American Theatre from August 1, 1777, to September 30, 1777
Appointed Robert Hardie Captain of the Burke Galley gave him his Commission and swore him Accordingly.2
Captain Alexander this day waited on the Board, and inform'd them that Commodore Hazelwood order'd Joseph Gamble to take Charge ofthe Ship Delaware in order to Pilot her through the Chevaux de Frize and to continue on board her untill further Orders and on application being made to... Continue Reading
Date: 7 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
Next Monday the Paymaster informs us, he shall be obliged to go down the River to pay the different crews belonging to the State fleet. And all the Money, he says, is applied, so that at present, we cannot command a Farthing. The Board wou'd be glad the Honourable Council, will take the Matter into their immediate Consideration & furnish us with a sum adequate to our exigencies
Agreeable to... Continue Reading
Date: 7 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
August 1777
Sambro light SW 4 Miles
Friday 8th
at 8 [AM] Light Airs & fair Wr Weighd & Come to sail Running Into Halifax Harbor at 12 Do Wr Georges Island Et ¼ a Mile
½ Past Noon Anchd in Halifax Harbor with the Best Bower in 11 fms Georges I land Dist ½ Mile at past Mrd Lt Edmd Dod had his Commission Read on board & took Command Likewise Thomas Cribben Master & William... Continue Reading
Date: 8 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
Augt 7.
Mr [Ebenezer] Hogg a midshipman was put into Irons for selling Tickets for a Lottery on board —
The Ship's company were put on Allowance by deducting ⅓ —
Date: 8 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
Ordered that the Board of war be & hereby are Directed to see that the severall Spy vessells Lately ordered to be fix'd & sent out upon that Business, are kept Diligaritly Employed in that Service, & whatever Discoveries they may make of the Enemies fleet or any lnteligence they may Gain, be Imediately Communicated to the Generall Court, or the Councill in their Recesses —
Date: 8 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
Order'd The Corny deliver Mr Knox for Colo Glover Four Barrels Bread, one Barrel pork two Barl Beef for the Spy Vessel —
Order'd That the Corny deliver Mr Knox for the Spy Vessel at Marble head three Swivel Guns —
Order'd That Colo [Edward] Crafts deliver twelve rounds powder & Shott for six swivel Guns for Spy Vessel at Marblehd to go by Knox —
Date: 8 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
The designs of our Enemies are calculated to puzzle & distract us in our defence, at one time making a feint towards Philadelphia by Land, then by Water, giving out at the same time they design for Boston, — Their real Plan at present is impenetrable, but negatively a Lodgment upon the Banks of the Delaware is by no means their Object, probably they design a Junction upon the North River,... Continue Reading
Date: 8 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
I request you to Send me by the bearer Captn Parke your Accots Against me as Commander of the Sloop of War Providence and Ship of War Alfred for the Slops and Cash Supplied while under my direction. — these Accounts being, as I have repeatedly told you, Absolutely necessary previous to the Settlement of my Accounts with the Continent. — as I am on the eve of departure, I expect your immediate... Continue Reading
Date: 8 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
Capt James Holiday master of the Brig Necessity which you have in your possession it appears by the papers is Burmuda property and that she was bound to Falmouth and laid off the Harbour several days in hopes to be carried into Port. As he had given bonds at Burmuda to land his Cargo at a British Port the like Scheme was pursued last year by the same Vessell when she was Carried into Newbury, and... Continue Reading
Date: 8 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
State of Massachusetts Bay to John Greenleaf —
Augst 8
To Medicines Dld Dr Turner for the Brig Massachusetts Vizt
2 oz
Sulph: Aur: Antimon
.. 14.. —
6 oz
Spt Sulph: Acia
.. 14.. —
2 oz
Elix: Vitriol
6.. —
8 oz
Tinct: Cort: Alex
1 .. 4.. —
2 oz
Antim: Diaphor
.. 6.. —
1 oz
Pulv: Jalapi
.. 6.. —
Crem: Tart:
.. 16.. —
3 oz
Lap: Contrayerv... Continue Reading
Date: 8 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
The Privateer Schooner Eagle, mounting 10 Carriage Guns and 8 Swivels, will sail from Bedford, on a Cruize against the Enemies of the United States, in twelve Days from the Date of this Advertisement. She is acknowledged to be a remarkable swift-sailing Vessel, and will be fitted in the best Manner for the Sea. — A few good hands are wanted for said Schooner.
