American Theatre from February 19, 1776, to April 17, 1776

On Observation of the foregoing Letter 2 desired Colo [William] Williams that nothing be done by Colo [Eliphalet] Dyer and himself, as to purchasing Hemp or Rigging until they receive further Orders from home ー please to consult His Honor the Deputy Govr and the rest of the Council with you-and if you think it proper, direct Mr [James] Tilley to purchase the Yarns and pursue the Making Rigging... Continue Reading
Date: 25 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Two Accounts of loss by hostilities committed by the Ministerial Navy, which came to hand since my last, are enclosed. I do most sincerely congratualte you on General Washington's success, and on the shameful retreat of our Enemies from Boston, Which demanded our humble admiration and praise of the supream Director of all Events for His marvellous interpositi9n for our help.-Tyranny and... Continue Reading
Date: 25 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
You will please to put one bbl of New England Rum, on Board each of the Transports, which carry the troops to New York-you will furnish each Regt with Six days provisions except those of fresh Beef, which is supplied by Capt Keye, for the Passage, which should be entire when they sail, so that should they be detained in port for any number of Days they must continue to Draw Dayly allowances, you... Continue Reading
Date: 25 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
The Troops are to be Dispos'd of on Board the Transports, in the following manner ー Vizt Colo [John] Starks Regt 431. on Board the Brigt Brittania Capt Edgerton 200, Schooner Neptune, Capt King 231 ー Colo Patterson's Regt 465, on Board the Brigt Pitt Capt Geer 276, Sloop Dove, Capt Davison, 189. Colo [Charles] Webb's will Embark at New London, the disposition of that Regt which Consists of 542... Continue Reading
Date: 25 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
The letter from John Chatfield, Esqr. Chairman of the committee of East Hampton, received and read yesterday, was again read, and is in the words following, to wit: [Here was inserted the letter of March 22, 1776] The Committee, taking into consideration the defenceless state of Suffolk county, Resolved, That 1,000 lb. of gunpowder and 4,000 lb. of lead be immediately despatched by a boat to... Continue Reading
Date: 25 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
A letter from General Washington of the 19, was presented to Congress, and read, informing that on the 17, the enemy had evacuated Boston, and our troops took possession of it: Resolved, That the thanks of this Congress, in their own name, and in the name of the thirteen United Colonies, whom they represent, be presented to his excellency General Washington, and the officers and soldiers under... Continue Reading
Date: 25 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Monday PM 5 o'clock Dear Papa Tomorrow we certainly leave this place at 9 o'Clock. I congratulate you on the success of our arms before Boston: the Pena packet contains Gen Washington's letter to Congress giving an acct that the enemy evacuated that city the 17th The Congress has resolved to thank the General & army for their conduct in driving the enemy out of their stronghold: a medal is to... Continue Reading
Date: 25 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Upon requisition of the Marine Committee of Congress for thirty stand of arms, or 2 wall pieces & 26 Muskets for the fitting out the Brig't. Lexington, for the protection of the Trade of this Coast, By order of the Board, Robert Towers, Commissary, was directed to deliver said number of arms to Capt. [John] Barry, or his order Resolved, That Mr [David] Rittenhouse, Mr. [John] McNeal, Colo. [... Continue Reading
Date: 25 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
A Journal of the Proceedings of the Squadron of His Majesty's Ships and Vessels under my Command. [March 20 Having got back the Lieutenant and 40 Men, which I had been to under the necessity of lendin.g to the Otter to equip her for the March 25] expedition, I immediately prepared for sailing to the Delaware to meet the reinforcement I expected from Admiral Shuldham, and accordingly wrote to my... Continue Reading
Date: 25 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Friday 22d A M Exercis'd Great Guns & small Arms & Fired at a Mark Moderate& cloudy 2 [P.M.] the Maria Tender came from Norfolk & Anchord here sent an Officer & 4 Men on board her [at] 3 Weighed 8\:made sail [at] 6 Anchord in 9 fa Cape Henry WNW 4 Miles [at] ,10 Weighed & made sail Saturday 23d [at] s [A.M.] out 2d reefs TS & [at] 11 In 2d reef topsails Fresh gales... Continue Reading
Date: 25 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
March 25, 1776 Gentlemen, This serves to inform you that there is a Sloop of War now coming into our Road with a Small Tender, And as it is now night, I cannot inform you whether they are bound Up the Bay or not; the Wind is now at South, therefore have Reason to believe that they will proceed up the Bay. We are apprized of the Matter and shall do our outmost to prevent their getting any Pilot or... Continue Reading
Date: 25 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Silas Howell late Mate, & John Willson & Willm Sellers Mariners of the Sloop John William Dean Master from Cape Anne to Virginia taken off York River, as appeared by Protest, and Certificate of the Council of Safety, applied for Passes to the Massachusets Government, which were granted
Date: 25 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Recd of Capt .James Nicholson on Accot Ship Defence six pounds fifteen Shills for boarding Myself Nine Weeks at fifteen Shills pr Week £6 .15. 0 John Burnell
Date: 25 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Ordered That the said Treasurer [of the Western Shore] pay to Mr Hugh Young Eighty five Pounds thirteen Shillings and seven Pence, being the Ballance of his Account in Conseq[uence of the Ad]venture pr the Bri[g] Nancy.
Date: 25 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Gentn Colo [Hugh] Mercer has been with us this Day and is very desirous a Time and Place should be appointed for meeting to consult about setting up Beacons on the River Potowmack ー we have agreed with him that Port Tobacco should be the Place and Tuesday the Second of April the Time ー You will be pleased to attend accordingly, agreeable to your former Appointment. [Annapolis] 25th March 1776.
Date: 25 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
North-Carolina, Edenton, ss. By this publick instrument of protest and writing, bearing date hereafter mentioned, be it known and manifest to all whom it may concern, that on the 25th day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy-six, before me, Thomas Jones, notary and tabellion publick, residing at Edenton, in the Province aforesaid, by lawful authority, duly... Continue Reading
Date: 25 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Monday 25th Fresh breezes and fair; went up the river the Kitty Transport and the Pallaser Transport with Genl [Henry] Clinton.
Date: 25 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
The Report of the Committee to prepare proper rules and articles for the government of the navy of this colony, being taken into consideration; The said rules were amended, and agreed to. Ordered, That the Secretary do forthwith cause a proper number of copies of the said rules and articles to be printed, for the use of the navy of this colony.
Date: 25 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
£5227.13.4Pay to Messr P. Lepoole & John Burnley Five thousand two hundred & twenty seven pounds 13/4. for a Cargo of Rice Shiped by them on public Account on board the Brigantine Liberty Philip Conway Master for the West Indies By order of the Council of Safety
Date: 25 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
[Monday] 25 at 1 PM a Number of Rebells appeared on the Island of Tybey. Burnt 3 Houses, Killd one Marine, wounded another, and one Nicholas a Carpenter. Sent Boats on Shore to take the People off.
Date: 25 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4


Subscribe to American Theatre from February 19, 1776, to April 17, 1776