American Theatre from August 1, 1777, to September 30, 1777
Our Naval Affairs have had a sad reverse, instead of the Triumph of A man of war Prize, we have lost the Hancock A fine frigate.
The Commissions of the Navy Board or rather the Instructions of the Marine Board Arrived about A week ago. by them it Appears we should be all three present in order to Transact Business. Mr Deshon (tho' we have Expected him 10 days) is not yet Arrived. I see the... Continue Reading
Date: 10 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
Notice is hereby given, That Libels are filed before me against the following Vessels, their Cargoes, and Appurtenances, in Behalf of David Hawley, Commander of the armed Sloop of War called the Schuyler, owned by the United American States, and of his Company on Board of her, against the Sloop Peggy of about Twenty Five Tons Burthen, Charles Thomas late Master, and against the Sloop Ann, of... Continue Reading
Date: 10 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
. . . I am of opinion, that the obstructions in the [Delaware] River, with the help of the gallies, floating batteries, and with tolerable industry to put the land works in a proper state, will be extremely formidable to the enemy, and authorize a reasonable expectation of their being effectual. The fire ships also will contribute to this end, for though there are many obstacles that render their... Continue Reading
Date: 10 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
. . . I shall consider myself much obliged by your advising me by the earliest Opportunity of the arrival or appearance of any considerable Fleet on your Coast or of any other intelligence that you may conceive important and interesting.
Since Genl Howe left the Capes of Delaware with his fleet on the night of Thursday forenight, we have not obtained any accounts of him nor can we fix his... Continue Reading
Date: 10 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
August 1777
Cape Henry No 43 Wt 35 Leagues
Sunday 10
[AM] took our Prize in tow made the Signal for the convoy to come under our stern reeft the topsails lost a log & line 90 fathoms no Ground hove too for the convoy Sent our Doctor to see some sick men on Bd the Transports — Cape Hatrass Shore S87Wt 37 Leagues — [PM] Do Wr let the Reefs out & Set Top Gt sails the Convoy in Co... Continue Reading
Date: 10 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
August 1777
Lying at Anchor in Halifax Harbor
Monday 11th
Compleated our Water for 3 Months and Took in Stores for the Same time All the Gun Carriages ashore to be Exchanged Bent the best Fore Sail
First pt of these 24 hours Calm latter fresh breezes by 8 PM Compd 3 Months provisions Vz 20 bags of Bread 2 Casks of Oatml 5 bushell of peas 1 Puncheon of Rum 4 Teirces of Beef 2 Do Pork... Continue Reading
Date: 11 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
You may thank your own folly & impertinence for what has now befallen you — I dispise your insinuations of Cruelty, as indeed I do Every thing Else you can say of me consistant with truth — you may go to the house of Office as offten as Nature calls, provided you return immediatly to your berth and keep your Tounge Still as you pass & repass — This you will attend to at your Perril
Date: 11 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
Augt 10
Weighed anchor & came to Sail at 11 oClock a.m. — At 3 p.m. a Brig gave us chase till 4 pm when we put about and drove two Coasters ashor & fired 9 Guns on the Brig. which escaped — This Day Capt [Richard] Palmes of the Marines was arrested, and confined to his Cabin — I the lieutenant of Marines was ordered to confine him to his cabin at 40 minutes past 6 pm — Mr... Continue Reading
Date: 11 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
It being represented to the Board, that the Prisoners confin'd on Board the Guard Ship under your Command are subject to great inconvenience, & distress by being so closely & early shut down under Deck, you are in future to permit them to be on Deck if they choose it till 10, o'clock in the Evening, & to leave the Hatches open when the Heat of the Weather may make it necessary, or... Continue Reading
Date: 11 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
August 1777
[off Nantucket Shoals]
Monday 11th
4 [AM] Light Airs and Hazey Sounded 48 fm at ½ pt 6 saw a Sail in the NW Qr made Sail & gave Chace 8 Modt & Clear wr 10 Lattd Obs 40°. .49" No at ½ pt 11 sent the Barge and Cutter after the Chace Light Airs & fair Sounded 38 fm 12 Nantucket Sth Shoal S 84° Wt Dst 32 Leags
