American Theatre from February 19, 1776, to April 17, 1776

To George Platter Esqr & Brigadier General [John] Dent, severally Gent In consequence of the inclosed Letter from the Committee of Safety of Virginia, desiring us to appoint Commissioners to-cooperate with the Gentlemen nominated by them for erecting Beacons on the Shores of the River Potowmack, We have taken the Liberty to appoint yourself and Brigadier George Dent [sic] and we hope it may... Continue Reading
Date: 19 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Sir Captain Squire in the Otter being arrived from his Cruize, I think it necessary to acquaint you that I am going to proceed in the Roebuck to the River Delaware; It was my intention that the Liverpool under your command should have accompanied me thither had I not lately been under the necessity of sending one of my Squadron to Boston; But from the earnest request made to me by his Excellency... Continue Reading
Date: 19 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
No 24 A very unexpected opportunity offers of sending Your Lordship two lines. No Troops arrived, but as Sr P Parker probably sailed from Cork with seven Regiments about the middle of January we may expect them the latter end of this month, not sooner ... Commissioners are certainly to be named to receive the submission of the different provinces but all this you will hear by your dispatches... Continue Reading
Date: 19 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
We arrived here the 12th after a tedious Voyage hard Gales &c we met the Syren at Sea and by the accounts she gave us I did flatter myself that we should have found this Province armed in favor of Government; The attempt to arm tis true had been made, but what I dreaded, too much precipitated, the whole disaffected part of the Province was in arms to intercept them, as they were betrayed by... Continue Reading
Date: 19 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
at 7 A M spoke a Sloop from Antigua bound to Bermudas at 10 Do took possession of a Sloop from Antigua bound to St. Eustatia and sent her to Sandy Point [St. Christophers] Moderate and fair at 3 P M hove too and sent a boat on board the Sloop (we sent to Sandy Point Yesterday) with 4 Men and brought her people on board us and made Sail.2
Date: 19 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Know all Men by these presents That we Joseph Stockman Stanton Pr[e]ntice & Eliphalet Flint ー in the Colony of the Massachusetts bay are held and stand firmly bound and obliged unto the Treasurer and Receiver general of the Colony aforesaid in the full and just sum of one thousand pounds lawful money to be paid unto the said Treasurer and receiver general or to his Successors in said Office... Continue Reading
Date: 20 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Whereas the Judge of the Court of Justice for the Counties of Suffolk, Essex and Middlesex (appointed in pursuance of an Act of the General Court at their Session in November last, intitled an Act for Encouraging the fixing out of Armed Vessels to defend the Sea Coast of America, and for Erecting a Court to try and condemn all Vessels that shall be found infesting the same) has appointed certain... Continue Reading
Date: 20 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Having done the duty of a Subject in the detection & discovery of Persons concerned in fraudulently taken away the property of divers Merchants I claim no merit more than Honesty ー I now Sir make you a tender of my best Services to the further preservation of said Goods and the property on board the Eliwbeth under the care of Mr [Crean] Brush in case your Excellency should see cause to... Continue Reading
Date: 20 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Meeting in being according to adjournment.ー Voted. That Daniel Tillinghast Account Amounting to Forty two pounds Twelve shillings & Eleven pence be paid him out of the Committee's Treasury.ー Whereas. This Committee have purchased a Considerable quantity of Sparrs more than will be wanted for the Ships now building here. It is Voted that they be sold to any persons that may want the same after... Continue Reading
Date: 20 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
In Consequence of the Agreement made with You in Jany Last by John Brown to Import Warlike Stores in behalf of the Contenent we Dispatched a Small Sloop Capt B Comstock to St Estatia with a Cargo Amountg with the Charges to £[blank] L Money & we have now the pleasure of Adviseg you of her Safe Arivel at Rowlands Ferry on the East Side of Rhode Island with 193 Bolts Roushie Duck 43 pcs Roushie... Continue Reading
Date: 20 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Abraham Lott, Esqr. Treasurer, attending, was admitted. He requested a permit to go on board the Asia and Pheonix, ships of war, to settle accounts with the pursers of each ship. Thereupon, a permission was given to Mr. Lott, in the words following, , to wit: Ordered, That Abraham Lott, Esqr. be, and he is hereby permitted to go on board the ships of war in this harbour, (in company with the port... Continue Reading
Date: 20 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
I this moment am honoured with yours of the 18th instant, and at present observe the contents. It appears, by Major-General Schuyler's letter, that the honourable the Contin.ental Congress have honoured me with the command of the lakes, and that Captain Wynkoop should be employed under me. I am now upon furlough by Major-General Schuyler, which directs me to wait until I receive orders from the... Continue Reading
Date: 20 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Gent. On the Arrival of Capt Tibbet we engaged a Boat, on Board of which was shipped the Powder & Arms, together with one Ton of Powder advanced by Congress & 1875 lbs returned by Congress for the Quantity borrowed by Col [Benjamin] Harrison, this Boat went to Christiana Bridge, from whence the powder was sent to Balt. in Waggons, of this Transaction, we advised you by the Return of the... Continue Reading
Date: 20 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Upon application of Capt. Falconer for a sum of Money for the use of the Committee appointed to fix Signals, &ca., in the Bay and River Delaware; By order of the Board, an order was drawn on John Nixon & others, the Committee of accounts, in favour of Capt. Nathaniel Falconer for £300 Resolved, That Capt. Leeson Simmons be joined to the Committee for fixing Signals in the Bay & River... Continue Reading
Date: 20 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
My dear Brother Elnathan, I was just on the point of returning to New England when the convention appointed me a Lieut. of Marines on board the ship Defence. She is a fine ship, and mounts 18 guns, sixes and nines, and is commanded by Capt. James Nicholson who is universally considered a brave man. The crew of the Defence are as fine a set of men as were ever seen on shipboard. After I entered... Continue Reading
Date: 20 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Ordered That all Vessels loaded with Country Produce on Account and Risque of this Province proceed as soon as may be on their Voyage agreeable to Contract.
Date: 20 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Sir We should have answered your Letter of the 11th Instant by Mr. Smyth before now, but the Variety of Business before the Council has prevented us. We would have you send out the Nancy Capt. [George] Wise immediately under the Orders heretofore given, and finish loading the Schooner Ninety Two as speedily as possible and send the Captain to us for his sailing Orders. [Annapolis] 20th March 1776
Date: 20 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
In Committee. Capt Thomas Kell commander of the schooner Dolphin having put into Charriton Harbour being chased by one of the Tenders who have made several attempts to take possession of her since and the said Capt Kell having appeared for the committee and desired their opinion what part to act, and there appearing no probability of getting safe out, and thinking it would be attended with fatal... Continue Reading
Date: 20 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Personly appear'd before me one of his Majesties Justices of sd County ー Thomas Kell master of the Schooner Dolphen off and from Baltimore Robart Bailey Mate & William Cuningham Seman and made Oath on the holy Evngelist of almighty god that on the 12th day of February 1776. they Sailed from Baltimore bound for the Island of Martinico, and on the 26th ult. being betwixt the horse shue, and... Continue Reading
Date: 20 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
The Comm'ee agree to take of Mr. William Holt the Sloop Providence, packett, with her rigging and apparel for so long a time as shall be thought proper to employ her at 15s. per day, to be appraised, and if taken by the Enemy while in public service, the appraisement to be repaid. If Samuel Simms agrees to serve on board her as pilot, 2s. 6d. p'r day to be added for his services and for prov's... Continue Reading
Date: 20 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4


Subscribe to American Theatre from February 19, 1776, to April 17, 1776