American Theater, June 1 to August 15, 1778

June John Langdon Esq to Henry Sherburne Dr 1777 For Iron work Done for ye 74 Gun Ship1 up to October Last To workeing 8098lb Iron @ 7d Pr Agreement 236. 3.10 To riviting 112 Bolts @ 1 /14 augers @ 30/ 26. 12. October To workeing 19228 Iron now in Shop @ 1/ 961. 8 To 23 Trunell augers in Shop @... Continue Reading
Date: 1 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13
Articles of Agreement made and concluded on in the Town of Boston State [of] Massachusetts Bay, between the Owners, Captain, Officers and Mariners of the Ship General Hancock. Ishmael Hardy. commander for a Three Months Cruize against the Enemies of the United States of America.— 1. The Owners do covenant forthwith to fit for Sea, the said Ship with Twenty carriage Guns, and all other Stores... Continue Reading
Date: 1 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13
Inventory of Ship General Hancock and Stores——————Viz— Hull about two years Old British bu[i]lt a Most Eligant Ship—2 Masts, Yards & Spars Standing and Running Riging of the best kind, but some damaged in an Engagement, About 40 Tons Iron Ballast, more or Less— Cables— a Best Bower Cable a Small. ditto. ditto a Hawser . . .7½ Inch ... Continue Reading
Date: 1 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13
1778 An Accompt of Stores onboard the Ship Minerva June 1. for her present six months Cruize———VIZT. 200. Casks Water qts— 100 Barrels Beef— 50 Barrels Pork— 12 Tons Bread— 900 Gallons N E. Rum1 65 Galls. W India Rum 1 Quarter Cask Wine 40 Bushels Pease 4 Barrels Sugar—10cwt. 64lb Chocolate 190lb... Continue Reading
Date: 1 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13
An Accot. of Stores on board the Ship Minerva for her present intended Cruise——— 59 Casks Powder—wt. 45cwt. 1350 round Shot 400 bar Shot 500 Cannister Shot 1800 Cartridge Coffins 40 small Arms 40 cartouch boxes 17 Pistols 20 Cutlasses 40 Tomahawks 40 Spears 50 Pair hand cuffs 5 Blunderbusses 5 Swivels 4 Boxes lead Ball wt.... Continue Reading
Date: 1 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13
Muster Roll of Ship Minerva’s Crew. share1 8 John Grimes 1 Michael Wormstead R ½ Thomas Main R 5 William Carleton2 1 William Brice ½ Henry Calligan R 4 John Procter R 1 William Day ½ Samuel Russell R 4 Robert Cushing 1 James Skillins 1¼ William Blyth 4 Alexr Ogilve3 1 John Carr —————— 5 William Elliot 1 Samuel Allum R 1 Senaur... Continue Reading
Date: 1 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13
Monday, June 1st, [Liverpool, Nova Scotia]—The Companys meet agreeable to orders.1 After embodying, they were marched into the Meeting House, and dismissed for one hour. I then opened to them the circumstances of the Place,2 and that I desired to know the minds of the Heads of the Place, respecting the proper meathods to be taken for our present defence. The gentlemen... Continue Reading
Date: 1 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13
. . . I find they [British] are making little incursions and attacking defenceless places in the neighborhood of Rhode Island, but these I take to be the last struggles of expiring tyranny—however, I could wish we had a sufficient body of soldiers there to prevent the ravages, which I doubt not would be the case, were it not for the infamous spirit of privateering that so generally pervades at... Continue Reading
Date: 1 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13
The Board of War had the Honor to receive your much esteemed favour 14th. Ulto:1 inclosing a Resolve of Congress for the Sale of the Snow, called Our Lady of Mount Carmel, & St. Antony,2 & her Cargo, which we immediately communicated to Mr. Rowe,3 in whose hands that Vessell & Cargo now rests. After some objections... Continue Reading
Date: 1 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13
Thursday last was sent into this Port, by his Majesty's Ship The Experiment, Sir James Wallace, Commander, the Privateer Ship Portsmouth, Roach, Master, of 22 Guns, and 156 Men, taken the 7th Instant off St. George's Bank, only four Days out from Portsmouth, in New-Hampshire: This Ship was built on Purpose for a Privateer, and has been very successful both in the European Seas and in the West-... Continue Reading
Date: 1 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13
Before you receive this, I suppose you will have rec'd the Order of Congress for going on with your Ship,1 which is to be changed to a two decker and to carry 56 guns—viz 28 of 24 lbs & 28 of 18 lbs. . . . Give my best regards to General Whipple2 and remember me to all friends. I shall hope to hear from you as often as convenient. I am your friend [&c.]