1 [PM] Saw the Boats Board the Chace 3 Light Airs &... Continue Reading
Date: 11 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
August 1777
Block Island No 3 or 4 Leagues
Munday 11
at 4 AM Saw 4 SI Sent the Boats in chace of Do drove three on Shore and took the 4th, whose people had left Her 2
Fresh Breezes PM Condemn'd P Survey on old Mizon Empd filling a Gang of new fore Shrouds at 8 Anchord in 10 fm wh Bt Br So End of Block Isld EbSI/2s 3 or 4 Mls
Date: 11 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
£150 . . 0 . . 0/
Received of Nathaniel Shaw Junr One hundred and Fifty pounds of L Money on Accot of my Husband Jona Leeds 2 deceas'd
Anna Leeds
7 sheets 65 dollars
in Change
Received of Nathel Shaw Junr Thirty pounds in Accot of my Husband David Pool, prize money from the prizes taken by the Sloop American Revenue Sam Champlin Commander
Date: 11 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
The Marine Committee laid before Congress a letter of the 28 July, from Isaac Smith, Ebenezer Storer and William Phillips, commissioners appointed to settle the accounts of the continental agents, which was read, and wherein they set forth, that they have settled William Bartlett's account, and find a balance due to him from the states, of £4,504 2 0 15,013 60/90 dollars, and to Jonathan Glover,... Continue Reading
Date: 11 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
We have perused Mr Fishers Letter directed to you dated at Lewis town the 8th Inst and with Pleasure observe the good Conduct of Cap Murphey in Capturing a trading Vessel from New York intending to Supply the Tories in the Delaware State with Necessaries and beating off one of the Enemys Tenders tho of much Superior force — You will please to forward the Supplys Cap Murphy Stands in need of — ... Continue Reading
Date: 11 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
In consequence of a Letter received from Henry Fisher Esqr — The Board desir'd Commodore Hazelwood to Order the following Guard Boats to proceed to Lewistown and to be Under the Directions of Henry Fisher Esqr —
Captain Watkins
Fire Brand
Date: 11 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
(A Copy)
Garland off Quebec 12th Augt 1777
The inclosed Extract of a Letter from General Phillips to Captn Lutwidge by Lieut General Burgoyne's directions, relative to the disposition of the Naval Department on the Lakes2 was a few days since transmitted to me by General Sir Guy Carleton, which you will be pleased to lay before their Lordships for their Inspection; You will at... Continue Reading
Date: 12 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
August 1777
Lattde 37°.27' [nearing Cape Charles]
Tuesday 12th
at 7 AM shorten'd Sail & made the Raisonables Sigl to come within hale, at 8 made the Roebucks Sigl for a Lieut Sounded 19 fm 264 of the Convoy in Compy — Modte breezes & clear Wr at 2 PM made the Roebuck & dispatches Sigl to Chace a Sail in the NW, saw the land from the Mt hd, made the Sigl to the fleet, at 5... Continue Reading
Date: 12 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
August 1777
Moor'd off Cape Henry
Tuesday 12
10 am came too in ¼ Less 5 fs Moor'd & arm'd the Boats to bum a Brig ashore & a sloop laden with Beef & flour which was perform'd —
Mod: & fr 1 pm Weigh'd & made sl 4 Table Pines WbSo 3 Miles 11 Anch'd Wth Bt Br Cape Henry SSW 2 Miles —
Date: 12 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
August 1777
Cape Henry SBE Willobys Point SBW.
Tuesday 12th
Moderate & fine Wear, at 9 AM clean'd between Decks. Ditto Wear, at 9 PM the Solebay Anchored here, at 11 PM saw 2 Sail stand out of the Bay, got under way & Chaced them, took one, the Thomas Sloop from Virginia,2 bound to Eustatia with Tobacco & flour, made Sail after the Other.
Date: 12 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
The Sloope Patty of wich you are Master being in all Respects ready to Sail wee do advise & Order you to Come to Sail & make the Best of your way for Cape Francis — on Your Arivall there dispose of your Cargo for the Most you Can the Proceeds of yr Cargo after fining the Sloop in good Order & Purchasing the few goods that you have a List of wee would have you leave in the Hands of Mr... Continue Reading
Date: 13 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9