American Theater, June 1 to August 15, 1778
Advice is just received of the Loss of the Privateer Brig Sturdy Beggar, Capt. Campbell, of 16 Guns, and near 100 Men, belonging to this Port.1 She was wrecked, it is said, on the Coast of France, and every Soul on board perished.
Date: 9 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13
El 22. . del mes pasado tube noticia como el Socorro qe. pedí ã Vs. havia arrivado, ã la Valiza, y ya se halla todo el en esta Villa ã donde ha llegado Felizmente.1
Si yo hubiera de dar ã Vs. todar las gracias ã que soí acrehedor por la prontitud con que me ha auxiliado, reduciria ã ellas todo mi Contento: el Rey se las dará ã Vs. por contribuir con tanta eficacia ã la... Continue Reading
Date: 9 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13
Tuesday June 9
St. Croix W½S Dist. 7 or 8 leagues
at 1 AM the Pelican1 brought too one of the Sloops upon our Starboard Beam about ½ Mile in Shore of us; the Brig & other Sloop Kept Close together, to which continued our chace at two Do. the Sloop finding we gained upon her she haul'd in for the Shore By her sundenly Disappearing we were... Continue Reading
Date: 9 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13
Capt Kerr1 Complains much for want of Provisions & necessarys for the Scooner under his Command2
we wish you would Supply him with such articles as are allowed by Congress to the Officers & Seamen belonging to the Navy that he may have no Excuse for lying Idle we are Your humble Servts.
Date: 10 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13
In answer to yours of the 5th. We wish Some Suitable person might be directed to Examine and receive the Iron of Messrs. Potter1 and Sands,2 least they should mix some of Inferior quality, or make some Mistake in the weight. it is also necessary that the Anchors of the Syrene3 should be sent round to Norwich, and the board should know the... Continue Reading
Date: 10 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13
The Board of War beg leave to report—
That the armed Brigt. Hazard is now refitting and nearly ready to proceed on a Cruise. That Capt Sampson,2 the late worthy Commander of that Vessell, hath represented to this Board that he is much out of health and in the Opinion of his Physician unfit to undertake the Voyage, and therefore must, tho wt. great... Continue Reading
Date: 10 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13
Board of War
Boston, June 10th 1778—
Saml. Ph’ps Savage Esqr
John Brown Esqr
Eleazer Johnson Esqr
Isaac Phillips Esqr
Saml Ph'ps Savage Esqr. President—
Order'd, That Tho's C Vernon for his Time, Horse-Hire, & Expences going to Salem with a Letter for Capt Fisk1... Continue Reading
Date: 10 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13
June 1778
Wednesday 10
Do [Loyds point WNW ½ a Mile—]
at 6 AM weighd. till 9 Standg. off and on in Huntington Bay at 9 Stood over to the Reball Shore at ½ after 10 Came too off Scots Cove1 Do. Sent 3 Armed Boats into the Cove to Cut out a Sloop at noon the Sloop & Boats Joind us.2 Do Weighd & Stood to Sd.... Continue Reading
Date: 10 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13
By the Cumberland Packet,1 on the 31st: past, I received your Dispatches of the 25th: of March and 2d: of April:2 Respecting the Appointment of the Grenadier Company of Marines serving with this Army, and the Return of Monsr: de la Mothe Piquet3 with a part of the French Squadron he commanded, to Brest, the Remainder of... Continue Reading
Date: 10 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13
Mr. B—Compliments to Col1 Laurens & informs him that he would willingly consent to the enlargement & Exchange of all the Sea Prisoners under his Care, did not the Cruel & unprecedented Sufferings of the American Prisoners (of the same Class) on board the prison Ships in New York loudly contradict it, by calling for ample retaliation on those in our Power—1... Continue Reading
Date: 10 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13
There is wanted for A fifty Six Gun Ship now building at Portsmouth in the State of New Hampshire, Twenty eight 24 pounders Cannon & Twenty eight 18 Pounders which we request you will order to be shipped for that Port or the Port of Boston by the first Opportunity.1 Should the Continental Frigates Boston and Providence be in France when this gets to hand they may take in those... Continue Reading
Date: 10 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13
June 1778
Wednesday 10
Moored off Chester [Pa.]
Do. Wr. [Modte. & fair] P.M. the Greyhound1 fired several shot at some Rebels who appeared at Chester, Sent our Marines & Some Seamen to pull down a Bridge to Hinder the Incursions of the Light Horse;
Date: 10 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13
the goods by the Independant Gally1 I rec'd the Tents, Blankets but no Armes as Gen Smallwoods quarters are moving Continually and no certainty I have to finde them and if found perhaps no certanty of having a store Suteable to receve the goods I have sent a sargant of Capt —— on Express to know where the goods are to be sent and have put the goods in Store till his Return... Continue Reading
Date: 10 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13
as I have a mind to Establish My Legion upon a Solid Condition,1 I Don't think there is a Better Expedient for that purpose, then to associate all my people together, and to Detach often a Couple Dozens of them at Sundry times for to Go to Sea.
I have several prospect to Execute that project. the first, is to assure of my self of my Soldiers, By the advantage they'll perceive in the... Continue Reading
Date: 10 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13
Mr. Baldesqui has been so obliging as to deliver your Letter and be the Bearer of this.1 It is very desirable that the Brig at Baltimore should be employed,2 but the Claim of her former Owner Capt. Stone,3 has hitherto prevented any Thing being done with her, she wants expensive Repairs and, as he is prosecuting a Suit at Law, if he recovers... Continue Reading
Date: 10 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13
June 1778
Thursdy: 11th.
At Single Anchor in Halifax Harbour
at 4 (AM) fired a Gun and made ye: Signl: to weigh weighed and came to Sail with 10 Sail in Co: at 9 Saw a Brig to ye: Sowd: her boat came on bd: she proved to be a Brig taken by an American Privateer1 sent the 2d: Lieu... Continue Reading
Date: 11 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13
June 1778
Thursday 11th
George's Shoal No: 17 Leagues.
at 2 AM saw 2 Sail to the Northward, Do: gave Chace, at 3 they seperated, made Sail after the Ship, at 4 lost Sight of the Brigg, at 5 discover'd the Chace to be an Arm'd Ship, made all clear for Action, at 7 fir'd a Gun at the Chace, she hoisted American Colours & struck them immediately, spoke her & prov'd... Continue Reading
Date: 11 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13
June 1778
Thursday 11
Do: [Cape Cod] SSW 64 Ms.
Am at 4 Saw a sail EnE, mad[e] sail & Chaced at 6 Brought too the Chace a Brig from Tenereef Bound to Boston1 ½ pt. made sail and Chaced Sent the Brig to New York—we draw on the Chace a Brigg Privateer.—
Montinico Island2 No: 12 Miles—
Moderate Breezes Still in Chace, Saw... Continue Reading
Date: 11 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13
We have before us your favour of the 6th Instant We are Sorry you were reduced to the Necessity of taking the whole of the Warrant on your Loan office in Certificates the greatest difficulties we feel arise from the Want of Supplies of men we are kept so Short as to make the Execution of our Office quite disagreeable We received last Saturday from Congress 50,000 dollars but the... Continue Reading
Date: 11 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13
I'm favour'd with Yours under 25th May the Pacquet and three Letters which accompanied it, came very opportunely, as the navy Board1 this very Day sends an Express for France,2 I will see them put up with ye public Letters. & they will share their Fate, I can't think how Greens3 Letters should miss your Hands, hope you receiv'd them soon after you wrote. I... Continue Reading
Date: 11 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13