Date: 8 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
Haveing this Oppertunity by Capt John Learmonth I shall give you the Best intelligence from here Respecting the pirate ships, — there is one frigate and tenders lyng at the Brown, one frigate and tender in our Road and two frigates that Cruise of and Near the Cape sometimes they Come in and stay a tide and then out to sea. On Tusday last Capt Murphey went up to Cedar Creek to take possession of... Continue Reading
Date: 8 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
Voted That Capt Clouston hire a House for a Rendezvous & supply it with Rum &c from his Brig 2 —
Voted That Mr Jona Greenleaf of Newbury Port be desired to procure a Vessel to cruise for the Enemies small Craft in the Bay —
Date: 9 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
The British Ship of War Renown, of 50 Guns, which lay off Dutch Island, was last Saturday fired on by a Party of Col. [Robert] Elliott's Regiment of Artillery, from two 18 Pounders, which soon obliged her to remove a Mile higher up the Bay.
On Tuesday Morning the Enemy landed about 200 Men at the North and South Ferries, on the Narragansett Side, with a View, as is supposed, to collect live... Continue Reading
Date: 9 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
. . . I have been obliged to advance a good Deal of Money for the Galleys & Ship Defence . . . For the Ship Defence I have now bought P ordr of Capt Cook
525 Gl Whiskey
210 Rum
Rice, Soap, Flour Candles &c which have taken a large Sum . . .
Date: 9 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
Soon after my arrival here I waited upon the Gentlemen our Friends in Lewes Town to Consult them on the Business for which I was order'd Down, & laid before them the Resolution of Congress on that head. It was determined upon as the most effectual mode, that all the Water Craft in Cedar Creek & else where from which the Enemy are likely to receive Supplies shou'd be collected into Lewes... Continue Reading
Date: 9 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
Caleb Herbert
To. Peter Richerson
For Plank and Timber for the Ship Tarter Capt. Taler Comdr
4.17. .6
To 13 White Oaks @ 7/6
To 33 Old Pines @ 10/—
4. .0. .0
To 70 feet of Inch Pine Plank
0. .7. ..4
To 2348 Two Inch Pine Plank
19.11. .0
To 9 Days Carting Ship Timber at 10/—
4.10. .0
To Carting fore Sliding Bords at 10/—
2. .0. .0
To 5 Trees for Blocks to Lanch the... Continue Reading
Date: 9 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
August 1777
Charlestown Lighthouse No58Et Distt 55 Miles
[Saturday] 9
at 1 am Calm and Cloudy sounded 18 faths up top gallt yards out all Reefs set Top Gallt sails ½ [past] 10 squally from the SE sounded 16 fm at Noon Light Airs & Cloudy galatia in Compy — Charlestown Lighthouse No31E Distt 27 Leags —
pm Modt Breezes & Cloudy set main sail saw a sail to the SE made sail &... Continue Reading
Date: 9 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
Your unofficer like behaviour and repeated breach of my Orders, obliges me to confine you to your birth untill it may be in my power to bring you to a Court Martial, where I hope you will have justice done — at your Perril break your Arrest, in which case I shall treat you as you deserve Yours
Date: 10 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
[Falmouth] This morning a fine Brese of wind at NNW several Coasters & Marchants Vessails went out Bound for the westward at a Bout 7 aClock in the Morning the Capt Came upon the Deack & Orderd us to unmore as fast as we Could he went on Shore him Self we got unmord dared & Bout 12 OClock we Brock Ground and Came out with a fine Breze and as we Came out of the S[o]und we See a Brigg... Continue Reading
Date: 10 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9