Date: 1 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13
. . . Congress has been pleased to put me on the Marine Committee.1 I mention this to you, in hopes that I shall have the Pleasure of receiving your Letters the oftener on that Account, & particularly on the Subject of the Navy, which I will use my utmost Endeavors to build up. The Committee have orderd a Letter to your Board by this Post.2 Capt Burk is to... Continue Reading
Date: 1 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13
Captain Curtis1 has desired me to apply to you, to lend your Tender,2 to carry the Eagles, Solebays and Emeralds people to Philadelphia, as there is no other conveyance at present offers. your answer is requested, the Eagles Boat waiting for it; my Tender3 I beleive must go also; but if yours can hold all the men, she goes with orders downwards; please to move in... Continue Reading
Date: 1 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13
My two Letters1 by the Admiral Keppel & Cyrus2 Prizes, I hope your Excellency has received with the two Prizes. My reason for not convoying them in, was those mentioned on account of the Small Pox, which Sixty of my men was then down with one of which since dead.—I continued cruising3 about four weeks to windward of the West-India Islands in Company with Cap... Continue Reading
Date: 1 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13
Before this reaches You, it is very probable, you will have heard that a large Body of the Enemy in the night of the 24th. of last Month, landed at Warren towards break of day, and from thence marched to a place called Kakemuet1 where lay our flat bottom'd Boats, and burnt about Seventy or eighty. They then proceeded back to Warren, &c burnt the Meeting house, parsonage... Continue Reading
Date: 2 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13
The New privateer1 being so forward makes it Necessary for Us to know from what Quarter We are to have our Cannon for which purpose Capt Billings2 waites on You & We are to request the favour of You to determine Us by him.—We are Informed by C Leffingwell Esq3 that we could have them from the Cromwells Prize Ship4 now at Boston & that... Continue Reading
Date: 2 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13
Your Favour of 29th ultmo. has just come to Hand,1 before which I had dispatched my Letters to you and Mr Shirley2 with Liberty for Him to repair to this State that on Consideration I may lend means to gratifie his Request as far as shall appear consistent, & it is probable He may obtain such Liberty as will be agreable to Him. By the... Continue Reading
Date: 2 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13
The Committee on the Treasury brought in a report; Whereupon, . . . Ordered, That 1,500 dollars be paid to Captain Harman Courter, in compensation for his public services, and to defray his expences to Boston.1
Date: 2 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13
Inclosed is a Copy of a Letter which I have received from the Governor of Louisiana-respecting the Protection afforded by him to the Rebels, and also the Copy of a Letter written by me to that Gentleman upon the same subject.1 I wish that my remonstrances may have some effect, but from the late Conduct of Governor Galvez, I cannot flatter myself that he will pay any great regard to... Continue Reading
Date: 2 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13
June 1778 Monday 1st Lying in Canso Harbour [Nova Scotia] at 9 AM Saw 6 Rebble privateers off the harbour Seemed So they intended to Come in formed a line a Cross the harbour with the Cabot, Tender1 & Brig2 having Brought 25 men off the shore to man the Brig at 10 Do 3 of them Stood to the Etward and Showd. their Coulars... Continue Reading
Date: 3 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13


Subscribe to American Theater, June 1 to August 15, 1778