Necessary to Inspect very Critically the wrought Iron there will of... Continue Reading
Date: 4 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13
Board of War, Present— Boston June 4th 1778— Saml Ph’ps Savage Esqr James Prescott Esqr John Brown Esqr Isaac Phillips Esqr Thomas Walker Esqr Saml Ph'ps Savage Esqr President Order'd, That the Comy Genl.1 deliver Capt Harreden2 for the ... Continue Reading
Date: 4 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13
This serves to advise you that some Time since I receiv'd Orders from the honble Commercial Committee to send the Ship Mellish to your Address,1 I accordingly sent Mr Jarvis2 ye necessary Orders to expedite her Dispatch. We are greatly perplexd for Want of Men, but had she been mann'd the Harbour of Bedford being block'd up by the Enemies Cruisers would have... Continue Reading
Date: 4 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13
The sloop of war King-Fisher,1 of 16 guns, which obstructed the passage at King's Ferry for several days past, was obliged, last Sabbath morning, to tow off with precipitation from that station, having been hulled several times by well directed shot, from a couple of great guns, sent down for the purpose, under the command of Capt. Moodie.2
Date: 4 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13
The Committee on the Treasury brought in a report; Whereupon, Ordered, That 8,583 30/90 dollars be advanced to the Committee of Commerce, to pay Cumberland Dugan the valuation of his brigantine Abigail, chartered and insured on public account, and which was captured by the enemy, as appears by the captain's protest; the said Committee to be accountable:1 That 4,704 dollars be advanced... Continue Reading
Date: 4 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13


Subscribe to American Theater, June 1 to August 15, 1778