European Theater, June 1 to August 15, 1778

[Extract] Notes Faites abord du Languedoc . . .   Juin—1778.   Lundy 1er.— Rencontré quatre batimens hollandois Escortés par une fregate de Leur nation, venant de Batavia, faisant route pour Horn1 Mardy—2. Conseil de guerre abord du Languedoc.—Communication et copie donnée d’une Lettre du Ministre—.2 Mercredy—3. Cette même Lettre Liré aux officiers du ... Continue Reading
Date: 1 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13
When much present Gain is the ruling principle of officers in an Infant Navy, it is no wonder that they do not cultivate by their precepts nor enforce by their Example the principles of Dutiful Subordination and Cheerful unrepining Obedience in those who are under their Command;— nor is it strange that this principle should weaken the sacred Bonds of Order and Disciplin—and introduce the baneful... Continue Reading
Date: 1 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13
Accept my grateful Thanks for your much esteemed favor of 27th. Ulto.—such a mark of your good opinion and approbation really affords me the most heartfelt Satisfaction.1 It shall always be my ambition to do my Duty as far as my Judgement and small Abilities may Enable me—but you will see by the within Papers2 that my Roses are not without Thorns, and perhaps it... Continue Reading
Date: 1 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13
I have the Pleasure of informing you that it is propos’d to give you the Command of the great Ship we have built at Amsterdam.1 By what you wrote to us formerly, I have ventur’d to say in your Behalf, that this Proposition would be agreable to you. You will immediately let me know your Resolution: which that you may be more clear in taking, I must inform you of some Circumstances. She... Continue Reading
Date: 1 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13
I have learnt with infinite Satisfaction your safe Arrival at Paimbeuf and long much to have that of seeing you here till then I have to inform you that I have this morning procured a post Chaise, and Horse to Captn Jones, and furnished him with Money to Conduct him to Paris, with a Letter of Introduction to the Honble Comm—1 and have also paid according to your Order 300... Continue Reading
Date: 1 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13
Juin 1778. Lundi 1er. Chasser à basbord de L’Escadre Dépuis hier à midi Jusqu’aujourd’hui a la même heure le vent a regné de L’E au SE joli frais La Routte Estimée m’a Vallu Chemin Estimé L’attitude Estimée Longitude Estimée L’o. 3o. N. 27. li ¼ 30.o 35.’ 38.o 11.’ Vent de S So. a midi la vigie a apperçu 5. batimens qui J’ai... Continue Reading
Date: 1 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13
His Majesty’s Ship under my Command,1 the Lioness2 and Convoy3 being detained here by Westerly and SWy. Winds, I enclose for their Lordships a State of both Ships.4 I am to desire you will be pleased to acquaint their Lordships that a Fisherman of this place informed me on Sunday5 after Post, that he had been spoken to on Friday... Continue Reading
Date: 2 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13
I am just arrived here with His Majestys Ship Proserpine, and in consequence of orders received from Admiral Duff1 have sent an Express to acquaint their Lordships with the sailing of the Toulon Fleet which passed Gibraltar on the 16th of May towards the Evening and came within two miles of the Proserpine as she was cruizing between Ceuta and Gibraltar, when we could plainly... Continue Reading
Date: 2 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13
The last Opportunity I had of conveying to you the occurrences arising in these parts, necessary for their Lordships’ Information was by the Alert Sloop,1 which left this place the 11th of April; since which I have received their Lordships Orders by the Proserpine, Captain Sutton2 who arrived here the 27th of April She having in her passage from England... Continue Reading
Date: 2 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13
Mardi 2. à 10 h. le Général a fait Signal A tous les Capitaines de vaisseau de venir à son bord, toute L’Escadre a mis en panne. depuis avant hier a midy jusq’aujourd’hui le vent a regné de L’E au S. La Route Corrigée m’a Vallu Chemin Corrigé L’attitude observée Longitude observée L’o ¼ No. 10 N 51. li. ¾ 31.o 18’ 42.o 30’ a 1 h ½ le général a fait... Continue Reading
Date: 2 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13
3d. Wednesday, Ever since I’ve been in Prison Here has been Vaults dug in the Yard to Empty our Tubs (untill about a fortnight Since which we Empty down at the river side about 20 Rods from this[)] this morning two from the black hole1 went out with their tub; and having a mind to try their luck Altho part of the Guard was with them as Usual they Droped the Tub & Run but... Continue Reading
Date: 3 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13
As I understand by the People of your Ship you was going to Nantes on my Arrival at this place my intention was to have applyed for their Liberty & have sent them in exchange of mine, but they have prevented me from doing it, by taking my boat in the night and going to France, in this case I should lay myself under the utmost Obligation if could be in your Power to free Mr Benest... Continue Reading
Date: 3 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13
Your letter of the 25th Ulto.1 I recd. by Yesterdays post:—I frankly ask your pardon for the undue liberty which I took the 16th: Ulto:2 when I ventured to sign a draft upon you for the purpose of supplying the people under my Command with necessary Cloathing &ca:—and I promise you never to be guilty of the like Offence again.— I hope you... Continue Reading
Date: 3 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13
I congratulate 868 [you] my dear Williams on 869 [your] Release—1 perhaps you will soon see 869–302 [your Friend] in the 708 [same] Situation—The 615 [post] of Honor may soon be in 691 [retire]ment.—I wish you saw a 458 [letter] of the 25th Ulto: spun from the Brains I believe of 453 [Lee]—It appeared 447 [last] Night—348 [He] is damnably afraid of being 123 [... Continue Reading
Date: 3 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13
I request your Honours Favour in behalf of the Officers and Men, that you would point out some Method to bring the Prizes to sail,1 which we took on the late Cruize, as We are much in want of Cloathing and other Necessaries which we cannot do without; many of Us have Wives & Children now suffering in America, the Time for which most of the People engag’d being now almost expired,... Continue Reading
Date: 3 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13
To the honourable the Commissioners of the United States of North America, the Petition of the Jovial Tars. Now on board the Continental Sloop of war Ranger, most humbley Sheweth,— That your Petitioners regard, & love For their Countrey, & dutey to there ancient fore Fathers, have most of them left there wives, and Famileys Cruized the wide Atalantick, in the most dangerous... Continue Reading
Date: 3 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13
We have the honor of enclosing to your Excellency an account of Duties paid by the Agent for necessary Supplies to the Ship of War the Boston, in the Port of Bordeaux.1 As these Duties are very heavy, & the payment of any duties on mere Supplies to Ships of War, as on merchandizes exported appears to us uncommon; we beg the favor of your Excellency to give such orders relative to... Continue Reading
Date: 3 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13
We have received Sundry Letters from Lt Simpson, and Sundry Certificates from Officers and others, concerning his Behaviour in General, and particularly upon that occasion, in which he is charged with Disobedience of orders.1 Without giving or forming any decided opinion concerning his Guilt or Innocence of the Crime laid to his Charge, We may venture to say that the Certificates We... Continue Reading
Date: 3 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13
We have recieved several Letters from You, and several Certificates from officers and others, respecting your Behaviour in general, as well as particularly relative to the Charge of Disobedience of Orders, for which you have been confined.1 It would be improper for Us, to give any Opinion concerning this Charge, which is to be determined only by Court Martial: But We have requested... Continue Reading
Date: 3 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13
This Day, pleasent Weather, the People imploy’d as usual at 12 oClock Mr. Levingston Returned from Bourdeaux,1 weigh’d Anchor & came down the River2 3 Leagues below Poliack.
Date: 3 June 1778
Volume: Volume 13


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